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Posts posted by GCn20

  1. I wonder if Sask's interest in him is any indication of Durant's recovery from last year's injury... or maybe it's just insurance... I don't think one injury suddenly makes Durant "injury prone"....



    Durant suffered the same injury that ended the careers of Terry Bradshaw and Joe Montana. Others like Jake Delhomme were able to recover, however, despite all the Rider fans thinking it is a slam dunk that he will regain his form, I think the Riders management is not prepared at this point not to have a backup plan.

    One injury does not make a person injury prone....but one injury can still derail a career. There are reports that his elbow is still not fully recovered yet and he is only lightly throwing,






    but again no one is saying "let's bring Glenn in to win us a Grey Cup"... what we're saying is hey, Glenn is a lot more proven than any of our backups, if we need to use him for a stretch he's a better option than the backups. Hell he might even be better than Drew Willy at this point, but I like Willy and don't really want to get into that argument here.

    And people are responding by saying he's proven to be mediocre. That's all he's proven in his CFL career. So why not go with someone who has yet to prove what they can do, but have looked decent/exciting in their limited time? 


    We all know what KG brings to the table. And it isn't good enough to get the team to where everyone wants to get to as a back up or starter, even while playing with teams that were arguably better than the current bombers. Brohm looked decent and even Marve played well against calgary late last year (cgy's effort suspect in that game). So why settle? when you need to move past mediocre. Mediocre (like has been said on this topic already) should no longer be an option to this franchise.


    Because some people are tired of rushing quarterbacks gambling that they can be good when in reality gambling and rushing qbs usually ends in disaster.


    I'm interpreting the use of the word 'rushing' as if a team didn't 'rush' a QB, then different story in how he pans pans out.

    I'm sure you'd agree though that sometimes, not always, but sometimes QB's not consistently playing to level needed to stick in this league (or being an Elite QB) has nothing to due with rushing them.

    It has to do with them not being good enough to play at a certain level (e.g., Max Hall comes to mind for not Sticking and Kevin Glenn comes to mind in not being an Elite CFL QB).   



    I would like you to name me ONE backup QB that is elite. I don't think anyone here, in this entire thread has suggested that. When first or second year QBs are thrown into the position of having to be number one...that is generally a recipe for disaster. Not always, but more often than not.


    Just to be clear, all I'm suggesting with Kevin Glenn is when he was a starter wasn't good enough to be tagged with the Elite status. As for your statement about first or second year QB's being thrust into a starter role when not ready, yes, sometimes it would have turned out different for them if patience was shown. The big however is sometimes first or second year QB's simply are not good enough to stick regardless of how much patience was or wasn't shown. I'm just suggesting we can't generalize the impact of thrusting someone early in their career into a starters role as the main reason for their demise.   




    Ok sure....however, no matter how you cut it, whether it's lack of skill or being sent out too early, I think we can agree that the career success rate of first or second year QBs being thrust into a starting role is not great.



    but again no one is saying "let's bring Glenn in to win us a Grey Cup"... what we're saying is hey, Glenn is a lot more proven than any of our backups, if we need to use him for a stretch he's a better option than the backups. Hell he might even be better than Drew Willy at this point, but I like Willy and don't really want to get into that argument here.

    And people are responding by saying he's proven to be mediocre. That's all he's proven in his CFL career. So why not go with someone who has yet to prove what they can do, but have looked decent/exciting in their limited time? 


    We all know what KG brings to the table. And it isn't good enough to get the team to where everyone wants to get to as a back up or starter, even while playing with teams that were arguably better than the current bombers. Brohm looked decent and even Marve played well against calgary late last year (cgy's effort suspect in that game). So why settle? when you need to move past mediocre. Mediocre (like has been said on this topic already) should no longer be an option to this franchise.


    Because some people are tired of rushing quarterbacks gambling that they can be good when in reality gambling and rushing qbs usually ends in disaster. 



    Unless you come across the next Ricky Ray, it is always a good idea to very tightly control a young QBs exposure to playing time. Very,very few QBs careers end up being long after being thrown into the fire early.




    but again no one is saying "let's bring Glenn in to win us a Grey Cup"... what we're saying is hey, Glenn is a lot more proven than any of our backups, if we need to use him for a stretch he's a better option than the backups. Hell he might even be better than Drew Willy at this point, but I like Willy and don't really want to get into that argument here.

    And people are responding by saying he's proven to be mediocre. That's all he's proven in his CFL career. So why not go with someone who has yet to prove what they can do, but have looked decent/exciting in their limited time? 


    We all know what KG brings to the table. And it isn't good enough to get the team to where everyone wants to get to as a back up or starter, even while playing with teams that were arguably better than the current bombers. Brohm looked decent and even Marve played well against calgary late last year (cgy's effort suspect in that game). So why settle? when you need to move past mediocre. Mediocre (like has been said on this topic already) should no longer be an option to this franchise.


    Because some people are tired of rushing quarterbacks gambling that they can be good when in reality gambling and rushing qbs usually ends in disaster.


    I'm interpreting the use of the word 'rushing' as if a team didn't 'rush' a QB, then different story in how he pans pans out.

    I'm sure you'd agree though that sometimes, not always, but sometimes QB's not consistently playing to level needed to stick in this league (or being an Elite QB) has nothing to due with rushing them.

    It has to do with them not being good enough to play at a certain level (e.g., Max Hall comes to mind for not Sticking and Kevin Glenn comes to mind in not being an Elite CFL QB).   



    I would like you to name me ONE backup QB that is elite. I don't think anyone here, in this entire thread has suggested that. When first or second year QBs are thrown into the position of having to be number one...that is generally a recipe for disaster. Not always, but more often than not.


