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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. I think I would like all 5 please. Put January's, Hinse's, and Morley's contract against these 5 Throw in Richardson's or Pall or Kuale with Mr. Renaud' salaries and you have the deal of the century.
  2. He fights to keep his position... nothing wrong with a little competition... being a ST ace also works in Unamba's favour And he played WIL last year, so maybe he can play both sides. Great use of a DI if he can back up both positions and be a monster on special teams. Maybe he's even been asked to put on a few pounds to patrol the middle and solve two problems at once. Unumba - the new #1. Chant... Unumba 1 Unamba 1.
  3. Subject to approval from Gary Bettman, 18-15-1.
  4. The actual facts don't support your storyline. Bowman is not rubber stamping True North's actions and their actions don't look like they are out of line. You can, of course, connect the dots in insinuations, but there are no dots to connect in the facts.
  5. It isn't. But Bettman didn't get pissy about wade's remarks and then confirm everything he said was true. This is Bettman's statement: “I was disappointed (the Blue Bombers) wouldn't make the stadium available to us. That's really what it comes down to,” “We wanted to play the game in December and we were told we couldn't have the stadium. That was disappointing." You don't consider that statement as not "getting pissy about it"? He could easily have said - The 3 three parties couldn't reach an agreement to use the stadium on a date that worked for all parties involved. But no, he was being Bettman.
  6. And this is the True North response: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, January 26, 2015 TRUE NORTH ISSUES STATEMENT RE: 220 CARLTON STREET DEVELOPMENT True North Sports & Entertainment Limited today issued the following statement with regards to development of property at 220 Carlton Street: “To all those that have been following the recent developments with regards to this matter we appreciate your patience while providing True North an opportunity to respond. We would also like to thank CentreVenture for taking its time to provide a well-considered, thoughtful and balanced response to the recent public commentary directed toward CentreVenture and True North. We can confirm statements made today by CentreVenture regarding an Option Agreement for the 220 Carlton Street property entered into by True North in September of 2014 with the owners of that property. Subject to certain conditions to be negotiated in a subsequent Development Agreement, this Option Agreement provides True North with rights to acquire that property at a designated point of time in the future. The Agreement also provides for a fair market value mechanism to determine the value of the property upon acquisition. The option has not been exercised. The property at 220 Carlton along with a number of other downtown properties contiguous to it are part of a broader land assembly package to the southwest of the MTS Centre and the northeast of the RBC Convention Centre currently under development review by True North and its partners. True North is now undertaking a thorough due diligence exercise involving these lands the purpose of which is to determine the viability of a very significant mixed used real estate development for downtown Winnipeg. This development would include office, hotel, retail, residential, parking and public plaza components. During this process we have considered major mixed use real estate projects in other cities developed by our industry peers including Maple Leaf Square in Toronto and LA Live in Los Angeles. It is anticipated that this investment in our downtown will greatly enhance Winnipeg and its SHED district. As many of you who have followed the growth of our organization over the years will appreciate, it is not our common practice to comment publicly on these kinds of investment projects until such time as we have reasonably come to the end of our due diligence process. As recently indicated we continue to be enthusiastic about the opportunities for Winnipeg as a community and in particular its downtown. For 2015 we are continuing with our investment and upgrade plan in the MTS Centre. We remain committed as an organization to a bright future for Winnipeg and the ongoing opportunities for True North and its partners to invest in Winnipeg, its people, its commercial infrastructure and our collective future together in our home town. Thank you very much.” #####
  7. and what a ridiculous comment I kind of wish he had a non-answer answer.
  8. How is that different than the Jets and Bombers agreed on a Feb. date and the NHL said no?
  9. Nah, I'm pretty sure I know who Bettman is, and I'd even have a beer with him, But trust him? or believe he has hockey's best interest in mind? No way. But - you keep telling yourself - that he doesn't talk double-speak, and that the only thing he cares about is the hockey for hockey's sake - if that makes you feel bettman better.
