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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. I suppose you are right if he is indeed trolling. However, he just might be that dumb. It really is a toss up. I say that because he makes insane statements like that to his fellow Rider fan brethren too.
  2. I see no reason why he couldn't unless he starts getting banged up.
  3. Can't be sure but that other guy is also Migs imo. He has been known to have multiple accounts on forums before so that it creates the illusion that other members are agreeing with his absurdity. If I were a betting man I would wager that Cereal Killer and Section 139 at Riderfans are never logged in at the same time.
  4. Not sure but I would imagine that ZC used a lot of our up front money leverage that we had.
  5. Some might. It's tough living on PR money. At this time of year our focus is not on coaching up our PR guys either as we fine tune for the playoffs. I believe we have seen guys released late season from the PR show up in TC the next year on a few occasions before.
  6. They have, we have actually....many times. The SMS year runs to Jan. 2 I believe each year. Anytime you see big signings of extensions late in the season, or right up to January you are seeing teams looking to spend unused cap before the SMS deadline. As a general rule, unless teams really get decimated by long term injuries this amount is only a couple hundred thousand max but all teams try to use up current cap to offset future cap.
  7. It is all when the money is actually paid. If we signed Collaros to a 3 year 550k contract but paid him 200k up front as a signing bonus his future cap hit is 200k less because of what we paid now. I would imagine we paid him every dollar we could to the SMS limit as an up front signing bonus with that money counting against this year's cap. Given the amount of guys we have had do full terms on the 6 game that signing bonus was likely pretty substantial and would reduce his AAV in the next 3 years.
  8. End of the regular season. I would think that these 5 guys were definitely not going to see the field this year so we sent them home. Wouldn't suprise me to see some of them back in camp next year.
  9. Osh, Walters, etc will be right behind once the season ends. They were talking about it last week apparently. lmao. I never heard it myself, just going off comments on twitter by Rider fans.
  10. But I heard he had a strong relationship with JOD still and was going to listen attentively to the Riders offer. lmao
  11. It is a tremendous extension. Using up our unused cap space I am sure.
  12. I would think we should see some guys coming off IR shortly.
  13. but...but...the guys on Sportscage said the Riders were going to make him an offer he couldn't refuse this offseason. Guess ZC wanted to end any chance of that in a hurry.
  14. I just about crapped my pants when I saw that. Possibly the stupidest comment I've heard from a Rider fan, so you know that is some next level stupidity. We literally placed more recruits on the CFL All Star team last year than any other team placed from their entire roster.
  15. Migs says we did not face adversity with our injuries so they don't count.
  16. We haven't lost a single man game to injury of a decent player this year apparently. Luckiest run in the history of pro football. Don't count.
  17. Goof Migs is over at Riderfans stating the Bombers haven't lost a single decent starter to injury this year. Maston and Couture don't count because apparently Maston hasn't played in a long time and Couture isn't a starter.
  18. If I wanted advice on war, a war monger's advice is exactly who I would be seeking.
  19. Honestly I came into that game expecting a loss, however, now that we lost I'm kind of upset that we lost because we were the better team imo.
  20. I don't ever want a coach that excuses losing. If you are part of our team you get paid to win. I like that mindset.
  21. TB is a closet Lion fan and commentary on anything Lions related should be ignored.
  22. Yes...We absolutely waxed them with Rourke fully healthy..on a bum foot it would be a blow out. I don't have to be a doctor to know there is zero chance Rourke can return at 100%.
  23. Shut up with your Rourke and BC Lion man crush already. This is a Bomber forum. Nauseating really. People are concerned that a player with a injury that generally takes 6-8 months to heal may be risking his career by coming back in 10 weeks. One does not have to have a medical degree to connect those dots.
  24. As long as it isn't Molson Pilsner you can drink what you want as far as I am concerned.
  25. Carey better learn to play in the cold weather then because he hasn't been good playing in the cold so far in his career.
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