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White Out

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Posts posted by White Out


    As much as all of us feel frustrated and somewhat angered by this news, there is no one on this planet who feels worse than Willy.


    To be honest, I feel bad for him more than anything. He's been saddled with a lot of bullshit that he doesn't deserve. The fans may deserve better, but so does our franchise player.



    What bullshit does he not deserve? His massive pay upgrade? The money spent on his offensive line upgrade? His 2 runningbacks as support racking up 4.8 and 5.0 yards per carry this season?

  2. this injury and all the sacks can be blamed on a lot of people. Willy for holding the ball too long and diving head first on his runs. Only an ostrich would disregard his place in this. I actually put more blame on our OC than the line. Cotton is running for more nearly 5 yards a carry this year, so the line can clearly run block. I cant imagine that they're so horrible at pass blocking but can consistently give Cotton a 4.8 ypc average.


    MB knows we have a pocket qb, and so do opposing defenses. We haven't been able to draw up a playbook and scheme that will give Willy a consistent safety valve to dump the ball off, screen plays to take advantage of blitzing, and quick developing short yardage routes. Almost every single pass play you see guys running at least 10 yards before making a cut or a slant. Ridiculous. 


    It's super easy to just lay blame at the offensive line but the reality is nothing is that easy or simple. 

  3. There's blame to go around but I would love to hear somebody actually elaborate on how it's Drew Willy's fault. I'm not saying he's perfect or that he doesn't have plays where he doesn't do as he should, but I'd like to actually see somebody bring more of an argument to the table than "he doesn't get the ball out quick enough" - seems like such a last year argument at this point.

    I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. Reading blitzes, making quick decisions, and getting rid of the ball is how Danny Mcmanus made a career. It's where Willy is lacking. Just because you don't like the argument doesn't make it invalid

    No the argument loses validity when you expect a qb to catch the ball and instantly throw it. Even Danny Mcmanus and Kevin Glenn, two notably quick throwers had trouble when the pressure was in their face as quickly as it's been coming for the Bombers this year. Drew Willy is the least of the problems on this team.

    This post is ridiculous hyperbole.

  4. There's blame to go around but I would love to hear somebody actually elaborate on how it's Drew Willy's fault. I'm not saying he's perfect or that he doesn't have plays where he doesn't do as he should, but I'd like to actually see somebody bring more of an argument to the table than "he doesn't get the ball out quick enough" - seems like such a last year argument at this point.

    I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. Reading blitzes, making quick decisions, and getting rid of the ball is how Danny Mcmanus made a career. It's where Willy is lacking. Just because you don't like the argument doesn't make it invalid

  5. It is truly disheartening to sit and watch a treasure getting destroyed because those who were supposed to protect him were not ready to do so. It is very hard to stay positive when the thought of losing him is becoming more and more real. These guys develop a game plan and etch it in stone so that no one will change it. When we tried to blitz, we got to pay for it big time. I realize Willy is not a scrambler but neither was AC.

    A treasure? Jesus Christ. He threw for more ints last year than tds and this season he's thrown away a game in Calgary and been a statistical winner and on field loser in the rest.

  6. Gbill is correct. This is a multi faceted issue

    First and foremost we are dealing with a pocket passer. This means teams will blitz with out any regard for breaking contain.

    With that in mind.. To counter this.. We need either a great offensive line or a qb that makes fast reads and delivers the ball quick.

    So what's our issue? Our offensive line is average at best, and our play calling is atrocious. We have slow developing routes and a qb who isn't making quick decisions. It's a recipe for disaster.

    Is the coaching to blame? Yes.

    Is the offensive line to blame? Yes.

    Is Drew Willy to blame? Yes.

    People who blame just one of the three are out to lunch and don't know how football works. And I hate playing that card but it's true.

  7. If you don't like my signature you can email bo Bo Burnham and let him know. And for the record what did I say that wasn't true? Less people do show up after a loss. It's not made up. It's fact. I don't care about post counts. Who cares really but when you only show up after losses to crap on the team and disappear when they win how could that person be taken seriously


    this is true everywhere. people are more amped up by a blow out loss, and have more to say, than after a narrow win. imagine that. call the press, goalie, you really stumbled on something. nothing more nauseating than people who think theyre better fans.

  8. What context is needed? You're a one note poster saying the same stuff every time there's a loss then you bugger off when the team wins and don't say anything.

    Considering how little the team wins that's a hollow claim.

    Context being after decades of incompetence people around here understandably get pissed off after losses. Listen to cjob post game. You and other self proclaimed level headed posters are the vast minority.

    Head in sand works for some, I guess.

  9. What SPUDS is suggesting is that by being more middle ground about how the Bombers are doing is that he's some how a better fan. At least my take. I can't imagine anything more insulting or inaccurate than calling Bomber fans fickle. Imagine how bad attendance would be for this club if it were in Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal, or Calgary? Vancouver? Hell even the ***.

    If Spuds has any integrity he should retract his comment and apologize.

    It's not about being a better fan it's about being a more rational human being. I mean if you want to fly off the handle over a loss then go nuts but don't expect to be taken seriously when you do it.

    Context is a fun. Your lack of it is not.

  10. What SPUDS is suggesting is that by being more middle ground about how the Bombers are doing is that he's some how a better fan. At least my take. I can't imagine anything more insulting or inaccurate than calling Bomber fans fickle. Imagine how bad attendance would be for this club if it were in Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal, or Calgary? Vancouver? Hell even the ***. 


    If Spuds has any integrity he should retract his comment and apologize.

  11. i have to say its really gratifying being on the right side of history so damn often. MOS was a bad hire and watching the rest of the fan base get on board with that train of thought is tragically satisfying. oh, sure, id rather be wrong and enjoy a competently coached team... but that's clearly not in the cards.

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