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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. check this out. night time satellite photo of the planet showing electrification of the continents. Power mainly generated by burning fossil fuels of course.
  2. World carbon emissions since 1960.... http://www.globalcarbonatlas.org/en/CO2-emissions
  3. Let's hope they are real, and that he was wearing a diaper, while doing it!
  4. Disagree. He's in the Republican party. They don't do "stained careers" There is nothing too slimy for them, as long as they think it benefits them.
  5. Certainly looks like it from that. Pretty amazing set up and follow through by the Russians. Their man in the Whitehouse. With lots of help from the Republicans.
  6. Ascending musical star Joey Landreth live
  7. Started as a blues band. Peter Green. I bought their first album, didn't buy any of their pop stuff.
  8. very good point. But he could do that anytime. Or, invade Iran. Trump is probably afraid for his life now. Putin lurking.
  9. The Republicans have ditched everyone but the racist stupid Trump cult voters. I wouldn't impeach him,.....that would be a rallying cry. Do the slow drip.
  10. All the dumping on Maurice and the other coaches. Look what they're doing with Laine. Pretty interesting as a fan to watch this happening. It was Laine who before the series started, said that the Jets are the better team; and right from the first game, has proceeded to back that up, while some other players may have faltered somewhat. Showing a lot of skills and personality for the leadership role.
  11. There isn't any. None. Of course she's right. She's talking about the influence of money in American politics. For instance.... Sheldon Adelson, Jewish American casino billionaire that's what she's talking about. Trump's policy in Israel, comes from Adelson, cause of the money Adelson gives the Republicans. Hardly anti semitic. It's just a fact. None of these right wing people read beyond the headline.
  12. posted before....... the clinton investigations lasted twelve years lol. Selective memory in full effect. Or maybe memory loss.
  13. For self described by the bootstraps tough guys, they sure whine, cry, and feel sorry for themselves, a lot. It's all so terribly unfair.
  14. Transparency International Corruption perception index: Russia is 28 out of 100. ie, extremely corrupt. 180 countries were ranked, number 1 is least corrupt, Russia is ranked 138. The Russians found their perfect counterparts in the USA... Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and the rest of the greed infested political turncoats in America.
  15. wow. Depth and breadth of USA corruption is remarkable. This is a test case, the real prize is removing sanctions on Putin. That's probably Putin's number one goal. Trump will do it before the next election.
  16. Heard the response on that twitter thread was funny..... eg
  17. Game winning goal is brilliant right from their own end. three passes to get from their own end to the red line. Then Conner to Wheeler, to Schiefele to Connor... goal. With guys all over them. Wow. Thought (till I fell asleep) that Meyers played really well.
  18. unenjoyable start... but seem to have fought off the initial onslaught. Laine is all over the ice. Playing very well. don''t know about Schiefele, Wheeler. look a bit weary. do not seem to win puck battles. choppy period. Blues played their guts out, got nothing.
  19. Obama "elitist" for using Dijon mustard
  20. they don't have much else, so give them credit for being able to be so angry and morally shocked and outraged at the unfairness of it all, while having to work with nothing. Their policies, scant though they are, are worthless at best.
  21. Of course it doesn't exist. The really absurd part is that this attack comes from Trump, who found some "good people" in a group of swastika wearing, torch bearing, Jew hating, Synagogue threatening, hardcore, American nazis. And he does it to rile up his base, who hate both Muslims, and Jews. Double win. good People:
  22. So we're all supposed to just take your word that she makes anti semitic attacks? Why don't you just post some of her hate inspired attacks against Jews, verbatim. Explain how they are anti semitic while you're at it.
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