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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Two questions: 1) Would most of the Looney Tunes cartoons be banned today for some form of offensive content as deemed by the PC crowd (acts of violence with coyote/road runner or Daffy Duck hunting, Bugs in drag insulting the transgender crowd, Porky Pig being an insensitive caricature of the disability of stuttering, Pepe le Pew being a sexual predator, etc? 2) Is it still the funniest most subversively clever cartoon series out there (if we agree that it once was)?
  2. They seem to vote a surprising number of those folks into power, though. New interim leader being just another example. One interesting early (conspiracy?) theory on Twitter - Bergen is going to go even more hard right, and when a new leader is elected they will scale back to where they are now to correct the trajectory and look “moderate” by comparison to woo voters.
  3. And if you open the link and read the comments afterwards, one of the messages from a Marc Luscher rips this “critic” for his bitter rantings from the “unwanted less-favoured adopted son and not the truly loved natural-born offspring” - signed Marc (and most certainly not Joel). Nice to see sibling rivalry alive and well. marc luscher Feb 1·edited Feb 1 ah, yes. the bitter rantings of the less-favored *adopted* "twin", the useless appendage finally forced off the coattails of his more successful "twin" (whom Mother ACTIALLY pushed out her birth canal, by the way, who WAS loved, who did NOT sleep in a dog cage in the garage, who was NOT given the same second-hand Lite-Brite for three consecutive Christmas’s) ... but he who by means of a sad attempt at barely recognizable humor wishes to lash out at his handsome, loved, talented "twin" - NOT chosen from a budget orphanage catalog - in the pathetic hope of seeming relevant. get a life, get a solo hit movie, and get on without me, already ! -marc (and most certainly not Joel)
  4. The convoy went to Ottawa to oust the PM. Got Scheer instead, the only leader to meet with them. And the guy millions of Canadians supposedly despise or hate, and who was “just not ready”, has now seen the backs of 3 Conservative leaders during his tenure.
  5. Updated list: 5 days left until free agency. As far as I can tell from the roster on blue bombers.com and the free agent list on cfl.ca, here is where we are at: Bold = confirmed signed Plain = pending free agent Italics = on roster, presumably signed but contract status not reported (any help to clarify would be appreciated) Underlined = released QB - D. Brown, Collaros, McGuire RB - Augustine, Borsa, Harris, M. Miller, Oliveira WR - Adams, Bailey, Demski, Grant, Jackson, Lawler, McKnight, O’Leary-Orange, Wolitarsky OL - Bryant, Burks, Couture, Desjarlais, Eli, Gray, Hardrick, Kolankowski, Neufeld, Richmond DL - Antigua, Jeffcoat, Jefferson, Kongbo, Richardson, E. Rose, Sayles, Thomas, Walker, Wicker, Wilcots II LB - Bighill, Briggs, K. Brown, Cadwaller, Gauthier, Hansen, Lowes, Maruo, Wilson DB - Alexander, Alford, Darby, Ni. Hallett, No. Hallett, Hampton, Houston, Johnson, Jones, Kramdi, Matson, J. Miller, Nichols, W. Rose, Taylor, Thompson K - Castillo, Crapigna, Liegghio, Mourtada LS - Benson
  6. Great signing for a guy some wanted cut after a few drops to start the year last season. Glad that the coaching staff’s patience was rewarded.
  7. Without an established QB, no o-line or running game, probably will be as threatening as these guys.
  8. Heinola with a brutal pinch on the winning goal.
  9. So some may have noticed that I am not a fan of hypocrisy, so I always enjoy those who call it out, and use receipts to emphasize that point intelligently and without means to refute it. So Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki has been a breath of fresh air, especially on the heels of the rogue’s gallery that preceded her. This question and answer almost looks like a softball set-up by the news reporter, but the answer is simple, fantastic, and throws shade at the perfect target.
  10. Twitter is so expansive that there is still plenty of good stuff out there for sure. But boy are there swaths of idiots there too. And yes there is value in drowning out the noise as you say, and it can be very productive. I try not to tune out everything I don’t agree with just so I can at least see where “the other side” is leaning and will judge as best I can armed with multiple viewpoints. But that takes nothing away from your “vacuum” approach as you put it, which is totally fine and probably less stress-inducing. Equal value in your approach, certainly.
