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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. What exactly is the issue with the LIV Tour? I hear the noise about the human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, so it’s a good talking point for the PGA, but they themselves have 27 major sponsors who do $40 billion in business with the Saudis, have tournaments sponsored by banks with some shady business dealings (Deutsche Bank and Wells-Fargo come to mind), and they sanction the PGA China tour in a country with its own highly questionable human rights record. So is this a legitimate concern or just hypocrisy from the big boy on the block not wanting another group to cut into their monopoly? Opinions from those more in the know than me, please.
  2. My understanding is that the appeals court based in Atlanta that has appellate jurisdiction over this case has 11 members, 6 of whom were Trump appointees (all from the Federalist Society, and 4 of whom Trump put on his short-list for SCOTUS before Comey-Barrett got picked), so already concerns about partisan voting on the issue (stunning that a court should have to worry about that, but again the entire SCOTUS balance has had this issue for decades, which should de-legitimize any decision coming out of it regardless of which party you support). Some portions of the appeal before the circuit court (emergency measures - say in this case a review of the Judge’s ruling that the investigation must completely stop while the documents are being examined by the Special Master) can be reviewed by the District Court Justice, who can also look at opinions on the case before the court. The District Court is assigned by the Supreme Court, with one of its Justices appointed to cover the region. The overseeing SCOTUS Justice for that district? Clarence Thomas.
  3. The team looking to move him (which they acknowledged last season) and him asking for a trade are very different things. Even submitting a list of teams (which he was required to do as of July 1 when his full no-move lapsed) is different than asking outright for a trade. You said he asked for a trade, and wondered how I possibly could have missed it during the off-season. Now you admit you have no quote of source but are “deducing” it. Again, the team looking to move him and him asking are very different things. Please don’t lump him in the Evander Kane/Jacob Trouba/ Patrick Laine disgruntled group.
  4. The same rumours that were swirling around Scheifele. Lowry’s salary is brought up when looking at his performance. He underperformed last year compared to the value of his contract, in many eyes. You need more than 20 points and third/fourth line production for the money he is making, even if he can win faceoffs. Respect aside, there is a reason teams make their best players captains - so that when they demand more from their teammates they can defend themselves against the “yeah, who are YOU to say that?” blowback with solid underlying numbers and game production.
  5. Do you have a source for that? Could not find anything in Google, other than all the media articles or Twitter saying he SHOULD be traded, or WILL be traded. Those requests came from disgruntled fans, not Wheeler himself, from what I read. But I may have missed something.
  6. Not if you believe the rumours that have been floating around. That aside, when the Captain has to lean on the group to say they need to be better, who will respond to a guy who had 21 points on a $3.25 million contract last year, and whose daddy they didn’t play hard for?
  7. The fact that the Super Bowl trophy is presented to the owner first each year tells you where the players rank on the hierarchy there. And that TV deal per team For one year is 42% of the players’ concussion settlement total amount. League has never cared about its players.
  8. Nah, the Libtard snowflake sheeple are just falling for another Big Pharma/Bill Gates 5G nanotech tracking scam. FREEDOM! My body, my choice.
  9. Marco Polo, William Howard Taft, Agatha Christie, Fay Wray, Gaylord Perry, Tommy Lee Jones, Oliver Stone, Pete Carroll, Dan Marino, Tom Hardy, Patrick Marleau, and Prince Harry were all born in this date, FWIW. Rocket Richard retired on this date, and Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
  10. This may not be confirmed through other sources yet, but is reported:
  11. I think the picture is supposed to represent the death of good taste in clothing. Sobriety appears to not have been involved when choosing that ensemble.
