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The Unknown Poster

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Posts posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. 2 hours ago, pigseye said:

    They over reacted and continue to do so. Lethality of the disease isn't even worth discussing, never mind a threat to humanity, give your head a shake.  

    Imagine thinking this.  Imagine being so in love with some one like Donald trump that it warps your view of reality to the extent you’re still trying to say governments over reacted to covid.  

  2. What’s this about a national sick day plan?  Interesting.  10 day paid sick leave.  My company actually provides a lot of paid sick leave but if you use more than 3 days a year you’re considered excessive which is absurd.  

  3. 2 hours ago, bustamente said:

    Economy has no chance to fully recover before the election, Trump has only one bullet left and that's a vaccine by September so that he can yell and rant everyday that he saved all Americans and the Universe from Covid 19 of which he called a hoax...........maybe leave out the last part




    I think he’s saying vaccine by end of the year because he knows the Dems will be truthful and say that’s highly unlikely.  Trump can say vote for me is a vote for a vaccine.  

  4. Great stuff guys. 

    WWE is apparently giving in and using talent as audience members to add to the atmosphere.  They didn’t want to be seen as copying AEW after they adjusted their camera angles to match AEW early.  It should help a lot though.  

  5. 1 hour ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    You mean?


    21 days from now... serious spike in positive tests.

    I guess if I was 25 I’d feel bullet proof and put a higher importance on the orgys and stuff.  But still...

  6. 59 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Did you see the pictures from Missouri today?

    Yup. Crazy. Like I get it. We have lakes and great summer activities.  Take a summer off kids. One summer. Next year, party all you want to, sharing all the bodily fluids you want to. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Mark H. said:

    I also think Manitoba has done well, but I’m worried about who is on our borders - Ontario and the Dakotas. 

    Yeah the second wave could be trouble.  If Manitoba is able to keep things locked down we’ll be alright but the pressure is going to be on to re open. Will the feds extend CERB and everything else to next spring?  I doubt it.  So there has to be a re-opening and a reluctance to close of a second wave hits.  It’s going to be tough.  

  8. Pretty darn good show.  They do a great job (far better than wwe) in mitigating the no crowds. But a couple matches would have been so much better with crowds.  Namely MJF vs Jungle Boy and Cody vs Archer.  

    the Stampede was amazing.  All those guys are just so good.   The presentation was exceptional.   And again, as far as “cinematic” goes, way better than WWE.

    New TNT championship.  As soon as I saw it I thought hmmm that looks kinda unfinished.  Well apparently it is.  Seen some rumours of its final design floating around and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product.  Too bad archer had to lose but Cody really has to win.  Mike Tyson didn’t do much but he looked great. Could see something happening there.  

    Mox and Brodie was really good.  Brodie wasn’t hurt too bad by losing. Mox vs Cage at Fyter Fest (which was supposed to be in London but won’t be now). 

    So glad to see Hikaru Shida win the title.  She came in and worked for a few years ago (we had to keep it a secret at the time). Super talent.  

    And what about Page riding in on the horse?  Haha amazing. 

  9. 1 hour ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

    Well they are in the 100-200k prediction.

    Back when it was like 5000 people were complaining that it was just a flu and why don’t people care about the flu as much.  Those people had poor comprehension skills and were pushing an agenda but still.  Sadly they were wrong.  We all knew it.  Perhaps they can’t post an apology lol. But still it’s awful and the people laughing this off at the beginning are horrible people.  

  10. So now that US deaths are nearing 100,000 with massive lockdowns and social distancing, where are those people claiming it’s just the flu now?   Some people, even here, owe some apologies for their insensitivity and ignorance.  

    And trump is golfing.  I hope they get footage and the Dems make it an video.  Disgusting. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, bustamente said:

    Good for Biden but he needs to watch what he says, still waiting for Trump to apologize for telling the 4 congresswomen to go back to their own countries


    The good thing is the gop have a guy that can’t stand up to any debate, be it pandemic response, race relations, or anything else.  

  12. The Gofundme for Shad's family surpassed it's $100,000 goal in 24 hours.  Incredible.   Some interesting donations including Pro Wrestling Tees and Cameo.  As well as Tony Khan ($10.000), the Rhodes, Jericho, Rusev and others.  A $40,000 donation was made CTC RIP and many are speculating it was John Cena.

    Tonight is Double or Nothing from Jacksonville.  I had tickets to this event in Las Vegas before it was moved.

