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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Facts it is then: Job on the line unless he fixes the QB situation Offseason: Wouldn't pull the trigger on the Glenn deal Reilly deal just a 'myth' Stands pat with his horses After 1 - 4 start Realizes he's made mistake Tries to save his job by dealing for Collaros, which falls through because of injury to Ray In the end, too late for him. He gambled and lost, facts speak for themselves.
  2. Close but by acquiring Reilly he could have turned around and traded him to Hervey for Nichols and his pick back or depending on how bad Hervey wanted him, made Reilly an offer he couldn't refuse to stay. In either case, the situation looks more like a half hearted attempt.
  3. well how about some context at least? Bad start in 08 for Glenn and he did improve his play later in the year, he was also coming off a MOP nomination in 2007. Pierce meanwhile was **** last year and **** this year which is pretty convincing that he's done. All that does is bring us back to Crowton at the controls. I could throw up that was Buck was 'good enough' to get us to the GC game in 2011 with Barresi/Lapo. This argument will never resolve because there is no 'bad guy'.
  4. Right, because I guess we just never really wanted Reilly, we just negotiated with BC and then leaked the story that Buono didn't give us a fair shake at negotiating with Reilly in order to save face. What is that? Conspiracy theory #800 on this board? I don't recall Mack ever saying we would be aggressively pursuing Reilly, perhaps you can show me that? By negotiate, what do you mean, what was actually negotiated, what did Mack offer to talk to him or did he, again please show me those 'negotiations'.
  5. Because Wpg was never serious about acquiring the guy, otherwise, his agent would have advised against signing before all the offers were listened too. Mack was betting on his horses in the race, just as he has always done before, the track record is there for all to see.
  6. You see, you can't bring up Glenns 0 - 4 start in 2008 or the fact that he threw 2 TDs to 8 Ints before Dinwiddie started game 5.
  7. Considering how often he is hurt, he should be a backup QB's wet dream. The backups in Wpg have had every opportunity to take the job away from him and failed, from Jyles to Brink to Elliott and now Goltz and Hall. Lack of reps has not been the problem with Buck here. The lack of practice reps has been though. When you consider how Pierce dominates reps throughout the week in preparation for a game .. only to get hurt .. then the backups are being thrown into the fire without adequate preparation .. how can you expect anyone to excel? As a backup, in that situation, you don't get a chance to develop chemistry with your receiver and you don't get the bulk of the practice reps as packages are implemented for that week - especially when Buck's availability is still in question and he's still sucking down reps in the off chance he can go. Not exactly a recipe for success. That's a coaching blunder. Every QB should be getting some reps with the starting unit in practice, even if it's only a 2 minute drill like MB is doing now. Getting a handful of reps at the end of practice isn't the same thing as getting the starter's reps. The starter is going to dominate reps in practice. He needs them to prepare and to get a grasp on what is being done offensively for that week. That's the nature of the beast. But Buck, being the band aid that he is, can't be relied upon to finish a game let alone be available from week to week. So all that prep time goes to waste. Even if you were to split reps 50 / 50 between Buck and a backup, you're not giving the starter the best chance for success. They NEED those reps and the problem is amplified if the backup is a young, inexperienced quarterback. So Mitchell, Collaros, Willey all get starter reps? How can they look so good in their starts without it? Dickenson, Milanovich and Cortez. Compared to Crowton. You figure it out. And cutting Pierce will somehow solve that problem, okay makes perfect sense now.
  8. Considering how often he is hurt, he should be a backup QB's wet dream. The backups in Wpg have had every opportunity to take the job away from him and failed, from Jyles to Brink to Elliott and now Goltz and Hall. Lack of reps has not been the problem with Buck here. The lack of practice reps has been though. When you consider how Pierce dominates reps throughout the week in preparation for a game .. only to get hurt .. then the backups are being thrown into the fire without adequate preparation .. how can you expect anyone to excel? As a backup, in that situation, you don't get a chance to develop chemistry with your receiver and you don't get the bulk of the practice reps as packages are implemented for that week - especially when Buck's availability is still in question and he's still sucking down reps in the off chance he can go. Not exactly a recipe for success. That's a coaching blunder. Every QB should be getting some reps with the starting unit in practice, even if it's only a 2 minute drill like MB is doing now. Getting a handful of reps at the end of practice isn't the same thing as getting the starter's reps. The starter is going to dominate reps in practice. He needs them to prepare and to get a grasp on what is being done offensively for that week. That's the nature of the beast. But Buck, being the band aid that he is, can't be relied upon to finish a game let alone be available from week to week. So all that prep time goes to waste. Even if you were to split reps 50 / 50 between Buck and a backup, you're not giving the starter the best chance for success. They NEED those reps and the problem is amplified if the backup is a young, inexperienced quarterback. So Mitchell, Collaros, Willey all get starter reps? How can they look so good in their starts without it?
