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Everything posted by Doublezero

  1. If they want to award a win to one team in an unfinished game, well, OK. But somehow it doesn't feel like they deserve 2 pts in the standings.
  2. Davis's receivers are contributing to his I/C stats - that's gotta be 4-5 picks by him this season that are directly attributable to pass catchers popping it up.
  3. Davis wasn't given a real opportunity here, MOS too busy running out the string with Drew Willy. Just like Streveler - Nichols now.
  4. The play I hate is handoff to Demski up the gut. It's been called maybe 10 times in the first 8 games. But he gets jammed up every time. 2 yards. Hurts my head.
  5. Correct. It was a good play by the Calgary defender, not a drop by Matthews. I don't agree with you about Streveler though, he just needs more game speed reps running the full offensive package to show what he can do. He's got a strong arm and can throw on the run.
  6. We are 6-2! Could be 8-0. Second time this year a Bombers win leaves me feeling more than a tad uneasy.
  7. Thank heaven and god almighty for Andrew Harris. But man, if he ever gets hurt is this offence gonna be in trouble.
  8. Twice, Nichols looked directly at Whitehead - who was wide open 10-12 yards deep - but threw the check down to Harris instead. It was like Nichols didn't actually see Whitehead, or by the time it registered it was too late.
  9. Coaches, even the most stubborn ones, can see this too. Matty must know he's on thin ice. How will he respond to the looming possibility of being replaced by Streveler as the starter? He will either continue to discombobulate or rise up and play better. Calgary will be a good test of his mental toughness.
  10. Based on the last two games we are trending in the wrong direction and I don't like our chances. Lifetime we are 92 wins vs 111 losses against Stamps. O'Shea's record is 50W vs 45L as a head coach while Dickhead who disparages Canadians is 41W vs 11L with 3 Grey Cup appearances in a row. Even with BLM out and with Calgary probably having less talent than the Bombers overall, we seem to have significant deficits at HC QB and DC - and that will be our undoing. Stumps by 18.
  11. That was an entertaining game. Adams, Pipkin, Davis - not perfection by a long shot but it's fun to watch some athleticism at the QB position. Other than AH rippin' it, watching the Bombers constantly go 2-out, 2-out is incredibly boring in comparison.
  12. I doubt Lapo is calling those check-downs. That's Nichols unable to get through his reads and then ditching on the play.
  13. IMHO the Miller-Walters-OShea braintrust doesn't have a great track record managing the QB position. They seem not to recognize when change is overdue. Goes back to Drew Willy, same thing.
  14. It would be great if Bombers gave Streveler more playing time going forward. I think he'll get better with more real time reps. And let him run the entire O package - not just QB keepers and run options.
  15. It's not coaching, Bombers have a problem at the QB position. I've been saying this since mid-2017. Lapo is coaching to Nichols strengths, scant as they may be. Imagine if Nichols had been starting for Toronto tonight and if Bethel Thompson had been starting for Winnipeg - do you think Argos would have won?
  16. What does that tell us? Other than MOS is stubborn and loyal to a fault. We already know that.
  17. We're going to lose Streveler next year if we don't start to groom him to start, now. How can they not see that?
  18. The Bombers didn't play great but I blame Nichols for the loss mostly. His turnovers resulted in 10 points for Hamilton. We lost by 8.
  19. Just out of curiosity, when was the last time Nichols engineered a come from behind win?
  20. Well he'll be starting somewhere else next year if we don't give him a chance to do that here. And that would be a real shame.
  21. I was disappointed we did not extend him this past off-season.
  22. I don't have much confidence that we can win any important games with Nichols at QB.
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