  12. I blame the deejays. Beholden to the corporate sponsors, everyone afraid to say “booger” on air for fear of being fired! Dr John would never have stood for it. 🤣
  13. True, but it is surprising when the media still reports it like it is some big deal to give a player time off, or ask questions to the head coach. Or how fans get bent out of shape. The tide is turning about the acceptability of it as far as athletes go, but it wasn’t too long ago this was still a controversial subject. And not all teams were so acquiescent. This shouldn’t really be a debate, and yet it is. This from only ten years ago: https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/brad-wilson/2012/11/post_37.html ”Should NFL players miss games because their children are being born? This uncomfortable issue strode on the national stage this week when Chicago cornerback Charles Tillman said he may miss Sunday night's potential Super Bowl preview with the Houston Texans because his wife is near giving birth. Tillman later said the baby will be born Monday and he'll be ready to play but not before stirring up a significant issue. Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger said in September it would be an easy call for him. “I'm not missing the birth of my child,” said Roethlisberger to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Ed Bouchette. "There’s no chance. I know some fans probably don't want to hear that, but there’s no chance." The Philadelphia Eagles faced that situation this week with defensive end Darryl Tapp, who did not make the trip to New Orleans so he could be on hand for his daughter's birth. "(Family) does (come first)," Tapp said. "(The Eagles are) my family, too, but I went and talked to Coach Reid and he sent me away. ‘You've got to take care of this. This is your first one,' he said. I was happy to go but I definitely missed being out there with the guys." Reid's response to Tapp was the purely human one and the one most people would imagine they'd give. What kind of Gradgrindian boss wouldn't give an employee off for a child's birth? However, the counter argument is that NFL players are singularly well-compensated to show up 16 times a year and play. Missing a practice or a preseason game for a birth is one thing, but when it comes to games the player should recognize the uniqueness of his work situation and put the game over his family, the argument goes. That was the philosophy of then-Houston Oilers offensive line coach Bob Young when offensive tackle David Williams missed a game because his wife had given birth the night before. "This is like World War II when guys were going to war and something would come up but they had to go," Young said. "My wife told me she was having a baby and I said, 'Honey, I've got to go play a football game.' David let the guys down, and he let hundreds of thousands of fans down." Nowadays, it might be OK for a lineman like Williams to miss a game for a childbirth, but if high-profile skill position players did, the outcry from fantasy football sorts would be heard in China. In any case, the only humane thing to do is, of course, excuse the player for the birth and wish him well. Reid's response to Tapp was the right one, and one that all NFL officials should agree to follow.“
  14. Reading all the comments on Twitter, Americans seem to be having that good chuckle at the absurdity of this, commenting on the wig or “is this where Liberals hang out?” Or Burger King references for Trump. What no one seems to be factoring in is the fact that a guy with a GUN was out looking to kill people and walking into a public place to do so. The attitude to guns is so casual there, this threat does not even register. Such a lost nation.
  15. Both Manitoba and Ontario have decided not to follow the National holiday idea. Smart move, for the reasons Speedflex outlined.
  16. Congratulations to Cody and his wife Laura on the pending arrival of their son. Hope all goes smoothly, and good on the Riders for letting him leave to attend this huge event in person.
  17. Schoen is the go-to on broken plays for Collaros, Ellingson for sure has been better here. In fact, when computing reception percentage (receptions divided by overall targets) Bailey is 7th best on the team. Like it or not, stats are how players are measured in all sports. So to say he is good except where the stats show him disappearing means he is still disappearing. Love his effort, but he has underperformed this year compared to his last two seasons, and is not dominating like so many thought “Showtime Scheed” would have when the year started. But as last game showed, he can still make a difference, and hopefully he gets on a roll now.
  18. Not a Yankees fan, but rooting hard for Judge. Very impressed with him meeting that kid and the Blue Jays fan after the viral home run ball incident in Toronto this summer. Classy move, makes him easy to like when so many stars are above it all.
  19. Bailey amongst his teammates: 2nd in targets (4th TPG), 3rd in receptions (4th RPG), 5th in yards (6th YPG), 7th in avg. yards per catch, 3rd in TDs. His numbers are down on average from his last two seasons (about 0.5 targets, 1 catch, and 15 yards per game), so it is fair to say he has underperformed statistically this year. And all of those numbers for this year were buoyed by the last game, his best of the year. So saying he hasn’t performed well is in fact an opinion up for debate and can be bolstered by certain numbers, just as the eye test of other factors such as blocking and character and effort can be pointed out in favour of the opinion that he is playing well. But to say “he isn’t playing well is not an opinion it’s just wrong” is inaccurate, and calling it “a crock of s*it” and insulting other posters by saying they should feel bad for having a differing “wrong” opinion is unnecessary. Maybe we can strive for more civilized debate around here, seems there has been a lot more mud-slinging , bad language, and general mean-spiritedness in posts in the past few weeks IMO (maybe back-to-backs with the Riders and all the vitriol spewed about them, their players, coaches, and their fan base has carried over). Let’s all try to be as classy as we say this Bomber team is, and not be as low class as we say the Riders are, can we? Anyway, here is a picture of a puppy and a bunny to hopefully make everyone more pleasant.
  20. Curious. Just yesterday all I saw from Conservatives on Twitter was how the 70% vote for Pierre proved that this was a strongly united party and that Trudeau was now in trouble with such a unified front opposing him.
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