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Armchair GM

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Everything posted by Armchair GM

  1. You really think a guy like Wade Miller would care? His life has been defined by not giving a sheet about what anyone thinks of him. That's a big part of the reason he's been successful. He should care. Success on the field together does not necessarily translate into success in management together. We need to kill this Winnipeg habit of hiring former Bombers. Mack didn't work out. Kelly didn't work out. And LaPo didn't work out. Khari hasn't really even excelled as an OC. I'd be on board for kicking his tires as an OC... but I don't get how we can take him seriously as an HC candidate at this stage of his coaching career.
  2. Don't think he'd be a horrible choice. Count me in the camp that just wants us to go outside of our regular hiring practice of "guys who used to be Bombers." That hasn't been going so good lately. An infusion of new blood from outside the organization might be just what we need.
  3. One would think that if they're trying to kindle up fan interest... they would start as soon as possible. No value in waiting. Fans are just going to become more resentful... or worse, completely disinterested. The other key point, is that the Als and Eskies can start interviewing HC candidates immediately. We might resign ourselves to at best, the 3rd best candidate. There's something called the first mover advantage.
  4. I'm the exact same way. If Burke is back, I'll be committing to tickets on a week by week basis in 2014. These words speak volumes, given that they're written by people who care enough about the Bombers to post regularly on a dedicated fan forum. I'm in the same boat. Unwilling to commit my $$ until I know if Burke is retained. To be honest, the fact he hasn't been canned yet floors me.
  5. I love that you rip him for this line while also ripping him for throwing guys under the bus. One comment references a coach inexcusably avoiding responsibility for his team. The other references his poor talent evaluation. Can we just all agree that the Bombers just need to cut bait, and move on???
  6. Why? What in Tim Burke's body of work supports the concept that he's a good HC? Acknowledging to the media that he has bad players? No. That speaks to the fact that he is a poor leader that leans on crutches, has not shown capable of coaching talent up, nor developing scheme around your talent. Give him the '01 Bombers and I'd bet he'd coach them to a losing record. How so? The '01 Bombers had 14 wins and Burke had 3 wins with this team. So by my calculations 14+3 = 17 and that team would have went 17-1, a CFL record. That's some good Burke math you gots there...
  7. Why? What in Tim Burke's body of work supports the concept that he's a good HC? Acknowledging to the media that he has bad players? No. That speaks to the fact that he is a poor leader that leans on crutches, has not shown capable of coaching talent up, nor developing scheme around your talent. Give him the '01 Bombers and I'd bet he'd coach them to a losing record.
  8. Bombers are trying to get their money’s worth out of him. They want to pick his brain on his evaluation of players, in preparation for the expansion draft. Fans might not like it, but that’s actually a smart move to keep him around for a few more weeks. We’re paying him anyways, may as well get our money’s worth. I don't want Tim Burke's opinion on what colour of socks to wear today... let alone with regard to football. He has proven himself incapable as a talent evaluator, talent developer, and head coach. What about that to you screams "smart?"
  9. Wouldn't rule out Kavis... but agree with Mike. Hiring Chris Jones as HC would likely put Kavis out of the race. Completely different schemes... and I can't see Jones in his first HC gig letting a DC run a completely different scheme than he has been successful with.
  10. You think Calgary would have found a way to coach Goltz into any kind of successful? The guy is Russell Wilson without any remote semblance of accuracy... Really? I likened him more to Doug Flutie with some height but no arm. ... what a weird comparison His best qualities are that he is fast and can escape pocket pressure... that is where I was going with the comparison. I guess my comparison loses traction when you take into account that Goltz is much taller, can't hit the broad side of a barn, and that he has no leadership abilities.
  11. You think Calgary would have found a way to coach Goltz into any kind of successful? The guy is Russell Wilson without any remote semblance of accuracy...
  12. Denmark, no. Max Hall, yes. Muamba and Jade ... those are raw first round picks who start with a base of what is basically zero. Of COURSE they're going to improve. What about our imports? By the same reasoning you use for Muamba and Jade... I would argue Max Hall started with a base of basically zero, in understanding how to play QB in the CFL.
