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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. I agree. How can this man be allowed to continue as President. A non stop Lying, lecherous, stupid, nasty, selfish, cashing in any way he can, dangerous dunce. He's reduced the country to an international joke. Americans have zero pride. It's a disgrace.
  2. Avalanche look like the last season Jets.
  3. Feel sorry for that dog.
  4. no, that's not what I'm talking about. this was during the democratic primaries, and the election. these people were lefties for Trump, anybody but Hillary, Hillary will start ww 3 types. They loathed Hillary Clinton. They swallowed the "her emails" hook line and sinker. real idiots.
  5. Funny thing ... there are some "truth to power" left leaning people and web sites, that are just as rabid Clinton haters as the Breitbart types. They have been saying all along that Steele knows nothing, that there was no collusion, that Assange is an innocent victim who knew not about Russian origin of the leaked stuff. They are right in line with their normal arch enemies, the Breitbart types. AFter the summary, they were crowing just a loudly as Trump. Demanding apologies from the mainstreamers. No collusion, no conspiracy. echoing Trump. And still are. Credibility: zero. bunch of wack jobs.
  6. More Trump supporters in the news another Trump supporter. Threatening to murder people who criticize their hero.
  7. Democrats aren't trying hard enough.
  8. Have to have a very short memory to be able to follow and be a fan of his twists, turns, reversals , and inane gibberish.
  9. Comparing criminal indictments of those serving in the executive branch of presidential administrations, broken down by president and the numbers. In the last 50+ years Democrats have been in office for 25 of those years while Republicans held it for 28. In their 25 yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one (1) conviction and one prison sentence. that's one whole executive branch official convicted of a crime in two and a half decades of Democrat leadership. In the 28 yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53yrs they have had a total of 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials, 89 criminal convictions, and 34 prison sentences handed down.
  10. clearly did not read it. Most probably watched Fox news though.
  11. post from hfboards I remember over the season, the team was winning ugly in a lot of games. At the time I thought, who cares how they win, good teams win when they play badly. Guess I was wrong.
  12. did not expect this at all. another third period choke job.
  13. Blues player holding conners stick . right beside goal.
  14. Nice goal by Hayes, but the Blues defenceman did nothing to stop him. Biddinton looking fairly average now.
  15. Blues will be in full out desperation mode for the first part of the game. do the same as the last game, weather the storm, then hit them with all the weapons. Prediction.... Binnington's face gets even redder, Jets win, Perreault gets a goal. Or Ehlers, first playoff goal, has to come sooner than later. Fans downtown go insane.
  16. More family time for Trump soon?
  17. check this out. night time satellite photo of the planet showing electrification of the continents. Power mainly generated by burning fossil fuels of course.
  18. World carbon emissions since 1960.... http://www.globalcarbonatlas.org/en/CO2-emissions
  19. Let's hope they are real, and that he was wearing a diaper, while doing it!
  20. Disagree. He's in the Republican party. They don't do "stained careers" There is nothing too slimy for them, as long as they think it benefits them.
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