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Armchair GM

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Everything posted by Armchair GM

  1. He's already said he would bring in a qb coach if he's here next season. Great, let's keep Burke. What a brilliant insight! Want players to want to come to Winnipeg? We can't sell them on a cosmopolitan city, oil money, or a sea of devoted green fans. We don't have that. We have a 700,000 person small town with no freeways, oil, or even rapid-transit... oh yeah, and cold-ass winters. Best we start by wiping the board clean and rolling out the new vision for how the new WFC is going to operate; which has to START with a GM and Coach dedicated to creating a new, winning environment. This is a city that loves cheap... the problem is that this is a historically bad football club, bad to the point that it CANNOT get better on the cheap. Atomic is right, the perception of the Bombers out there is not good right now. We don't have a world class city to sweeten the deal for players either. We're in a spot where we've either got to spend to remake the franchise and its image, in hopes of attracting key talent; or just continue being cheap and continue bottom-dwelling. Your move, WFC.
  2. well I would hope that after the last few years they'd have learned that cheaping out on head coaches can wind up costing you more in the long run. Couldn't agree more. Want the team to be able to repay the stadium debt? Sell out your 33,500 seats for all 9 regular season games, the preseason game, and yes, the playoff game. When we're winning, fans will be spending. The big blue tiger's gotta change its stripes. You get what you pay for.
  3. Really? Coaching doesn't matter? Reilly had two years in BC. Collaros has Milanovich, Maas, Brady and Ray who all played in the CFL at QB. You think that doesn't make a difference in terms of developing a QB? 2 of our offensive coaches are in their first CFL job as a coach or player, the other 2 are Howell and Bellefeuille, essentially a rookie and a coach with a so-so record as both an OC and head coach, and no track record of developing quarterbacks, other than failed ones. Mostly leaned on scrapped vets like Marcus Crandell and Kevin Glenn. Makes a really great case for Dickenson for HC, with a Jason Maas type at OC or at least QB coach, wouldn't it? If the Bombers are serious about finally developing a winning calibre QB... this line of thinking would be a really refreshing change of course for the WBB. Depends on how serious the WBB decide they want to be about developing both a winning culture, and one in which a QB prospect can thrive.
  4. I'd be happier if he smiled on his way out of Winnipeg... preferably in a trade for a QB or O-Lineman.
  5. Collaros. Because I've got a serious mancrush on him being our next QB. And because I think that if Walters has the green light to acquire a QB, that he goes after the best available. Collaros is not only young... he's capable, appears to have leadership qualities, and has that "it factor" that good QB's have. I'd love Ricky Ray; but I just think that there's no way the Argos let a 3-4 year minimum elite QB like Ray go. No matter how highly they value Collaros. When you have 3-4 years more of elite QB play ahead of you, you don't gamble that you may have 10+ years of future eliteness in the bullpen. Right, Tillman?
  6. Short of winning out, there's not many people out there that will suggest he gets any consideration next season. Not after this. Boy... even in the extremely unlikely event Burke does win out... you would think that a new guy from the outside like Miller and whomever the GM is would see through it to realize he's not an HC fit despite ANY kind of late success.
  7. Elliott may not be the answer... but you cannot seriously call him an "equally loser qb" Elliott was capable of great games. 2 OPOTW's speak to that. He was also turnover prone at the worst time... when Burke took charge... and became a casualty. Goltz, Hall, and Pierce have been beyond terrible this year. TJ Rubley watches the 2013 Bomber O and laughs...
  8. Um, so far its only Crowton, Garber and Mack who have lost their jobs... but they all sucked. Cutting Hef - that was ridiculous... aside from that, who has really been turfed because of Burke? well all of these coaches are going to lose their jobs too, lots of players, hell Joey Elliott might be a starting qb if not for Burkes dislike of him, he's certainly still better than what we're using now. You could likely even throw Buchko in there too because if this season doesn't turn to **** like it did he likely doesn't get fired either. Are you really going to pretend that is true? Has Joey Elliott not shown beyond a shadow of a doubt... that he is a far better quarterback than Max Hall and Goltz? That's all he would really have to be, here. Doesn't matter that he's a 4th option for BC.