    Too many QBs ruined because they get rushed.


    You'd think that Bomber fans would be the last people this needs to be explained to....


    No kidding. Joey Elliot, Alex Brink, Max Hall....that's just the last few years and I'm probably forgetting a couple. All very effective arguments against rushing a QB into playing time.


    Id think you can develop a QB in the CFL without much playing time.

    If hes working under the same system and watching lots of film i would think he could get a real good hang of things because there is only so many kinds of D systems he will see.

    Nothing replaces game speed & having to be successful under pressure. Or having to make throws & completions before your head is torn off of you. You need to play to develop. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Some guys can develop while others can't. 


    At some point and time you have to play a guy to see how he has developed. However, Mike is correct in saying that you can still develop a QB without playing him. It is nonsense to suggest that a player only learns by playing. Pure nonsense. Many QBs have been successfully developed for a couple of years before they start taking meaningful snaps. It is helpful to get young guys on the field to aid in their development if possible, and teams should make the effort to do so. However, there are many, many QBs who have found great success with only small exposure to playing time prior to it.

    There is also great danger to a QBs development by throwing him to the wolves before he is ready. A QBs confidence is EVERYTHING...shatter that and even the Peyton Manning's of the football world can't overcome it. QB is not a position you learn flying by the seat of your pants in game action you are not ready for.

  7. Money, opportunity to play, opportunity to win are ALL motivating factors for a FA to sign. If we sign Curran it won't ALL be about the money. Players love to jump on board a team's ship just as they appear to be on their way up and many bail when the team shows signs of decline.

    We are in a good situation where it would appear our team is ascending.

  8. Money does talk and is the biggest factor. However, situation and opportunity are also factors. If money is close between us and Ottawa, I think that secondary factors could come into play. Ottawa's only hope is the money. Ours is a combination of money, opportunity, and intangibles. Eskimos best hope is loyalty and intangibles. All in all, if the bidding is tight, I think we offer him the best overall package of the three remaining teams. Ottawa's only hope is if they make an offer he can't refuse. Edmonton's only chance is if Ottawa, and Winnipeg don't beat them in the bidding by much and they can convince him he will have an expanded role in the defence.

  9. I think the first half of the season he was fortunate to get starts against 3 OTs that had no business being on a CFL field. Hall did a great job of insuring he was matched up one on one against them in the pass rush by bringing lots of blitzes down the middle. Take a look at his sack totals from the first have and you will see that almost all of them came against OTs that were rookies or injury replacements. He had two BIG games where he victimized Ryan Cave. A guy that should never have been on the field. His second half disappearance was more a matter of teams both being more cognizant of his pass rush abilities, and him playing against a better calibre of OT, once teams had settled their Tackle position. I don't think he is as good as his pace to start the season indicated. That being said he is still a very dangerous DE. 200k+ dangerous? I wouldn't pay ANY import DE that much unless Wake decided to come back to the CFL.

  10. Last season. Demonstrated the need and value of teams having an experienced back up QB. I don't care who it is but the a Bombers have a starter with a year's experience as a starter and nobody as an experienced back up. Roll the dice on that combination?


    Seems like a pretty obvious answer to your rhetorical question...however, it is unlikely to be. Simple truth is that if it was a QB not named Kevin Glenn with the identical resume, people would be clamoring for us to sign him.

  11. I'm not really concerned about the db coach and don't think it really impacts the team if he isn't vocal.

    I'm pretty sure randle and leggett won't drop off in performance because miles is quiet


    The bottom line is that Hall felt highly enough about him to hire him. He was under no obligation to do so. If Miles was a crap coach that disliked some of his players and needed his hand held, Hall would be the guy to know about this and wouldn't have hired him. Just ridiculous rumor mongering and finger pointing by some classless Rider fans.

    They must be taking throwing people under the bus lessons for the master himself....Brendan Taman.

  12. Miles seems to be a good pick up.  Whether or not he is a bad coach or good coach I think we need to give him a few months of coaching here before deciding that!  Just because they pushed him out the door in Regina doesn't mean he is a bad coach.  We all know how Chamblin likes to control things over there.  Maybe he didn't like something Miles was doing and instead of letting him fix it he stepped in and hired someone else.  The Rider secondary was pretty solid the last few years under him.  At least we think it was under him!


    Pretty much a bang on assessment.




    I just can't get behind this argument.


    "What's the point? If he's playing for us in November, we're screwed"


    Same goes for Marve or Brohm.

    Is it wrong that I actually have more faith in Marve in November then Glenn simply due to watching Glenn all these years? Lol



    Yes it's wrong and unrealistic. You asked.


    Show us proof that Glenn IS reliable in November.

    As soon as he sees his breath, he tanks.



    Never said he is reliable in November. However, he has on two occasions gotten his team into the Grey Cup. It's not a sterling resume but he does have playoff experience and has won playoff games. As a backup that's not a terrible thing.




    Kg is a great insurance policy and can come in and win some games if necessary.

    If this were 2011-12 I would agree with you. 2015 KG not so much.

    All I'm saying is a year ago a lot of guys were happy to pick up Burris LOL. KG at the right price (150-175k) wouldn't be so bad. Do you really think marve or portis is going to perform better than kg?



    Desperate times call for desperate measures.  I was more than happy to have Glenn as a safety net last year but I would rather see Marve and Portis get the future reps if and when Willy gets injured, not Glenn.



    I would prefer that Marve and Portis get the reps as well....if they've earned them. Beat Glenn out. If he's as useless and awful as people here are suggesting it shouldn't be that hard to do.

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