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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Steve Schmidt@SteveSchmidtSES13/ They hate “freedom” they can’t control, therefore they despise American Liberty and specifically its modern notion which is that at long last, freedom means freedom for everyone. That is what we are fighting about. Should we lose, the music stops. For a very long time. I adore that line 'They hate "freedom" they can't control', they being knuckle dragging lazy thinking self entitled human beings that only relate to other human beings that look, feel and talk like them.
  2. Oh I’m sure one of Johnson’s handlers will be put up for sacrifice. Whether it works or not is another thing.
  3. Wow again grounds for seeing it from both sides, you know science, social responsibility, we’re in this together 95 percent of us versus a small percentage of self entitlement, muh rights muh freedom, muh rights don’t end at your fears, you can’t mandate me being a good citizen. Makes perfect sense.
  4. Sad and I don’t say that in a mocking way. Truly sad to see how you can trace him from birth to this exact moment and what has happened in his life. Vicious cycle of how certain human beings develop and how they develop others thru the life cycle.
  5. As they chant this to themselves driving to church wearing a seatbelt.
  6. This statement and similar statements like living rent free in someone's head is sometimes (not always) an overused and sometimes incorrect, frustrating, not helpful response to sane people of all shapes, sizes and colors just trying to be socially responsible human beings. Being socially responsible does not mean living in fear you self-entitled, lazy thinking knuckle draggers. When I see people smirking around proudly wearing sweatshirts that say JustSayNo #ChrisSky all I see is Just Say No to being a good human being for one another. It's like 'I can do whatever I want, my freedom, my rights, no one can tell me what to do, sane person challenges me, look I'm living rent free in their head ha ha'. And then have a bystander come by and say yup their living rent free in your head just isn't useful. It really isn't useful as much as you think it is by generally applying with no specifics Covey's what's in your control, influence and out of your control approach to this specific situation of social responsibility.
  7. Mmmmm not really counter protestors more sane promoters.
  8. Like when people say no discredit but then go on to discredit. Dawg mentality? The 1980's called and want their word back.
  9. Well said, so what say you non nazi non racists who join a gang of people chanting freedom, no mandates, no vaccines, my body my choice with a few scattering of people signifying what you claim you are not? Do you just point at them and say I’m not with them?
  10. Are we officially done with this season or should I still hold some hope? Asking for a friend.
  11. Unless @blue_gold_84lives in his riding, I’m guessing he didn’t.
  12. For all you both sides supporters, what say you on the bolded part above?
  13. Wow 150 people?! Definitely a both sides argument requiring a coming together to share ideas and work together for a common purpose.
  14. Most often used line by Recent Oiler coaches: McDavid what are you doing?! Get. Back. Out. There. And btw where’s LD he needs to get back out there as well.
  15. Must be now hurting their bottom line, ie how best to grift and raise capital that benefits a select few.
  16. I ‘love’ when some members of media takes an obviously blatant bad behaviour, dresses it up in softer language and asks it like is it bad behaviour, did someone do something wrong? ‘When HardCoreBlue mishandled his documents that were needed for an investigation in his part of an criminal act, were these actions of mishandling inappropriate?’ Such hard hitting ‘journalism’.
  17. My guess? Pride regardless thinking it’s right wrong or somewhere in the middle.
  18. Professional Athletes, coaches and management are humans too. The stuff that happens behind the scenes can really complicate things that is way more impactful and complex than some people think. He was struggling like he said. He owned it mostly, could have handled some things better but still was pissed at not feeling wanted. Life is messy for all involved. Good luck, thanks for the years of entertainment and hope when the dust settles you retire a Blue Bomber where you belong. Oh and ps Argos suck.
  19. Fair point but could be countered with TH not a great fit in the locker room and how he holds himself on the field when adversity hits.
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