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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Your post is....very astute and un-bluto like.
  2. MB now has the inside track on positions with both franchises.....MB is no dummy.
  3. lol, poor Burke sounds like he's going to cry every time he has to say Crowtons name.......Had they cleaned out Mack/Buchko and Crowton after 3 games like I suggested and hired MB back then, we'd have a functioning team by now....instead it's going to take another 3 games and by then the season is lost.
  4. And let Creehan run the defence on his own........you plug one hole in the dyke and another one opens. Burke's value is to the defence not as a HC.
  5. You just weren't listening to the right people for the past year.
  6. Burke would have received the same treatment that Baressi and Lapo got. Burke was actually smart to just bide his time and wait for a GM to come along who might actually listen to his HC.
  7. Given Muamba's reluctance to extend, the Bombers will be looking for a MLB next year, no harm in bringing him in and see you can't work him into the rotation. Pretty scary combo actually.
  8. Dickenson's a pretty good STC, I'd trust his judgement. Almost seems like each C is being given a chance to save their jobs.
  9. Nothing wrong with the HC delegating to his assistants, in fact, that's what good HC's will do, sink or swim for the assistant.
  10. What was effed up was Mack deciding who played and who didn't, just like I said. Letting the coaches decide is as close to normal as we have been since Berry.
  11. More developed, more polished, Goltz still struggles with the basics, like foot work and getting his shoulders around when he throws.
  12. Goltz may have more CFL experience than Hall but, Hall is the more mature QB of the two.
  13. I see a potential for 7 wins in the next 12 games but realistically, 4 tops.
  14. Tate's a waste of time, he's always injured. Mitchell or Willey would be better options, just offer whatever they want and get it done.
  15. This is a very good move, he will be consulting on more than just the offense.
  16. Miller is thanking that person, he got what he wanted and a group of BOD members got what they wanted.
  17. I'm pretty sure that both Edwards & Mathews were banged up coming out of camp, add in the max protection package and no commitment to the run and you get what you got. But really at the end of the day it's Crowton not knowing how to make any sort of adjustments that is really handicapping the offense. I think you're right about the run game opening up more with Goltz at QB though but he isn't stuck in a max protection scheme either. Odds are, Buck will just get injured again if they let him play in the same offense as Goltz, heck even Goltz is hurting now on a wonkie ankle, that's football.
  18. lol, like the coaching staff.......good trolls do have a way of making you think they're not trolling though.
  19. Wade is a big Khari fan, Crowtons days are numbered unless he pulls off a miracle, which looks doubtful.
  20. Joe Mack wanted his guys in there, didn't matter if they were the best guy for the job or what his coaches thought. Lapo basically told him to go f himself when he started sticking his nose into the coaching staff too. All this man love for a guy who was a control freak who undermined his coaches, good riddance.
  21. he could do better, I admit, but with banged up receivers and no run support, I didn't expect much.
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