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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Now is that different lies, or are they counting the same lie repeated again and again as multiple lies?
  2. As we hit 12:00 pm Washington time, let us count down to the dawn of a new era and the closing of this thread. 5....4....3....2....1....
  3. Gotta say I like the COVID mask team intro. It’s the small details that made the thread better.
  4. Small sample size so I won’t make blanket statements, but Niku has not covered himself in glory these past two games. Stastny to net front on the power play showed some promise, quick passing decisions with the puck that made the others move it with more purpose. Having said that, Scheifele may need to practice recovering the puck off the boards on his backhand when the power play shot goes wide - lost the zone 3-4 times when he couldn’t corral the puck on the rebound. Actually thought Brossoit was pretty steady given the shot volume and quality. Ottawa at 5 on 6 looked like the Jets’ penalty kill, just standing around letting the play come to them rather than pressuring and forcing. Felt very confident the Jets would score given the time they had to set up. And Ottawa’s passiveness continued in overtime, not the way to win games. Happy with the W but taking 20 minutes off a night and playing from behind is not a long term winning strategy. But 2-1 with lots of room for improvement is encouraging if you play the glass half full game.
  5. That leads to the open question of what happens if there is a tie procedural vote on party lines. Could Harris act as Judge and also cast a tie-breaking vote as President of the Senate? So once out of office, what other dirt comes out about his time in office? Will the full depth of his corruption be exposed or will people in the media just move on with the indictments he has pending? Will we see the monetary side deals that have so far not been uncovered? And will the pee tape ever see the light of day - more or less likely now that he is out?
  6. COVID related symptoms was cause of death.
  7. It will probably depend on the type of player. When the NHL took a year off pretty much all the old vets did not look good upon return, but the main reason cited was that the game had gotten faster and more wide open and they couldn’t keep up. With the physicality of football, a year off could help many vets heal, but the speed will be diminished. Harris has never been a speed back, so he might benefit from the extra time. DB’s, WR’s and those who rely on pure speed as their biggest asset could suffer.
  8. So like every other fan base out there.
  9. Fajardo would be the goalie. Because he likes goal posts as well.
  10. Andrew Harris officially back. https://www.bluebombers.com/2021/01/15/still-get-chills-drive-ig-field-harris-returns/
  11. Contract year. Great pick-up in your fantasy draft.
  12. Didn’t miss the 1st. Just don’t base my entire perception of a player off of 20 minutes.
  13. Yeah, that goal Forbert saved was awful. 🙄 You often complain that Maurice rides his top lines too much, and now you want to have him do just that. Do you even hear yourself, or do you just complain for the sake of it?
  14. Jersey numbers are noticably bigger on the back this year to my eye.
  15. Ah yes, here is an example of the “unity” they were begging for: And some more from Qanon Congresswoman Greene, in case you thought the Biden impeachment stunt is a one-off and not her true personality:
  16. So “horns guy” who stormed the Capitol and was quoted saying he wasn’t afraid of being arrested is now on a hunger strike since he can’t have his usual granola diet with white linen napkins, and his pillow isn’t fluffed for him by the turn down service maids (OK, not all of those claims may be accurate). But hearing this, it dawned on me that many of these keyboard warrior white supremacists who stormed the building are now going to sharing jail cells with a majority of non-white inmates. Wonder how the Confederate flag and swastika tattoos and Camp Auschwitz t-shirts are going to over with that crowd? Action-consequence in real time. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/man-breached-capitol-fur-hat-004453775.html
  17. You think his wife will never bring it up again? Have you ever BEEN married? *check over my shoulder to make sure my wife isn’t behind me before I hit send*
  18. Kudos for owning your mistake and not doubling down. You are forgiven, now just put this on.
  19. From all I heard, this was coming even before the attack on the Capitol. He was a lousy credit risk and they wanted to pull the plug a while ago given the optics of his corrupt Presidency and how it tarnished them. They were going to do it right after Inauguration Day, but the sedition hastened that announcement to now.
  20. So I have been ruminating for a while on Bluto’s “Your Hate Goes Here” thread from a while back and was curious how people would apply it to US Politics? I find it hard to rank politicians because every day someone new seems to take the lead. So does anyone want to take their 100 hate points and assign them? Both parties are fair game.
  21. Ok thanks. But his salary won’t count against the NHL cap, correct?
  22. Active cases down 1,300, hospitalizations down 77, ICU cases down 11 with only 3 deaths. Better news all around.
  23. So except for Perrault all those guys are Moose bound. Can someone who understands capology better than I explain the impact of Matty’s waiver? If he clears, do we need to buy out his contract if we release him? What is the cap hit then? Right now he runs us $4.125 million cap hit, and with Little going to LTIR that would free up a max. $9.4 million, if that is how it works. Long term Laine signing or new Roslovic contract in the offing with that extra cash? Any insights?
  24. So this is repeated in the Random Jets news so comments can go there, but for the sake of the waiver wire thread where this should belong:
  25. Remember the sway and depth that the Trump vote holds. 74 million Americans! voted for him this time, and they are essentially one issue voters - we hate Liberals. The vast majority of the 81 million who voted for Biden were likely one issue voters too - we hate Trump. That issue is now gone, so getting that 81 million vote coalition could well be tougher next time. GOP will never court the left wing vote, but are not going to ignore 74 million potential votes for themselves, regardless of how repugnant those voters may be, so they will court the extreme right wing as that is where the voters have shifted to. Dems consistently struggle with a unified voice at the polls (old guard vs. Progressives vs Bernie Bros.) and it is said that liberals in the US are still more conservative than Canadian conservatives. So when that vote gets split, a minority that is unified can outnumber a splintered majority. I honestly think if Trump ran as an Independent in 2024 he could outnumber both existing parties (at least I believed that before the insurrection, we’ll see how short memories are in 4 years’ time). So not surprising that Republicans would not disregard that sizable voting block.
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