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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Missed this local one from Wednesday night. Greg Brodsky - revered criminal defence lawyer in the city, although he hadn’t actually won a case of great significance in the last 25-30 years. https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/winnipeg/2022/2/10/1_5776888.amp.html
  2. Gosh, so many rules in the “how to be a fan” handbook, it’s hard to keep track of them all. What about former players in a current form of the jersey that they never actually wore?
  3. For anyone who is interested, here is Andrew Harris’ media session introducing him to the Argos: https://www.cfl.ca/2022/02/10/andrew-harris-introductory-press-conference-with-argos/
  4. People, people. There is only one clear choice here…….
  5. Think I saw something here about it. Wireless tech, don’t you know!
  6. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/02/09/sport/jeremy-giambi-death-mlb-spt/index.html Some early reports suggest suicide.
  7. Montreal has 8 wins this year, on pace for 14/15. They won 13 playoff games last year. As far as I can tell, no team has ever won less regular season games than their previous year’s playoff total. This needs to happen!
  8. Figure skating team medal ceremony postponed. May be a doping infraction by the Russians. The Canadian team finished 4th so they could slide up to the bronze. Not sure what the team disqualification would do to each individual performer in their individual events coming up. Just a reminder that Russia is already “banned” due to a massive statewide doping scandal from Sochi. No dignitaries, no standing under he national flag, no anthem, and yet all the athletes still get to compete. And now they may have cheated again. Just another example of what a joke the IOC is. Kick them all out for another 10 years.
  9. “Let’s Go” by The Cars ”I Get Knocked Down (But I Get Up Again)” by Chumbawumba “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen ”Here I Go Again” by Whitesnake ”Dance the Night Away” by Van Halen or my two personal favorites: This peppy bubble gum classic by Carl Douglas which fits the whole “Shall We Dance” tongue in cheek vibe, plus has an awesomely cheesy video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bmfudW7rbG0 or this more intense rap classic by L L Cool J:
  10. Not sure what you have seen in his history to ever rate him that highly. He has never been thrown to with regularity. His best season was 2.5 catches per game. To hit 1,000 yards he’d need to average 60 yards per game, and in 3 seasons he’s only had 4 games over that total. His history paints as a Jamie Stoddard level contributor. Now maybe if they moved him inside to become more of a possession slot receiver, he would get more looks. But why haven’t they done that that with him?
  11. All the reports I read say Streveler wants starter money. That would likely put him in the $350,000-400,000 range based on market valuation. Whether he would actually command that once the dust settles is speculative, teams are spending at a decent clip right now, so maybe no one makes an offer near that and he has to re-evaluate. But he could make $225,000-250,000 just sitting on an NFL practice roster. If he’s going to ride the pine as a back-up, makes more sense to him to stick it out in The Show. Right now it would most likely take more than that salary to lure him back here. Not sure I see the Bombers spending $850,000+ on their QBs.
  12. Read the whole Hamilton article. A bit of fear mongering in it. Like a move away from Harris, despite all the logical points involving cost, age, and injury, would be a PR disaster and spell possible doom for the team. “Just imagine his first press conference, complaining about Winnipeg’s unwillingness to make room for him, while dressed in Riders green. Imagine trying to stop a revitalized Andrew Harris with a giant chip on his shoulder. The Bombers have built up plenty of good will over the years – winning will do that. But it seems unwise to test that by saying goodbye to, unquestionably, one of the most popular players in team history. Simply put, Harris is quite likely the only player capable of defeating the Bombers in the court of public opinion. For it to even get to that point would be a big mistake. The good news is there are some options that could still be in play. Maybe club president and CEO Wade Miller decides to step in. If there’s anything Miller cares most about, it’s the financial health of the team. Bottom line: Harris puts butts in seats, and no jersey is more prominent at home games than his No. 33. Or, perhaps, Walters and O’Shea come to their senses and a deal gets done.” Hey, if he is so wanted by all of his teammates that they have voiced their displeasure with the club, then surely they would all be more than willing to take a pay cut to pay him his salary. 0.25% per player would do it. Who wants to ask Adam Bighill, who forfeited 60% of his salary to help the team through the pandemic year, and left another $65,000 minimum on the table this year, to hand over more of his salary so Andrew doesn’t get his nose out of joint. Or if Harris is such a consummate team leader, maybe he follows Bighill’s lead and reduces his ask in the spirit of team harmony. This isn’t show friends, it is show business, and Harris is asking a lot for a 35 year old coming off a knee and ankle injury who missed half the (already shortened) season and skipped the vast majority of practice while his teammates went through the daily grind. If he wants to still play and another team wants to sign him, I wish him all the best and thank him for his service. But his money is much better spent on replacing a suddenly much thinner receiving corps, a more stable kicking option, and run stoppers on the d-line. Or trade Oliviera and ride Harris for another year for a short term Grey Cup defence, knowing it will harm them in the longer term. Which approach do folks around here want?
  13. I‘ll agree except I’ll use the word “opponent” instead of “enemy”.
  14. Maybe Jeff could have convinced the media not to piss off Harris by excluding him from all-star and Schenley voting a few years back, since he’s so concerned about how to keep Andrew here.
  15. I don’t think this hurts Harris’ legacy unless he burns bridges on his way out (rips the city like Brock or runs down the team like Mike Kelly after his first departure or Gerald Wilcox). Simply leaving for another team won’t damage him. Martin Brodeur left for a short stint in St. Louis and Michael Jordan went to Washington - neither of them were stained by that unsuccessful last act. Tom Brady went on and it only enhanced his legacy by winning elsewhere. Harris apparently wants to still play and the Bombers apparently want to save his salary for something else. Any fans who think that him going elsewhere damages his legacy are simply taking a page from the Boston butt-hurt fan playbook who whined about Brady’s retirement speech not giving enough credit to the Patriot organization, or giving any to the Bucs. Had nothing to really do with “legacy” and more to do with emotions and hurt feelings. Yeah, (not to mention) him too. 😁
  16. Maybe before the Grey Cups, but now I believe the team could survive in keeping interest and gaining revenue without his image. They can plaster the reigning MOP on posters if they want, use Willie J as the charismatic face of the team, and sell Demski and Oliviera as the hometown heroes.
  17. Probably better to keep O’Shea at arms length. This is contract negotiations, all about dollars and cents. The head coach needs to motivate his player to play and fit whatever role is needed on the field, not to sign for less money off it. Keep that relationship strong on the field and let Walters/Miller take the heat and resentment for any alleged shortchanging in the boardroom.
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