    Official Matches

    Brodie Lee vs Jon Moxley(c) - AEW Championship Id strongly suspect Mox wins this one but its a big opportunity for Brodie to prove what he's got.

    Lance Archer vs Cody - Finals for the TNT Championship w/Mike Tyson Presenting the Belt With the Tyson stip, Id say Cody.  But then all the champions are babyfaces and do you want Archer losing yet?  On the other hand, do you want Cody to always lose the big one?  Might be an angle alert here.  I assume Tyson gets into it with someone if he is up for it.

    Hikaru Shias vs Nyla Rose(c) - No DQ Match for the AEW Women’s ChampionshipFeels too early for a title change but I like Shida a lot.  I think it sticks with Rose.

    Casino Ladder Match for a chance at the AEW Championship (Darby Allen, Colt Cabana, Orange Cassidy, (Rey Fenix) Joey Janela, Scorpio Sky, Kip Sabian, Frankie Kazarian, Luchasaurus, MYSTERY MAN) - Terribly bland name so Im calling it the Raising the Stakes Ladder Match.  Fenix is out, replaced by Joey Janela and there is a mystery opponent which could be as big as Rusev (though not likely as I believe his WWE deal isnt over yet) or Ricky Starks.  Could be Jeff Cobb or Cage as well.  Saw one suggestion of it being Hangman.

    MJF vs Jungle Boy - MJF is future world champion (Jericho to Mox to Kenny to MJF?).  Jungle Boy is great too. They could do the surprise with Jungle Boy getting the upset to make it a real program and have MJF incensed he lost.  But probably not.  Tease Lucha vs Wardlow.

    Stadium Stampede Match (aka FIGHT ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD!): Inner Circle vs The Elite & Matt Hardy - This was filmed last night and everyone is raving about it.  Should be awesome.

    (Britt Baker) Penelope Ford vs Kris Statlander - Brit Baker is out.  Should be Stat Id think, over Ford.

    Dustin Rhodes vs Shawn Spears - Id give Dustin the win.  Angle alert here maybe...(Revival?)

    Pre-Show: Private Party vs Best Friends - #1 Contender Opportunity for the Tag Titles   Private Party are far from ready.  Best Friends are really coming into their own.


  13. Appears to be a suicide. She was 22. And had been the subject of a lot of online hate recently.  A tremendous talent.  Just awful. 


    Hana Kimura, who was the most charismatic wrestler in the Stardom promotion and one of two women the company was planning to be built around, passed away today at the age of 22.

    No details are available but she had posted what came across like a suicide message yesterday that had people concerned as well as photos of her arms being self mutilated.

    The death appears to be the first result of a pro wrestler's depression coming from social media cyber bullying.

    She wrote, "Nearly 100 opinions every day. I couldn't deny that I was hurt. I'm dead. Thank you for giving me a mother. It was a life I wanted to be loved. Thank you to everyone who supported me. I love it. I'm weak. I'm sorry. I don't want to be alive anymore. It was a life I wanted to be loved. Thank you everyone. I love you. Bye."

    Kimura was the only child of Kyoko Kimura, a pro wrestling star who had retired in 2017. She grew up around the business and started at the age of 18, although she held the comedy DDT Ironman Heavymetalweight title at the age of seven in a DDT comedy sketch.

    Kimura had started in September on Terrace House, a popular Japanese reality show that airs worldwide. She was becoming a celebrity off the show because of her unique look and because she was physically stronger than most Japanese women. Stardom, the leading women's wrestling company in Japan, under new ownership, had planned to try and push women's wrestling mainstream around Kimura and Giulia with the idea they were the two most marketable stars. Of the two, Kimura was by far the most charismatic and the better wrestler of the two.

    The first step of the push was an appearance in the opening match on the New Japan January 4, 2020, show at the Tokyo Dome. It was the first women's match at the Tokyo Dome since 2002. Before the pandemic, Stardom was planning a much bigger and higher profile show with her, as the leader of the Tokyo Cyber Squad, to feud with Giulia after a split in the tag team match on the Dome show.

    In an incident on Terrace House filmed in early January, a male housemate named Kai washed his clothes while her outfit that she wore at the Tokyo Dome was in the washer and then threw it in the dryer and ruined the outfit. She lost her temper and slapped him hard. 

    Since that incident aired, she had been getting hate messages from people all over the world and it sent her into depression. It was getting worse in recent weeks. Because she had big shoulders for a Japanese woman because of her athletic background, even before the incident she was getting some negative reactions.

    She was flooded with support on social media over the past 12 hours.


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