  13. I'm not so sure that is necessary. A well-qualified GM hire would spell it out in his contract a-la-Duane-Forde... "Full Control over day-to-day football operations." And get it. To football ops... the CEO should be nothing more than sounding board, and a financial checkpoint.
  14. If they retain Burke, I'll buy my first Rider jersey. And I'll wear it. Then I'll set myself on fire.
  15. Being a 20 year punter, home renovator, and Winnipeg resident... does not mean automatic overrides on term limits.
  16. Miller's had 1/2 a season to chart a course of action and define what he wants. If he has already spoken to the other horses in the running... then there is no reason he shouldn't be able to name a guy on Monday, and move forward.
  17. Just another fact for the file... Burke does not have the media savvy nor people skills for the job. If you've been around life, let alone the game, as long as Burke has... you know that you can't expect people to go through a wall for you, if you're unwilling to go for them.
  18. Of course he does. Anyone in the GM chair has the power to do it. But the GM reports to Miller, who reports to the Board. There's no chance in hell that Walters hires an HC without the concurrence that the entire ship anoints him the Captain. If they're going to do it, they should do it Monday. They've had a half season to interview candidates and take stock of the situation.
  19. So according to Lawless, he thinks that Walters is putting his stamp on the team, and will hire a new coach; basically in a move to piss on his territory, and scare off other potential GM's? And make what will be an expensive financial and personnel move to acquire a starting QB? Get your head out of your ass for a second Lawless, and realize that something as significant as these 2 items in particular CANNOT happen until there is a permanent GM named. You think we're going to hell in a handbasket now... this kind of salary commitment would hamstring us for ANOTHER 3 years. I guess never say never, especially with the Bombers... but surely they can't be stupid enough to acquire the 2 most significant hires without a permanent GM in place.
  20. Is there a worse reason to base a hiring decision on, than "we could do a lot worse?" If we want the mediocrity in Winnipeg to finally end, we have to hire an HC that has a realistic plan on how to turn the franchise around. Not simply a guy who is the best of the mediocre. Not taking a shot at Bellefeuille. Taking aim at what I consider to be a comment that reeks of commitment to mediocrity.
  21. This is all so perplexing. We want to hire the best GM available, and we don't want our President to meddle in football ops... but now there are rumours that the President's out trying to install a coach. If this is true, this is soooooooo not good. Horse before the cart, people.
  22. yeah but no one is going to hand up RIcky Ray on a silver platter. True, but look at the pieces around Ray. The OL is very solid and full of CFL draftees... Eppele, Holmes, Reinders are all Barker drafts. Van Zeyl's starting at RT right now. The WR corps is very good (most if not all are Barker finds). To play devil's advocate, leave Barker in T.O. and bring Ray in with our existing OL and WR corps, and compare the results with Ray's the last 2 seasons. Bottom line - Barker played a significant role in the Argo rebuild. He came off as a dickish coach on TV in that Argos show, and was middling as an HC at best... but we're talking about him coming to be our GM. Given his work on personnel in Toronto, doesn't his body of work support him as a frontrunner?
  23. LOL. Kevin Glenn, Drew Tate, Drew Willy, Zach Collaros, Henry Burris, Dan LeFevour, Troy Smith, Thomas DeMarco. I would guess that at least 4-5 of these QB's will be available for Ottawa to select or sign via FA, depending on who Hamilton decides to protect; and if Winnipeg and/or Montreal decides to trade for one of them prior to the expansion draft. Given what's available, my thoughts are that if Ottawa's looking for QBing potential, they'll look to that group before they look to any of the leaders of the CFL's worst offense.
  24. Don't get all the hate for the possibility of Barker. He turned around the long moribund Argonauts. We have had a very bad football team for the better part of the past 5 years. Square peg meet square hole. Murphy on the other hand, I'm not sold. Huffer is basically the football czar out in Cowtown. This being the case, I'm unsure the database's resume is any more proven than Walters'.
  25. Which is why he's pissed that they're running a zone blocking scheme in BC and wants out. I shouldn't need to remind everyone that starting a non-import RB means we can start an extra import on either the OL, at receiver, or on defense. It also means having a suitable NI backup at RB, but that a strategic advantage worth paying for.
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