  9. Better yet, start Volny to see if we have anything in him. If we do... maybe that means we choose to spend a draft pick on a NI RB so that this can be an NI position; and we can have the NI flexibility that Harris and Cornish afford BC and Cowtown. A team starting Pencer, Volny, Sims-Walker, and Wild this week would tell me they're serious about evaluating next year's talent base. Strangely enough, it might actually be a better roster to field.
  10. This Depth Chart angers me. We might as well be in full-on evaluation mode... yet we choose to field this flaming mess of "best we's got" We have long known what we have in Labbe... a below-average LB that can play teams and should never start. We don't know what we have in last year's 1st rounder Pencer, but we sit him and play an American at Guard; something we are HIGHLY unlikely to do next year. We don't know what we have in Sims-Walker... we know he's had a decent cup of coffee in the NFL, but we haven't been able to put him on the field up here? The biggest kick in the nuts is Wild playing backup. The guy has arguably been a top 3 defender for us most of the year... and he gets benched for Labbe and an import Guard. Burke's a class act.
  11. Aside from the college CV... he's also coached the CFL's poorest OL over the past 4 years. Grounds enough right there.
  12. Morley's gotten away with a bad career...
  13. That's a good point, but if it were obvious, I wonder if he could be fired with cause and the contract voided? It's not employment law, it's contract law. And CFL coaching contracts are guaranteed, as long as they're abided by. The judge asks, "Did you, or did you not contract this person, to this position, for this time frame?" The 2nd question is "Has he or has he not abided by the terms of the contract?" In other words, has he or has he not been the Head Coach for this period... not how well has he performed. Guaranteed contracts suck... performance doesn't even enter the equation. He gets paid whether he rocks or sucks. Deliberately tanking a team would be next-to-impossible to prove in court... so voiding is highly unlikely. Highly risky for us though... he can do a lot of damage as a dead-duck head coach. To our reputation, to the players, to their attitudes... to everything. Be sure that Wade Miller and Kyle Walters have a good thorough pulse on this, and will not hesitate to pull the plug if they think he's blowing up the ship before jumping overboard.
  14. why do you care who your QB is in 5 years when you ought to be trying to win a Grey Cup next year?? Because this team isn't good enough to win a GC next year, and (if there is a God) will be adjusting to new coaches and schemes. Why take on Ray's contract and the limitations it'll put on the rest of our roster; if we're more than Ray away from being a GC contender? I'm not saying Collaros is a better QB than Ray... I'm saying Collaros makes more sense for a rebuilding team that needs more than just a QB. >implying that teams haven't turned around from **** to win the GC in recent years >implying that teams with new HCs and systems haven't won GCs in recent years >implying that teams with big contracts at QB haven't won GCs in recent years Good points all of them. I'm implying that there have not been a disaster of the Bombers' magnitude turn it all around into a GC in recent years. I'd love to win a GC next year... and I'd love Ricky Ray too. I just think we need more pieces than just Ray; and that his contract could well handcuff us from addressing those areas. Why not spend the $400k between Collaros, Chris Best, and another piece? And yes, I am implying that I'd like us to trade for/sign Chris Best as well.
  15. why do you care who your QB is in 5 years when you ought to be trying to win a Grey Cup next year?? Because this team isn't good enough to win a GC next year, and (if there is a God) will be adjusting to new coaches and schemes. Why take on Ray's contract and the limitations it'll put on the rest of our roster; if we're more than Ray away from being a GC contender? I'm not saying Collaros is a better QB than Ray... I'm saying Collaros makes more sense for a rebuilding team that needs more than just a QB.
  16. To be clear, I'd be ELATED with Ricky Ray... but my elation with Collaros is pretty damn close. Ray would be one hell of a 3-4 year starter. We'd need to develop another guy under Ray to take over not only when he hangs 'em up, but also when he's injured. Injuries to Ray have happened with greater frequency in recent years. Winnipeg hasn't developed a QB since Khari Jones. Short-term thinking scares me because we could be right where we are today in 3 years. Or shorter. Collaros has shown the good ability this year, and has greater long-term potential, and as Mike puts it, the quarterback "it" factor. He has not shown to be injury-prone yet either, and is young. Talent, youth, and upside... but he hasn't proven it over as long of a term. Ray will likely be better in the short-term, but the Bombers are a complete rebuild. Frankly, I see Collaros as the better move for the Bombers.
