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the watcher

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Everything posted by the watcher

  1. I was a huge Hull and Blackhawks fan as a kid. I was thrilled to death when he came to Winnipeg. He changed hockey by empowering the players. He made the NHL a possibility in Winnipeg. The Hotline changed hockey when it became the basis of the Oiler championship years.His shot has yet to be equaled in my opinion. There are tons of stories about his willingness to sign autographs. Holding up team buses too so.A friend told me of being a kid and standing in a crowded group to get an autograph.Just as he approached an adult kind of shoved him to the side and stuck his paper infront of Bobby. Hull just reached over the guy ,took my friends paper , signed it and moved on without signing the adults paper.
  2. A good opinion piece. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/23/system-rigged-inequality-pandemic-despair-super-rich
  3. It's always bothered me that when we look at fixing our issues with our Healthcare system we only think that it's either the American way or ours. There are many different systems in Europe and the rest of the world. We need to do look beyond the Americans when we look for solutions. As far as the cost of systems I haven't looked since covid hit but generally most of Europe like ourselves are in the 10 to 11.5 percent of our GDP to fund our Healthcare systems.The Americans spend a whopping 17+ percent of their GDP on Healthcare. The cost argument never has held water. And as far as results for having their expensive system , we are 12th to 14 in life expectancy. Americans are around 32nd. It's been awhile since I looked at the numbers and it was precovid so I stand to be corrected. My point boils down to there are more answers to fixing our Healthcare issues than the old private or public argument.
  4. When the pandemic started I got into several nasty confrontations with covidiots. After a while I thought about it and decided no more. It bothered me more than them. And it goes against my moral and spiritual beliefs. So Covid has taught me it ain't worth it.I am better to remove myself.
  5. For one thing its 6 years. Next,I have said all along I liked his IDEA .That doesn't suggest I have done a independent study on it. By BASING it around I meant bringing it more in line with . There is no reason 6 or 8 years of public work should mean you are entitled you to an excessive pension.Lastly as far as the cracks about " civics classes " and " critical thinking " that have been made, I did study Political Science at the U of W many years ago. I have made a life time habit of reading alot of books on philosophy, religion, politics, current events, science....A simple comment that I liked an idea seems to have fired up everyone. I'll end the discussion there then.
  6. Lol l Manning was far from a model anything. I was no fan of the Reform party. I repeat , basing a pension somewhat around civil servants is a good idea. Not exact, just generally.
  7. I'm long past school so ditch the attitude. All I'm saying is a more reasonable pension would be better. Basing it more along the lines of other public servants isn't unreasonable. I didn't say make it exactly the same . Lordy ! God help someone on here if they say someone on the right had a good notion.
  8. A newbie MP qualified or not makes "180,000 a year plus extras. It's not just for the rich,. So you are suggesting us" plebs " wouldn't run if they had a more reasonable pension structure ?
  9. And why would politicians be different ? Getting a full pension on top of other unique benefits after 8 years ( or less ) is ridiculous.
  10. As could Trudeau 1+ 2, Martin, Harper,Chretien and any other lifetime politician . But Manning is the only one who did or will do it. I'm just saying the idea of basing their pensions on civil servants is a good ides.
  11. Re the discussion on, MLS and MP wages, pension and terms : All good ideas. I always liked Preston Mannings idea of basing MPs pensions and maybe wages on the average civil servants pension. The last I knew he refused to accept the pension he got.I didn't agree with all of his ideas but I liked that one.
  12. Scary stuff https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/11/oceans-were-the-hottest-ever-recorded-in-2022-analysis-shows
  13. I thought this should go under US politics as their political system allows this to happen. Another symptom of a broken society. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/08/shooting-of-teacher-by-six-year-old-a-red-flag-for-us-says-mayor-virginia
  14. Kettle calling the pot black ? https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/jan/02/china-moon-nasa-space-race
  15. If it all goes away that quietly I'd be surprised. Trump's election was a symptom of a diseased society. The disease isn't being treated. It will resurface. It's like a nasty STD. If you don't treat the root causes it will always come back. Next time they might get a smarter " Trump like leader ".
  16. I thought this was an excellent article on some of the causes/ results / possible outcomes of the Russian invasion. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/26/ukraine-war-revenge-of-history-how-geopolitics-shaping-conflict
  17. Hmm. How can something be funny, scary, disturbing, disgusting, ridiculous, moronic, and weird all at the same time ? And packed into such a tiny clip. That's the real question.
  18. As Spock would say, " Fascinating " https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/dec/01/scientists-simulate-baby-wormhole-without-rupturing-space-and-time
  19. Back in the 90s I was working in a mine in the northern Canada. We had a Croatian bull cook ( assisted the cook, cleaned rooms..... ) in camp. He was a jovial, friendly, always smiling, joking with everyone guy that everyone loved. One day the foreman and I were watching a foreign movie on the rec room TV ( it was a sweet camp ). It was about a family trying to get into the west from the Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey area. Y#### had come in the room and was standing behind where we were sitting.At some point my foreman said " Y#### who are these people ? " There was no answer so he asked again and we both turned and looked at him. I can only describe his face as a picture of hate,anger, disgust. I have seen lots of angry men but never a look of pure, utter hatred. It was shockjng. He then literally spat out. " They're peasants ! Dirty filthy peasants ! " and stormed off. I'm not sure what he had gone through or what his life experiences were . The Croatian war was on and he had always said he wasn't going back till the war was over. I've met and dealt with lots of people who were racist, or anti gray, ....etc but never before or since seen a look like that. Close to terrifying.
  20. The 1st game showed we belong in the World Cup. This game showed we have a ways to go before we are any kind of a threat .
  21. Much like some Jet games I found myself yelling " hit the net "
  22. They had their chances. But no finish. They did go toe to toe with the 3rd ranked team
  23. Canada is off to a damn good start in the 1st 30 mins. To bad on the missed penalty kick
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