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Everything posted by Booch

  1. total dollar wise team friendly sure...but an early to mid season season ender injury...not so much
  2. well...I lived in both cities...at different times...also multiple times....as well as a few extended stays in the U.S....and now have been back here for 18 yrs...theres a reason....just sayin...and I am not a born and bred Manitoban so no bias from growing up here Urban decay in all the big cities...the warts...crime....poverty...it's the same everywhere....and I seen many way worse than here, and I have seen areas I get a lil freaked in...and I dont get freaked out easily
  3. Taman also didnt even want Blink ..said he would always be fumbling cause his hands were too small ... And wouldn't last from pounding....prob one the toughest sob's pound for pound...much like Grant is...and Blink rarely fumbled. Another Taman assessment was he felt Gavin Walls as well was a pointless camp invite...never liked Taman...glorified ball boy with zero real football connections...more recruiting came to us thru players referrals and parents of players...
  4. Once I believe...was about usage too..when we had mills and the other back who's name escapes me... I think
  5. Yeah no kidding ..he never came from that background and when he got back to Cali he did a few things...postman.. but for the last three, four years works in the communication department at a branch of the School of medicine at UCLA.... So very far from a ghetto rat by any means.....shameful comment
  6. Randall isn't listed either but is signed
  7. We signed the top receiver...RB ..and QB1b Also retained one best defensive guys who makes an impact...and a still top of the pile OT..and a top Guard...how would we not be winners...and all in team friendly deals
  8. I used to get him home many occasion when I bounced at tail end of his time here...he was a loner..came alone...and was dealing with a lot of demons I recall many times finally getting him home at 3..4 in morning night before a game and he would rip off 150 yards that day like it was nothing Oh what he could have been...when his marriage fell apart so did he
  9. I have no concerns retaining both next yr
  10. I'd prefer new young blood...we need a right burner type....one who can be utilized in a number of ways....Weineke is basically the polar opposite of that...dont see much use for him with guys we currently have
  11. Both will be back next yr...u can take that the bank League figured out what Weineke was and once that happened...well u see the results...he not fast...can't create separation with solid moves and route running...so he's pretty limited in how he can be used...plus some of his big TD catches when he was TD Jake likely 5 times out of 10 he makes them...and that being generous I think we see a shift from a role Bailey played to a dynamic receiver...speed and spread a defence ability...that's my assumption
  12. I'd go for whom I've seen for best Bombers DBs as Hill..BOlden..Brown...Roy Bennet and James Jefferson...bar none..nobody since be even close...I would almost put Bolden first if he had a series of yrs together...dude had no business being up here and we were so lucky to have him a few times
  13. Yup...the last 2 cups will irritate me till I die...we threw 2 away which we totally could have locked down. Gut instinct this off-season is a lesson learned was realized..finally...now hopefully all the lessons were absorbed fully
  14. There a couple nice global DL prospects in this draft ..hope we grab one
  15. Stats and crap are fun and nice...but the stat that is the indicator of who houses the elite talent...and team...51-17... And if we didnt pooch last two playoffs...be running back a chance for 5 I don't care about a lower level team who runs a couple mid tier receivers out there who had 1000 yards when they won 6 games...
  16. They all are mid tier right now...until proven otherwise...2 guys had career yrs last yr...is that the norm....or the anomaly...we shall see but I do like Emilus...and he prob will bolt there next yr I bet Lenius has done nothing...cant stay healthy...and isn't a game changer for a big bodied guy...KSB as well...tsn and suitor creamed their dungarees over him for a few good games and plays...but inconsistent...not a good pure receiver and almost seems to loaf at times I wouldn't take any of them over our guys..only Emilus to fill in the 5th slot but if he was to play the role Sheed did I don't know if he could
  17. KSB is about as overated a receiver as their is...horrible route runner..no technique...and the other 2...let's see if that was a one off..
  18. If Lofton comes out of camp at RT with all our incumbents I can think of way worse scenarios...A guy with experience...knows our guys and the league at tackle isn't disaster by any means...and maybe this motivation and the legit chance to be the guy is what sends him over the top
  19. Who are their receivers...Bane...Emilus...and?? And throwing money at random positions when your core and structure sucks isn't a winning formula They will be definitely better but in a battle for 3rd at best Of the guys they signed the only one I would have been excited for was Carney Edwards cooper...not any better than what they had...prob worse ...Thurman...Dean would have gave them the same for prob 30k less... Getting rid of Dickie tho and his band of putz:s will help but they still have Oday..who prob just ruined their SMS to save his bacon
  20. If they were smart they would have signed Yosh..Gray and Rice...and trust in recruiting to find a DB and LB instead of paying over 300k for the 2 average guys they picked up those 3 guys alone with whoever the next 2 best guys they have would have improved their online bigtime..and been a solid foundation there for their offence...but they didn't..and they again will flounder Godber is bottom rung center...Ferland is average and lacks physicality..who knows if Blake can even play 10 games let alone 18...and the left tackle they banking on has played what..3 games most?
  21. ZC been getting hammered a lot last yr and a bit...maybe after review we determined Yosh was a factor...who knows...but if u review games last yr u will see he had guys get free...some clean quite often...he def isn't mobile and quick off the snap like he was And he is nowhere the technician or good with hand battles and work like Bryant If you wanna learn and see what makes him so good watch a few games and just him...the most subtle and totally almost simple things he does will take guys right off their attack...and that's not even using his physical skills...Yosh didn't have that...hence his skill will erode fast...once his mobility and quickness is compromised...he becomes a liability
  22. from what I hear he turned down 135kish from the Stamps, and there was something similar out east but not sure where
  23. most definately...the horseshoe finally fell out
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