  17. I don't think it's that far-fetched man... Ray is fantastic and all, but has taken a lot of hits over his career, and has been hurt regularly of late. Collaros is a young up-and-comer who has shown proficiency at a young, relatively undeveloped age, in Toronto's system. The fact that I'm a Bomber fan and that I think I'd rather have Collaros; should tell you what you'd need to know. And that is... that we have no OL... and Ray would be injured even more often here. Oh, and yes, that I think the upside potential in Collaros may not trump Ray; but he likely will have greater longevity.
  18. Disagree with this statement. Benevides and Chamblin both very recently jumped into first time GC spots with immediate success. I think the thing with Burke is that he was wildly successful at DC for 2 teams, but despite that success, was passed over for multiple HC gigs. That speaks volumes about his potential at HC... but here come the white knight Bombers with an opportunity for him. I don't think we had anything to lose in giving him a shot midseason.. but why we decided to give him a 3-year contract after that is beyond me. How as a player can you get excited to play for an uninspiring coach that throws you under the bus in the media? Our half-time adjustments have been well behind the curve (if half-time adjustments are actually even made); he has already professed to knowing nothing about offense (although to be a great DC, one would think you would need a good understanding of what is coming against you), and his handling of the media will one day make a really fine case study. Agree 100% with 17to85... worst HC in Bomber history, worse than Kelly and Reinebold because at least they appeared to have an idea of what kind of team they were trying to build.
  19. Have to imagine it would be difficult to justify signing Cauchy Muamba, while drafting Edem. Now, imagine if we listened to Walters, drafted Edem, and threw our FA money at an O-Lineman... Which FA OL did you want last year? Good Point. There were none available. I just wish we had a better safety, I guess. Edem appears to be at least as good right now, with potential to be much better.
  20. Have to imagine it would be difficult to justify signing Cauchy Muamba, while drafting Edem. Now, imagine if we listened to Walters, drafted Edem, and threw our FA money at an O-Lineman...
  21. Buono turned to Pierce to give him the start... and Buck suffered a neck stinger.
  22. Thomas to RG, Pencer to RT? Puh-leeze?
  23. You have developed into one hell of a troll... first you purport yourself as the lone remaining Buck Pierce supporter, and now as a Lawless supporter. Secondly, do you really think ANY CFL team is willing to trade a legit #1 QB at this point in the year? With Ricky Ray, Travis Lulay, Anthony Calvillo, and Drew Tate all suffering injuries already this year; and all of those teams likely to make playoffs? I don't even think the Stamps would consider dealing Tate with BLM and Glenn healthy. They have a team with GC potential... you don't squander talent at the most important position on the football field when you're chasing a championship, even if you have 3 starter calibre QB's and can acquire a young, all-star NI MLB.
  24. Goltz is the classic case of the bad side of the tools vs. poise argument. He has all the tools... big arm, fast legs, elusiveness... but lacks the poise that all good QB's usually have... the quick release, the ability to read a defense, to audible to a quick hitter on a blitz. Painful to watch Edmonton show blitz, and Goltz hang in there with a 5 or 7 step drop turning into a scramble and sack for a loss. Hall right now is the bad side of the poise argument though. His ability to read a defense is better, and he has that quick release. But our line isn't good enough to protect him enough in the pocket, and he lacks the mobility and ability to make throws on the run. And our playcalling/offense (not sure which one is more responsible for this) hasn't caught on to how to setup a good screen to audible to on an all-out blitz. It's really a very low risk proposition for opposing D's. Blitz on Goltz, and there's a good chance he'll try to make something out of nothing and take a sack or throw out of bounds. Blitz on Hall and there' s a good chance he won't have the mobility to get away or the time to find a receiver. Sad to say, Joey Elliott is the best QB prospect we've had here in a long time. He was flawed for sure, but he was at least progressing, and capable of moving the offense. What we have now... might not be capable of being a #2 backup anywhere else in the CFL.
  25. If you're going to make someone a scapegoat you'd better make sure replacing him is going to actually make a difference. If the Bombers can get 8 sacks against the riders who have a good offensive line what can they do against the esks and their swiss cheese line? Buckle up Reilly, it's going to be a rough game. And there's still a good chance our offense is inept enough to lose even with a good defensive performance. That's the scary thing about this game.
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