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Everything posted by Doublezero

  1. If the real Blue Bombers football team shows up - the will roll over Calgary. Wish we tried more of the 2-point converts however and hope that is not the difference today.
  2. He would not want to play anything other than QB. That's why he left Minn and went to S Dak - to play QB. With better coaching Streveler could be an outstanding CFL QB. Hoping we can sign him up for a term as a Blue Bomber QB.
  3. Nope. You're looking at it with Rider Pride eyes. Ham is the best team in the league hands down. But I agree Calgary will win the WSF. Bombers will have to get everything together - including coaching - to get past both Stamps and Riders and while it could happen it likely won't. (it must be getting uncomfortable waddling around Regina with all those horseshoes in unmentionable places).
  4. Not clear which QB you're talking about above but if it is Nichols, 100% agree. Also, decisiveness, reading and release can be coached up. And schemed. Why does Lapo have Streveler launching from a 3-step drop? Let the kid sprint out and throw from different launch points, or run from there. Would love to see Streveler working with a decent QB coach. Hope that happens here next year and not elsewhere.
  5. Yes, Oshea's formula here is easily questioned. The ball is placed on the 3. We have good success with the short pass. Even if you don't trust the pass we have the #1 and #6 rushers in the CFL. A little misdirection one way, a hand-off or disguise in another, should be 2 points for Harris Strev Lucky or Demski more often than not. (As long as they don't go with Demski up the gut - that only ever gets 2 yards except in the last game when he ripped it for 16 off tackle.)
  6. I agree. But that's not what happened. I've seen Nichols slide in open field where it looked like he could have made the first down without damaging himself. For sure, you could accuse Streveler of being reckless, getting injured, and potentially costing his team by diminishing his own effectiveness (ie that might have happened a bit yesterday). Conversely, you could accuse Nichols of being too cautious in self-preservation mode. He saves himself but selfishly costs the team an opportunity to finish a play or get the first down. One is being unselfish in the extreme and the other is being selfish in the extreme. You decide who you'd rather have as a leader.
  7. I puked watching Nichols slide in open field prior to getting to the first down marker. You'd never see Streveler do that.
  8. Before the game Dave Dickenson, an excellent former CFL QB and MVP, said he did not believe Streveler's bruising running style is sustainable and that the Stamps planned to hit him hard - and they did. Everyone could see the effect that the pounding took on Strev - except, apparently, OShea and Lapo. If there is one thing that is consistent about the Lapo/Oshea regime in Winnipeg it is that they break quarterbacks. Winnipeg is where quarterbacks come to die. This has been a perennial problem here - mismanagement of the QB position. Edit: I want to add Pierce to this mismanagement problem. I shuddered when he was made QB coach. He started 67 games in the CFL at QB and threw 76 TDs and 63 ints - yet he could be OC next year.
  9. Stamps successfully executed 2-point conversions three times in that game for a total of six points. O'Shea was asked after the 37-33 loss why Bombers don't try 2-pt conversions. "We have our formula," he said. "They try to get you to chase points early - I don't really fall into that trap." Link: https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/10/19/coach-oshea-post-game-54/ But logic tells you that if you succeed even 51% of the time on 2-pointers - you are further ahead than if you don't attempt any 2-pointers at all. Which is basically where the Bombers are. They don't try: https://www.cfl.ca/2019/10/10/ferguson-breaking-two-point-conversion/ But they should. And this is just further evidence of Oshea's stubbornness becoming a consistent liability. Not saying Bombers would have won vs Stamps if they'd tried 2-pointers but ....
  10. Here's the link, you can decide for yourself. Looks to me like he sees the writing on the wall https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/10/19/coach-oshea-post-game-54/
  11. Watching O'Shea's comments postgame reinforces the view that he cannot be HC here next year. 1) he admitted he has no clue what's going on on offence. 2) his explanation of why Bombers don't go for 2 pt converts is ridiculous. 3) his comments about Streveler's in-game health also are ridiculous. 4) surprised no one asked why he challenged Jeffcoats RP penalty.
  12. Great game. Love Streveler. Played with courage.
  13. Goodbye Oshea. How stupid are you. Again.
  14. Nice play by Salyles. but why wouldn't you go for 2 point conversion Oshea? What is the point of leading by 2?
  15. How do you know there's nobody better? We lost against Toronto and Montreal - and the WAY we lost convinced me we are long overdue for a change at head coach. Toronto piles up 450 yards against us while Nichols wobbles around for 178. This is the Argonauts remember. Montreal comes back because we choke and can't hold a 24 point lead. Remember MOS s the guy who pledged to get more involved in the defence after folks were screaming for Richie Hall's head in 2017 and again in 2018. You want more mediocrity? Great. You can settle for that. But long-suffering Bomber fans deserve better.
  16. Dinwiddie is in his 6th year of coaching in the CFL - that is about twice as much CFL coaching experience as OShea had when he got here. But hey - I just threw the name out there. Who else is out there that isn't going to be a major question mark? Definitely time for someone who knows the offensive side of the game calling the shots IMHO.
  17. Osh probably is done in Winnipeg. He's 55-51 I think, a bit better than .500. You'd hope for better after six years. So I am OK he he moves on to Toronto or wherever. The question becomes - who will replace him. I don't see Khari leaving MTL, town is too fun. And he's got something good going on there with Joe Mack and that team. I hope the next Bombers HC is not Lapo - been there, done that. What if Bombers took a flyer on someone like Ryan Dinwiddie - who did a great job with Arbuckle and the Stamps QBs. It's time we had someone with real Offensive knowledge calling the shots here. Could be just the ticket if we can keep Streveler on a long-term deal.
  18. It was a team win vs MTL and they are playing better all around. Alexander at safety and the insertion of Nick Taylor is an upgrade. As for QB, I'm excited about Strev, tremendous athlete who is fun to watch. Regardless of what happens next (Grey Cup?) here's hoping we can get him back as our guy in Winnipeg next season. The pick on the endzone pass to Darvin Adams was under thrown. Exactly the same result on the same play vs Sask the week prior. I'm sure Strev won't do that again.
  19. Strev should be even better. But it's not his fault. You have to wonder what Khari might've done coaching up Strev and teaching him the nuances of the CFL game. Instead, he gets coached by Lapo and Pierce. Mismanagement of the QB position is the recurring key weakness on this team - and not just this season.
  20. Vernon Adams can run too and undoubtedly will.
  21. I agree. But Walters and MOS are special teams guys. They don't have a hot clue how to manage the most important position on the team.
  22. One of the criticisms of Streveler is that he hasn't been able to pick up defensive formations and get through his reads. Not sure I agree with this but even if true - who's responsible for that? Arbuckle in Calgary and Adams in Montreal have good QB experience coaching them. Hamilton has Tommy Condell.
  23. Compared with other CFL clubs, Bombers have had poor coaching at the QB position. Most of the competitive teams have former QBs or Offensive experts at the helm. But we've got Walters and MOS who are ST experts and who arguably don't have the same nuanced understanding of the QB position as, say, Khari or Dickenson in Calgary. Lapo and Buck aren't up to the task unfortunately.
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