  10. I smell 360 power ring collusion in these building enhancements.
  11. Yeah, Gary Bettman is a superstar alright. "He drastically increased revenue which was his main mandate. He expanded the league significantly. He won cost certainty for his owners. He increased television rights contracts." He did this by giving us teams in Columbus, Nashville, Tampa Bay, Phoenix, Carolina, and Florida and charged these teams ridiculous franchise fees. He gave us an abundance of minor league players who try to move 200 feet up the ice all while trying not to look down at the puck. He allowed these these minor league players to earn major league wages and who cares if the average hockey fan can't afford a live game anymore? And blessed be Bettman for giving us hockey in June. Who doesn't want to be inside watching hockey when the warm winds are blowing outside? Yes, thanks Gary, for even acknowledging there are hockey fans in a far north land in a city like Winnipeg. Too bad that mean Mr. Miller had the nerve to stand up and say NO. He's the real bad guy in this scenario.
  12. Ah yes, the old naive argument. Comes in handy even if everything is on the up and up. It's OK though…I like my little world of naivety. It's fun in here. And the people are better behaved.
  13. But your argument is tainted because you've already painted the parties involved as having back room deals in place already. Totally not open-minded, as opposed to having an open mind and no hidden agendas. If Bowman is the man electors believe him to be…then what is the worry? You've already convicted him. Does that mean you've already been bought?
  14. "I'm sure hoping Bowman has a backbone and doesn't allow TNSE to get this contract." What?? So, they should be disqualified because they have ties to endorsing the Mayor? That doesn't make any sense. Reverse politicking?
  15. There is a disproportionate amount of conjecture in your words based on nothing more than "instincts". Kind of tabloid-like in its presentation. There have been dozens of business dealings from the Chipman family and Megill-Stephenson, that don't reflect poorly on their practices. I see nothing here that changes that. Perhaps your "gut feeling" is nothing more than something Pepto Bismol can alleviate.
  16. Separate your personal opinion of Wade Miller and consider what he has to take care of in this situation…and that is the Winnipeg Football Club. Consider the fact, that for the last couple of years, the date being considered was to be in February - not December. Do you think that the fact the Bombers hosting the Grey Cup, only weeks prior to this outdoor game, creates a shred of concern to Bettman? Not a chance. The "above everybody" attitude that Bettman exudes, is nauseating. His arrogance in his update of the Heritage game is a perfect example. He states “I was disappointed (the Blue Bombers) wouldn't make the stadium available to us. That's really what it comes down to,” “We wanted to play the game in December and we were told we couldn't have the stadium. That was disappointing." "Wouldn't make the stadium available?" How about "it wasn't a negotiable date"? Only a dwirp would phrase it like that. If it doesn't suit the NHL…it just doesn't suit…period. Miller, out of his league? I should hope so, but not for the reasons you think.
  17. Got to love it…Knox…and Gold. Going to work out just fine.
  18. I imagine Walters FA board would look somewhat like flowchart: Player A - Yes - sign and pump fists Player A - No - pursue player B Player B - Yes - sign and high five Player B - No - pursue players C & D Players C & D - Yes - a thumbs up Players C & D - only one yes, a so-so wave of the hand..keep going We should be able to sign a min. of 2 pretty good players and be able to stay away from spending a ridiculous amount of money on Players J-O-K-and E
  19. My call on the Pardy line is that he would be grabbed off the waiver wires. Teams are paying attention to what the Jets have done and who they have, and an extra, experienced defence man won't be overlooked by teams who have the need or the space.
  20. Just like two former Bombers making the two biggest plays to get the Seahawks in the Super Bowl was last weekend! Must have had the right sized balls to accomplish those feats.
  21. Well, he does have the look for a poster boy for their holiday destination - Saskabush... His ability to stick with teams is approaching his FG percentages. 3 attempts, 1 made.
  22. The rule is the dumbest in pro sports. If Seattle's defense is so good then let them try to stop Green Bay & truly walk off the field as champions. The coin toss won this game. Exactly. I can't think of another sporting circumstance where the opposing team, in a competition, isn't allowed to complete the game…that will ultimately decide the outcome for a championship, other than who won the coin toss…. That is house league.
  23. In a huff - "in an angry or offended manner". With a Huff - in an organized, business-like, knowledgable manner. I knew that guy was gold back when he played for us, and instead of just filling time on the bench, as back up, he would study the other team's signals and use that knowledge against them.
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