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White Out

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Posts posted by White Out



    Wow it's these kind of comments that make me wonder. Early last year that is all he was. Clutch. He won some games where it looked like a certain loss. This game he drove the field and got us within a field goal of winning. The loss of down was stupid but something that shouldn't happen again. Regardless he got close enough for the field goal and it was missed.

    Are you really going to rope off the first 5 games of last season? How about the Banjo Bowl, or the other Rider home game with 2 late game killing picks? Drew had a fantastic start to 2014 then he was brutally average or worse.

    I can rope it off because our offensive line went to complete **** after that.



    nothing changed. nadda. zilch. Willy won with that offensive line, then, he threw stupid mindless picks and lost a tonne of football with them that same year.

  2. Wow it's these kind of comments that make me wonder. Early last year that is all he was. Clutch. He won some games where it looked like a certain loss. This game he drove the field and got us within a field goal of winning. The loss of down was stupid but something that shouldn't happen again. Regardless he got close enough for the field goal and it was missed.



    Are you really going to rope off the first 5 games of last season? How about the Banjo Bowl, or the other Rider home game with 2 late game killing picks? Drew had a fantastic start to 2014 then he was brutally average or worse.  

  3. I'm not suggesting Willy is regressing. I'm suggesting that he's simply not a clutch quarterback. Actually that's hardly an assertion. That's just pointing out what can be proven with stats and numbers. I gaurentee a disproportionate number of his interceptions are in the 4th.


    Also, the dude threw a 10 yard pick to a Stampeder player with no one near him. He only had to make  30 yards or so in 30 seconds. It wasn't a desperate hail mary 70 yard bomb picked off.

  4. Yeah







    Too many dumb choices, plays and mistakes. O'Shea is beginning to make me think that his hiring was a mistake and we might not have too much room to snigger at the Riders and Chamblin. It may be a toss-up as to who gets axed first.

    Could be.  We may have a better idea by the end of the season.  The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like.


    Too many dumb choices, plays and mistakes. O'Shea is beginning to make me think that his hiring was a mistake and we might not have too much room to snigger at the Riders and Chamblin. It may be a toss-up as to who gets axed first.

    Could be.  We may have a better idea by the end of the season.  The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like.
    We've had too many LaPolice/Rheinbold/Burke moments of late and the scary thing is that Willy sure as spit looks like he is regressing.
    How does he look like he's regressing? Lmfao. Calgary has one of the best pass defences in the league.. He did rather well did he not?The things people chose to try and claim around here at times..
    When Willy's game deserted him last year, his biggest failing was his inability to handle blitzes and folding in crunch time. That's pretty much what happened tonight.

    Uh. I saw him handle the blitz really well up til the last play of the game with the int. not sure what game you were watching.

    He either tossed it away or dumped it off for small gains.. He also made some great throws in the face of it too.



    Great retort. Willy was fine until he threw a game killing interception... or didnt call time out on a drive killing penalty. You either have it in the clutch or you dont. Right now, Willy is not a clutch guy. When the pressure is on he gets worse. That's just fact. Will it improve, God I hope so. It's his 2nd year as a starter but  hes' going to be 29 in November. He's actually past his prime in football years. Or entering the final stages of it.


    Once you've tasted success, nothing else measures up.

    The world and especially sports cannot be viewed so such a black and white version of the world. There is a plethora of grey area to consider IMO.



    I guess my larger, over arching point is that this is still a sports league, where championships matter. No championships in 24 years, compounded with a really poor regular season record has left me with almost no fuse left for this team. And it sucks because I recognize that this club has improved and we're 2-2.

  6. Is 34 really that old? I dont know, it feels like it. Last time my Bombers were a good team was the 80's We've had sporadic success since then.... a few Grey Cup appearances then we would just as quickly sink back into mediocrity. So it's actually been a really lousy 2 and a half decades of being a Bomber fan (holy crap 25 years..)


    I feel like us older guys maybe lack some perspective and are easier to anger. I guess I'd ask for patience from others who wonder why I fly off the handle a little too fast. I'm just exhausted from my team that I grew up with become the worst team in the league, and for so long.

    Now with that said, it's not O'Shea's fault what happened for 23 of those years. It's not Walters fault for... 22? Willy has thrown some really bad, awfully timed interceptions but it's not his fault either that this team has been so bad for so long. So honestly, how do you a lot of people around here stay focused on the long term seemingly and not get so disheartened after losses like this? I mean this post in all earnest , no bs. I find myself the same way with some Jets players but can think longer term with them... and they've been gone since 15 years and didn't win a thing when I was a kid.


    Do the Bomber fans out in the internet land think Walters is the long term key? Is O'Shea a good long term gamble, and these blunders will only make the coach stronger moving forward? I dunno. I guess I'm just thinking out loud. In a way I feel bad for some negativity I bring after losses, but I don't know how else to react anymore after so many years.



    Here's to hoping this place doesn't dip like OurBombers and become filled with crappy threads like this and very little football talk.  Trend is not positive in that regard.


    Just like in the Brohm thread how people label them as haters?


    Unless people fart rainbows they hatin'



    It's a football board.  Becomes pretty crappy when it's a soap opera between posters and basically no football.  Being critical and having opinions is the point, but it would be nice if we could stick to football and avoid the soap opera garbage, like labeling and trying very hard to play the role to get the label for example.



    Sorry but, you invited this own type of posting and content. I asked a legitimate question that the TSN panel themselves talked about at the game; suffering of Winnipeg fans. Your answer could have been: "I don't think our fans will ever really give up but I could see X happening".


    Instead you chose to make it a drama by insisting posts such as this which mirror/resembled actual football talk that occurred during a game on TSN are what ruined another forum.

  8. I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but, the Bombers have been the best team in the league at breaking their fans hearts and embarrassing them on and off the field for a  while now. 24 years no championships. Ugly new jerseys. New stadium woes.


    So how long do Winnipeg fans stay loyal and keep showing up? I think it's pretty admirable we sell as many tickets as we do considering the on field product we put up with... but that can't last forever.



    Lol Doug Brown even said that the reason Brohm is playing is because of the MB relationship with him


    what a  troll



    Owsh has a hillarious streak of playing his friends or people he likes in spite of evidence.



    Well I would assume most coaches play the guys they like lol?



    ya, that they like for reasons like.. they win... they're effective etc.


    not that their buddies.

  10. Willy was really ******* good before he smacked his hand on a helmet, after that his accuracy left him. Is it really such a stretch to say that playing through all the injuries he piled up affected him more than anything? The insistence that they stick with Grigsby for so long did him no favours at all either. 

    Im sure injuries played a big part of Willys ineffectiveness in the last 60~% of the season. How he rebounds will really dictate how competitive this team can be in the next couple of years.

  11. A first year starter who struggled a couple of games with no oline or run game? That's just unheard of

    I would suggest after week 5 or 6 he looked very mediocre. Saying he only struggled in a couple of games is a wildly generous statement.

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