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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Moses Lil blitz action He certainly doesn't look out of place
  2. Yup...as he has zero NFL time
  3. They comparable.. I think Garbutt is better...but can't go wrong with either and both on the roster would be killer...FOx...Cole...Moses...fast...tough..motors to burn and elite sideline to sideline coverage
  4. I like what I see....I think he is back health wise and in his head space...he had gave up a yr or so ago...but got the urge again...or gain ...well if he doesn't get parked behind incumbants Yup...now just wanna see my other guy D'Abreau
  5. I've been on it 2 weeks into him being here when I spent a week at practice
  6. From that alone...if he gets snipped ...it's a crime I love the aggressive front tho on defence....nice to see
  7. Moses...nice td prevent there coming in
  8. Can make moves without gearing down too
  9. Best on team...I saw it last yr...he's active...him..WJ and Haba in rotation...me like
  10. Garbutt looks good...creates problems on majority of snaps..he's so quick off the ball...best on team
  11. Tho I like he was looking down field to make a play...instead of just running...he prob tho isn't seeing things yet and to be expected
  12. I'd prefer him over Thomas...as he could progress...Thomas is done...in 2022
  13. Dude...head up field and just hit it!
  14. He's a guy last yr from watching practice was out best overall end with his skill next to WJ..he gets off the ball so fast and his first moves are quick...but we had Jackson and Bennett so we good
  15. Ford..actually wraps guy up...Houston u watching?
  16. Came right to him Fox gets get push and collapse of pocket
  17. Gemmell...some range and close...nice
  18. I've never heard of a camp with so many exceptional performances...
  19. Our middle will be solid if they are taking 80 percent of reps
  20. When u have active...power guys and not Thomas's..Schmeckles...Dude Last yr who's name escapes me and ends who are active...does wonders
  21. Pretty sure he fastest on team...or one of...he has most big play explosion potential on roster too...including vets
  22. Color blind...who wearing those?
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