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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. Why does the TSN desk graphic still show are dark blue face mask?
  2. I feel like we're spinning our tires. If our market is this undesirable, and we have no chance to even draft and develop a team, perhaps this was all a mistake.
  3. Chris Jones is a prick. Hopefully he winds up in Saskatchewan where he belongs after Dickenson is fired. Regina and Jones. Like 2 pairs of dirty underwear.
  4. Why is the league and the ref so invested in ******* the bombers tonight?
  5. What a ******* awful call. Roberson initiates the contact, and its typical hand fighting
  6. I was telling my kids about the game and daddies favourite place to go for ice cream and my wife said we should go to Winnipeg this year. Great woman. I don't love the idea of travelling right now. Flying, anyway.
  7. Looking at pictures I took of my last visit home to the Peg, I am quite literally almost physically homesick. Someone have a BDI ice cream for me. GO BOMBERS
  8. Feel free to discuss Suggested topics are they are "circling the wagons" around a racist, dirty player
  9. So this is the 1st year since maybe 2012 that I didn't put all the games in my google calendar. I missed it! I thought it was at 7, and at 730 I turned the tv on only to see no game. When I told my 5 year old I missed the game he said "oh no. Who are you going to tell?" lol
  10. hot take alert: im ready to give up on Oliveira
  11. Does everyone on our offense have diarrhea?
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