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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Donny O. Not even going to attempt that last name.
  2. Just a gentle tease. No harm done, and as always appreciate the effort with the game day threads.
  3. Does this mean when you see a fight you want “more, more, more”? 🤣 The game is not played that way anymore. And on cue, a bit of a scuffle.
  4. I think he was saying it in the manner of “that’s NOT what I would tell my daughters to do” given the next sentence, but a very badly managed attempt at sarcasm.
  5. And now it’s up to the judge to hammer this guy and show that no remorse in the form of a guilty plea means a very stiff sentence.
  6. Wasn’t on the last one either, in hindsight. But Lowry will be gone before the players.
  7. So I imagine the club had an some ideas for last year but put them on hold to honour Bob Irving once they knew it was his last year. So what pecking order do people think is in place for the Ring of Honour? I would think names from the 75th anniversary team must be at the top of the list in some order. Looking at that list, here are the 10 players who made that squad who are not up on facade of IG Field yet (the other 10 selected for that 75th anniversary team, plus coach Bud Grant, Irving, and Doug Brown, are honoured already). Greg Battle, Tom Casey, Tom Clements, Rick House, Trevor Kennerd, James Murphy, Joe Poplawski, Willard Reaves, Frank Rigney, Charles Roberts Additionally, Cal Murphy is likely on the short list, and at a rate of one honouree per year, some members of the current squad will be ripe for induction in the next few years (Collaros, Harris, Jefferson, Bighill, and Bryant would likely lead that list) Additionally, notable names from the team’s Hall of Fame (and this is not at all an exhaustive list) include the likes of Bud Tinsley, Jeff Nicklin, Ernie Pitts, Dave Raimey, Don Jonas, Bob Swift, John Bonk, Bill Frank, Charlie Shepherd, James West, Ty Jones, Rod Hill, Troy Westwood, Stan Mikawos, Matt Dunigan, and Khari Jones. So what order do people have for their top 10 for the next decade? And should the club honour more than one person a year given how many players could be up on the ring (I would say yes - double up for the next 5 years or so)? And what separates the Ring of Honour from the Hall of Fame? My next 10 in order would be: 1. Cal Murphy (statue already) 2. Joe Poplawski (gate name already) 3. Tom Casey (all-star at 4 positions in the golden era) 4. James Murphy (record holder in everything before Stegall) 5. Frank Rigney (“best o-lineman ever” tag before Walby) 6. Jeff Nicklin (league trophy honoured his sacrifice, we should too) 7. Stanley Bryant (assuming he’s retired by then) 8. Charles Roberts (rushing record holder) 9. Andrew Harris 10. Rod Hill (with apologies to Greg Battle and Ty Jones)
  8. Actually, you get to hear the goals (at least the horn and the cheering) 5 seconds before Edmunds can spit out “he scores”.
  9. He had good chemistry with Collaros, and no one in the game blocks downfield better as a receiver, IMO. A loss like this is the price of winning a championship when everyone deserves or wants a raise. The ask was not unreasonable but more than we could afford to keep other pieces around.
  10. Playing the Ottawa Rough Riders in 1995. Two uniforms sent off to the dustbin of history.
  11. Gambling is another form of addiction, and if you crave winning that much, you will bet on what you know. Hardly the first player to have issues with gambling, won’t be the last. Not sure if is “stupidity” or “immaturity” or a “life of entitlement” that makes pro athletes do this sometimes.
  12. To borrow an old joke from Dennis Miller from 25 years ago when he was still funny and relevant “The last time I saw a battle plan that simple was when I played Stratego with Judy Landers”. And it would be nice to think he is trying to troll the left, but his history of dumb statements (inject bleach, stare at an eclipse, UV light up the butt, nuke hurricanes) and doubling down when challenged suggests he is completely serious that this is a sound idea.
  13. So Shell, since you got oil at 23% off the going rate, I look forward to you dropping gas prices down to $1.26 at the pump at all your stations any day now. You’ll be able to corner the market with that discount. Yeah, I won’t hold my breath.
  14. Yes, and like most of the daily angst on this board, it was overblown and sorted itself out by people with more wisdom and control over the situation than us. Would love to see Grant back, but if the cost of his return prevents us from signing another receiver or re-upping Castillo, Kongbo, or Desjarlais if they rerun from the NFL, then I am certain our scouts can unearth another cheaper undersized speedster in the vast array of NCAA prospects and O’Shea and company can coach him up on the nuance of the CFL return game. Plus, we have an in-house solution in Demski if pressed. Grant would seem to be low priority in the big picture, and contract talks would seem to reflect that.
  15. Bud Korchak. Winnipeg born, played with St. John’s and Elmwood before joining the Bombers as a flying wing, 3 time all-star. Wanted to go with Bob McNamara, but the only picture I could find of him in a 96 jersey would not load. But he deserves a mention if for nothing else than for holding one of the more unbreakable records in football with a 6 touchdown game against BC. Alex Hall also a consideration, now best known for the trade which started our o-line re-build with Pat Neufeld.
  16. If a player does nothing other than be a returner, I don’t think they could expect to earn much more than the league minimum. Grant never saw the field as a rusher or receiver in his time here. With the cost of keeping the core intact, I would imagine he would be about as low priority as it would get, and I say that knowing how good he was at the return game. One would think as far as replacements go, that position would be one of the easier ones to fill for a cheaper option.
  17. Really no competition at this number except for Gord Rowland.
  18. “Regina, the city that smells like it sounds”
  19. Problem is that “success” has 3 S’s, whereas “suck” has only the one, so that “S” above is truly a sign of “suck”.
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