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Everything posted by Arnold_Palmer

  1. I don’t mind it. Our running game is working and Demski is a stud. One more block and we would have had it easily.
  2. Wpg takes the wind. Love it. Classic O’Shea
  3. The guy who won at every level against the guy who folds under pressure. That the difference in mentality
  4. Knock it off!! I use it to sober up at the end of the night.
  5. I think even the most biased Bomber fan would agree Flutie is better then ZC but he’s not the dollar store version of him. The way Collaros can evade the rush is exactly like Flutie.
  6. I can’t hear what you’re saying. We have our two grey cup rings stuck in our ears.
  7. ZC is a super star. We’re lucky to have him.
  8. The thing that sucks about using Grant as a receiver is that it effects his returns
  9. For the first time all season maybe we had the play action bite there. Would have loved to see it
  10. Agreed! My thoughts exactly as I was heading to the pisser maybe we should apply for an OC role with the club
  11. What your don’t like water to sober you up?
  12. If they’re ok with field goals I’m more then ok with TD’s
  13. That’s why I thought it was crazy people were saying under 70 for Carey
  14. Do I get two strikes off for taking Demski?
  15. The bomber way. We get tds, they kick field goals.. we win games!
  16. Demski! Yes selfishly I’m extra happy because that means I move on haha!
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