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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. veto proof doesn't mean it would be vetoed. and how many Democrats voted for this? And Obama doesn't seem to be complaining about the act that I posted about. Anway, Obama says/said a lot of things. He was going to close Guantanamo first day in office. That is an executive decision that he and he alone makes. Still open. Obama said he would amend NAFTA. didn't even try. It was a line of BS. It's a long list. Making it easier to form a union.... campaigned on that, did nothing. worked with Republicans to pass the transpacific partnership. but if you listen to him, it's all the Republicans fault. That argument doesn't withstand even the slightest scrutiny.
  2. doesn't have to sign it. can't be bothered to go check, but what democrats voted against this? cause, that party hasn't voted for anything like this right Jacquie? anyway, maybe you didn't read the whole article. It mentions this:
  3. yeah it sure is. creepy. Obama the great liberal..... .
  4. interesting short article. Law signed by Obama the other day setting up a new gubmint agency http://thegarrisoncenter.org/ Yet another propaganda arm of the US government
  5. Sometimes it's a bit annoying when Mike backs up his players one hundred percent, even when fans think the player is playing badly. Like Kuale, etc. I 've noticed Zimmer publicly criticizes players regulalry. and it seemed to work. but I guess not after all..... first time I've heard of something like this: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/12/24/vikings-dbs-defied-zimmer-ignored-plan-for-covering-jordy-nelson/
  6. clicked and read that article. Absolutely nauseating.
  7. How many games has Meyers missed this season and last? seems like a lot. I think they miss Meyers a lot. Some of those Jets defencemen are clueless in their own end.
  8. Clinton was bad, George Bush was bad, Obama has been pretty bad, I think Clinton would have been bad, but Trump is taking it to the next level. Unsurprising.
  9. http://thecomeback.com/nhl/florida-panthers-owner-donald-trump-cabinet.html But, the month’s not over yet, so there was ample time for things to get stranger – and it has. Panthers co-owner Vincent Viola was picked by president-elect Donald Trump as Secretary of the Army. Vincent Viola nominated as Secretary of the Army. » https://t.co/7vjSvwDlo3 pic.twitter.com/BUXByZOgzL — Florida Panthers PR (@FlaPanthersPR) December 19, 2016
  10. laine finish commentary.... I actually understood a few words... "One timer" Just read, they call their language "suomi"
  11. Sometimes Ehlers skates around with the puck, weaving in and out and the other team is mesmerized, they all just stand there, watching him, they don't know where he's going, and they freeze. It's almost comical. He is fun to watch. The Jets are very exciting team on a good day.
  12. Clapper? "During testimony in March that has become infamous, Clapper told Senator Ron Wyden, a member of the intelligence committee, that the NSA was not intercepting data on millions of Americans. After the revelations from whistleblower Edward Snowden, Clapper eventually apologized to the Senate panel, citing a momentary memory failure – although he initially said he gave the “least untruthful” answer he could publicly provide." also "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Russia is not behind the emails from Hillary Clinton, her State Department staff, allies, and Democrats that WikiLeaks has published." forgotten is the deep corruption revealed by the leaked emails. Nobody cares about any of that apparently. Very Good PR by the democrats.
  13. Correct, except that I doubt that he caved. I don't think he ever planned to include it. "Obamacare" is not in any sense Publicly provided universal public healthcare .
  14. Less fascinating, and mostly scary and sad. And It's going to get uglier down there. And that will not be good for us either. Too bad, cause the polling showed Sanders beating Trump handily, but the corrupt Democrats preferred losing to Trump, with Clinton, to winning with Sanders. Universal Health care? Can't have that in the USA.
  15. I heard on the radio that the backup goalie in Chicago let in four goals in the last six games.
  16. The Americans have literally millions of men who were trained as soldiers, went to war, return to the USA, and other than platitudes at football games, don't get much help. To boot, the economy is shitty for many, and for many there are no decent jobs. Bad brew.
  17. ok.... read or heard something to the contrary. manslaughter, plea bargain down to careless use of a firearm, get a fine? maybe would have been better to charge with murder, bargain down to manslaughter? seems weak to me.
  18. obviously they didn't get feedback from Noeller.... if they had it would have been lifetime contract for Mike.
  19. Just think of the impression those improper socks would make on innocent children. Well done!
  20. I wonder if he also feels a responsibility to individual players to do what he thinks will give them the best chance to have good careers in the NHL, with the Jets, or elsewhere. In other words, part of what he does is out of concern for the players, as well as the team. (admittedly, I know nothing about these things)
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