  9. It's nobody's fault, it's the way things are done and the sooner people come to terms with it, the better.
  10. if lapo just made a call to marcel last season instead of hiring crowton. I think he still be the head coach up to this day. or if burke made a call to marcel at the beginning of the season and can crowton, we are not a 1-6 team today. As we are seeing/hearing now, not all those decisions are being left up to the HC to make though. For example, if I gave you a short list of 3 people and said pick one, you would still be the one doing the hiring.
  11. Considering how often he is hurt, he should be a backup QB's wet dream. The backups in Wpg have had every opportunity to take the job away from him and failed, from Jyles to Brink to Elliott and now Goltz and Hall. Lack of reps has not been the problem with Buck here. The lack of practice reps has been though. When you consider how Pierce dominates reps throughout the week in preparation for a game .. only to get hurt .. then the backups are being thrown into the fire without adequate preparation .. how can you expect anyone to excel? As a backup, in that situation, you don't get a chance to develop chemistry with your receiver and you don't get the bulk of the practice reps as packages are implemented for that week - especially when Buck's availability is still in question and he's still sucking down reps in the off chance he can go. Not exactly a recipe for success. That's a coaching blunder. Every QB should be getting some reps with the starting unit in practice, even if it's only a 2 minute drill like MB is doing now.
  12. Considering how often he is hurt, he should be a backup QB's wet dream. The backups in Wpg have had every opportunity to take the job away from him and failed, from Jyles to Brink to Elliott and now Goltz and Hall. Lack of reps has not been the problem with Buck here.
  13. It's really too bad when you stop and think about it. Marcel, Tim and Craig are probably the 3 best coordinators we have had all at one time, it would have the makings of a real solid coaching staff if only we could have a good HC in charge.
  14. I hope he does well but..........wait for it, you know who is coming off the bench first if he struggles, lol, tear it up.
  15. Zontar is going to wet himself when he hears this. Not the FA agent signing I was hoping for but at this point anything will do.
  16. because no one has been able to make us forget about him. You release a qb you better have someone better to take his place, that was not the case here. You do realize that was Macks MO at every position, why would QB be any different?
  17. I didnt watch the presser so I dont know the context. Could he have meant they have done things to keep Buck sharp? ie. "how can you consider starting Buck this week when he's had no playing time?" "Because there are ways to keep him sharp". ie. He IS sharp and ready to play. I couldn't hear the question, only his response, but it sounded like going forward they would implement this into practices as Burke was allowing MB to run 2 min drills with the QB's now.
  18. 'There are ways to keep a developed quarterback sharp, as in Bucks case' Said MB about practices, sounds like Buck won't be starting if that's the case.
  19. Just like his team, his coaches had no leadership qualities. Anyone who thoughts they could build a team without leadership, deserves what they get.
  20. You should know that people can't reveal their sources, either believe it or don't.
  21. Kevin Glenn still doesn't know how to manage the clock after all these years, unreal. Too bad about Geronimo, but bones heal, no biggie.
  22. Way overdue is right. To start, MB will just run the plays that his players are comfortable with and have the highest success rate and build out from there.
  23. Here is what I have been seeing from the defense over the losing streak. The obvious being the 4 man rush. This is fine if you have a nose tackle who commands a double team such as Brown did. You are then not out numbered. The current front is not getting that respect, no one is getting doubled, which leaves a linemen free to get into the linebackers face, usually Muamba, and wash him right out of the play, leaving the middle of the field wide open for whatever play the offence chooses, run or pass. Muamba has not been able to shed his tackle, giving opposing QB's all day to pick us apart at an alarmingly high rate of success. Everything else stems from this problem and when the D is not being adjusted by the DC, it's just too easy.
  24. If Burke can't see that Creehan isn't cutting it and step in himself to handle the defense, then the guy is even denser than he looks.
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