  11. Twitter is by and large accurately described as “a megaphone for morons”, but every once in a while a nugget comes up. This thread was a gold mine.
  12. I’m sure that will be the deciding factor for Kyle Walters then. 😉 Are you suggesting he played the Bomber fans for suckers and only used us to leverage a better deal out of BC with no real desire to return here?
  13. Would reiterate that this is worth the read, even if you feel it is a long. One thing that crept up in my mind was a tweet someone wrote when Novak Djokovic was being kicked out of Australia and his parents and supporters were crying about oppression, and it applies here too: ”When you have lived a life of privilege, it can be easy to mistake inconvenience with oppression”.
  14. I’ll be curious how quiet the board will get if we sign Duke.
  15. That was too much, and not nearly enough. Thanks for venting your spleen and expressing what so many feel but are too exhausted from the noise to say again.
  16. Replace “white man” with “Republican” and “coloured man” with “Democrat” and you have the same sentiment today as you did 60 years ago with this quote: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon B. Johnson Point being, it’s all about feeling superior to someone to give your ego a boost and wipe away your feelings of self-failure and isolation by giving you a like-minded group to identify with.
  17. This guy seems ready to make a comeback too (maybe saw the Bowman and Arceneaux signings), although by the way he is huffing and puffing I’m a little worried about his conditioning.
  18. The timing is equally unbelievable. Today is actually International Holocaust Remembrance Day. I kid you not.
  19. Freedom is something you fight for, because that kind of power must be earned and respected. Entitlement is something you expect to be handed to you because you believe it is your automatic right above all others. Way too many people today seem to falsely equate the two as the same thing.
  20. So I asked myself this very question about how the committee can get around someone pleading the 5th, and this video does a decent job explaining some of the options. Bottom line, if the committee really needs testimony they will offer immunity. And then they need to be picky about who it is offered to. It needs to be someone who (a) is not such a big fish that giving them a break will feel like a deal with the devil that perverts justice (b) has important enough information to pin down the real targets (c) someone whose testimony can be found reliable and credible, or can be proven to be a lie thus opening them up for perjury if they try to lie (d) has a side benefit that the damage to their reputation offsets the loss of criminal prosecution and hurts them anyway (e) someone who has legitimate fear of worse criminal consequences if they refuse to take an immunity deal, so they are motivated to cut a deal to save their skin and will give up the good dirt. So who fits that orbit?
  21. Updated list: 14 days left until free agency. As far as I can tell from the roster on blue bombers.com and the free agent list on cfl.ca, here is where we are at: Bold = confirmed signed Plain = pending free agent Italics = on roster, presumably signed but contract status not reported (any help to clarify would be appreciated) Underlined = released QB - D. Brown, Collaros, McGuire RB - Augustine, Borsa, Harris, M. Miller, Oliveira WR - Adams, Bailey, Demski, Grant, Jackson, Lawler, McKnight, O’Leary-Orange, Wolitarsky OL - Bryant, Burks, Couture, Desjarlais, Eli, Gray, Hardrick, Kolankowski, Neufeld, Richmond DL - Antigua, Jeffcoat, Jefferson, Kongbo, Richardson, E. Rose, Sayles, Thomas, Walker, Wicker, Wilcots II LB - Bighill, Briggs, K. Brown, Cadwaller, Gauthier, Hansen, Lowes, Maruo, Wilson DB - Alexander, Alford, Darby, Ni. Hallett, No. Hallett, Hampton, Houston, Johnson, Jones, Kramdi, Matson, J. Miller, Nichols, W. Rose, Taylor, Thompson K - Castillo, Crapigna, Liegghio, Mourtada LS - Benson
  22. Here is an article on the statistics surrounding NFL vs NCAA overtime. FYI the CFL overtime is like NCAA (they start on the 25, is the 35, so field goals are the same length) except they are not required to go for a 2 point convert on a TD until the second OT, and from the 3rd OT and beyond, each team basically tries a 2 point convert (alternating one play drives). Suffice to say the stats bear out that the NCAA rules provide a “fairer” outcome. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/08/sport/football-overtime-rules-college-vs-nfl/index.html
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