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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I have to agree, although he was very accurate on the short routes, his intermediate passes took forever to reach their target and he didn't even attempt a few bombs. Just another weak arm to add to the long list before him. If you want to develop a QB, be sure the guy has the physical skills first, as those can't be taught.
  2. How's KBF & Mike this morning.....I have to admit that last nights game had some of the finest, and friendly, ladies I've seen in awhile. I think everyone had a good 'glow' going considering the state of the team.
  3. Probably the only NI receiver worth protecting, I mean, who would chose over him on the team?
  4. Being at the game and focusing just on the secondary players, you could see them grabbing and holding on to receivers on almost every play, it was comical after awhile. Most of the penalties occurred well before the pass arrived which made things look worse than they were. Sometimes officials call this, sometimes they don't, consistency would be nice but by rue, they were definitely penalties.
  5. The defence is far worse than you think, all you have to do is go back to 2011 when they were playing well and compare that roster to this one. At least half the players on this defence are just not good enough. Crowton is to blame most of the problems on O but we have the worst receiving corps in the league, when healthy, TE & Watson are it, the rest are backups at best.
  6. Renaud was his usual unreliable self tonight, please bring in the next guy.
  7. It certainly is a problem but this team has nowhere near the talent to compete for the playoffs.
  8. This team is even worse live than on TV, my god. I can't remember anything this bad since the Jim Daily days, what a complete and utter mess. I don't think I can name 12 starters on offence or defence that I wouldn't purge asap.
  9. Yeah nobody seems to bring up the awful max protection offense he endured the first 3 games. The first half of the Argo game was the only shot he's been given outside of it.
  10. imo, his decision to fire Lapo when he did was not popular with other CFL types and thus the media.
  11. Buck is not the answer but neither is Goltz.
  12. I see the same people pumping Goltz on here who were pumping Elliott last season. Face it, you either know **** about the QB position or you are just Buck haters with clouded judgement. As for Garrett and the others, too bad we have to make room on the roster for the incoming players who can start to turn the ship around.
  13. I simply agree with the coaches, Goltz is not ready to step on the field and win games yet.
  14. 255 seems a bit light to be wrestling with 320 interior linemen, if he's an upgrade over Mainor then sure.
  15. No it doesn't, develop on the bench or in practice, games are played to be won, end of story.
  16. I'd prefer a nose tackle, we are stacked with rush end types.
  17. Bottom line, win and the job is yours, close losses mean squat, we can get that with Pierce or any number of stiffs like Elliot or Brink.
  18. lol, and if he really, really wants the starting MAC position back.........then he can extend that contract for a few more years, otherwise, we have to start working on his replacement. A little nudge never hurt anyone, nor did some healthy competition.
  19. Cause he's batshit crazy and I actually think Muamba would be a better WIL than he is a MAC.
  20. lol, he's not the only one stinking it up...ehm Cauchy...jovon...everyone has taken turns stinking it up but I don't see any of those guys riding pine. Doesn't really matter though, you don't lose your starting role until someone else takes it from you.
  21. Not that I recall, I think he was a backup MAC in TO, bluto would know.
  22. This has been a major problem with the team since Mack arrived, players being handed starting roles without having earned them by beating out the incumbent. That is why all teams have a #1 QB until the next guy steps in and takes his job, nobody has taken the #1 job from Pierce and until someone does, he should still be #1. Same goes for every other starting position on the team. It's going to take time to correct the damage done by Mack but it will come.
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