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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Oil and gas companies are far and away the Masters of propaganda. No one compares even throughout history. They have it mastered. They've been able to get out of most messes they create, including cleaning up oil spills they say they'll clean up. Which is another form of subsidies...we know their products are literally destroying the human species nevermind basically all other species on the planet...don't get me started on the ocean. We talk about war time propaganda and it's issues...or misinformation online and how it's impacted us. But never oil and gas propaganda....its so well done its often extremely hard to pin point. So I not surprised people don't know just how much oil and gas cost the public tax payers to set up their infrastructure, but to also continue working like they have all the while bringing in record profits. "Hey I'm destroying your environment, charging you more and more for transportation and heating and food, while my bank account grows exponentially. im literally destroying your species, ruining the biggest source of life on the planet, contributing to wars and the cause of them etc etc....but don't you let "renewables" trick you into believing they're better!! It's a lie!! You can't survive without oil, don't let them get a foot up with governments help, that's communism!! Are you a nazi? No this is a FREE country!! Now go fill up your tank, the prices are going up tomorrow!...which is your governments fault fyi! ******* Trudeau!! You should tell your government to remove taxes at the pump if you want cheaper fuel...we PROMISE not to raise the price to bring it back up to the cost it was WITH taxes!"
  2. This is 100% wrong. There is no truth tovthis at all. The ONLY reason oil and gas was made a reliable source of energy is BECAUSE of subsidies.
  3. I'm not in favour of subsidies myself. But pretending like our society hasn't been largely made possible due to subsidies is hilarious to say the least. And yes if one type of energy company is getting them most should, to be fair. That's just how our broken world works.
  4. Lol. Bro do yourself a favour and go learn some history. Because literally almost everything you've said here is incorrect.
  5. Yes and if/when they do....oil and gas will STILL increase the price lol. I 100% guarentee it. So instead of the citizens receiving that money (taxes) it'll go to off shore bank accounts. Sounds like it will help! Again, oil and gas is RIDICULOUSLY good at making people angry at their governments (or other entities) for the issues oil and gas start. at the start of the pandemic, when unfortunately a lot of information was coming out, about declining fertility in humans...and evidence was clear that a major factor was oil and plastic. Coincidentally the vaccine was released and almost immediately theories about it's impact on human fertility started...that was not by accident. Oil and gas saw an opportunity to get the spot light off them once again and took it. This is just one example of how easily they can change a narrative because of their grip on society.
  6. Lol. Man you say some funny stuff from time to time. I'm sure the Americans would be totally fine with Russians invading anywhere in NA....nevermind their largest trade partner who happens to be sitting on loads of resources....yeah they wouldn't do anything about it. Lol
  7. By your own definition, oil and gas are not viable. How do you think they got to the point they are now exactly? Hard work and long hours? Lol. Oil and gas have received and CONTINUE to receive government subsidies. Yes those poor oil and gas companies...how hard it must be with all the taxation they face lol. I'll say it again. There is zero reason to reduce the taxes at the pump and zero reasons why the price can NOT be lowered. Taxes have very little to do with it. Our governments need to grow some ******* balls and do what's right for the people....they won't. But they certainly need to.
  8. Tech is essentially improving at an exponential rate right now. Never mind wind/solar/geo thermal etc. which will all play a big role. There's also fusion tech than has come a very long ways...and once we figure that out (we will) it will literally change the world over night.
  9. This might be part of the problem. Do you believe it's the governments fault for the prices at the pump? Gas prices being high is 99% due to the company selling it, not the liberals. People will always complain. Complain about high taxes, in the next breath complain about crappy health care/education/policing/infrastructure etc etc. You can't have low taxes and public everything. That's just not how it works. What you really want, is a government that holds companies accountable for gouging the public. If we had that, this wouldn't be an issue at all. While I'm hear, I'll remind EVERYONE that the Harper government put us further in debt than any other government before it....spending (regardless of what politicians say) is not a Left vs Right issue. They all spend more than they bring in.
  10. This becomes a non issue if our government does what is best for the people and forces oil and gas to reduce their price at the pumps. Thats the BIGGEST price factor there. not taxes. They will still make a killing, people will save money. It's a win win. Gas is going up due to greed not taxes. With the way technology improvements speed up year after year I'd be willing to bet you're wrong.
  11. They're gonna be REALLY upset when they find out what's on the internet.
  12. I understand this argument. However I don't for a second believe the people who want this, also won't complain when it comes to how much debt this country is in. We are not in a position to take in less taxes. We just aren't. In fact we should probably be increasing them. There's no reason people, or by proxy our governments should be on the hook for this oil. Oil and gas should be forced to take less profit, lower their prices or face a penalty of some kind. On top of that, why spend money on more infrastructure that will be outdated and potentially useless in the next decade or two when we have another country that has said infrastructure and can easily make up for the hole russia is leaving?
  13. Honestly 127k isn't that bad for Darvin. I suppose if you put in the context of how he's played over the last few years it's hard to argue he deserves a raise..but considering the market on WRs I would have taken him at that price.
  14. These people have watched too many James Bond movies. What can you even say about them anymore? Words don't do the idiocy justice.
  15. There's an unrolled (bunch of tweets put together in an essay format.) Version if you scroll down a bit. Very interesting read though
  16. It's not that we can't be, but like you said we would need the infrastructure to be built (pipelines). Venezuela does not. It's ready to go
  17. I guess it depends on who would replace him, someone with his mentality? Then yeah it won't make a difference...is his replacement someone who has a soul? then sure! But I'm going to assume that his replacement is just as much a pos as he is.
  18. Russias oil is easily replaced. The country is ready and willing, the USA just needs to lift their sanctions on it. Venezuela has more oil than russia but the USA won't touch it.
  19. Yeah I maybe should have clarified my initial comment....the Ukrainian people are certainly innocent.
  20. Without ranting too long, it's basically the two world powers (russia vs the west) fighting for strategic land to help bolster their economic power...this includes the west propping up far right wing militias to help fight russia, and russia using THAT to say all of Ukraine is infiltrated by nazis and thus justifying their invasion, in their mind. Which coincidentally also fits with their own plans for overthrowing the West as THE world power. This isn't russia vs ukraine. It's Powerful people in russia vs powerful people in the west...and of course the people of Ukraine are the ones paying the price. Rich people start wars. Poor people end them.
  21. https://readthemaple.com/the-historical-roots-of-the-ukraine-conflict/ Here's a really good article that digs into a bit of the history in the region and shows that it's far more complicated than what's being described in the media (for the most part). I thought the final sentenced summed it up nicely. "Our solidarity must be against this war and against the ruling classes who have stoked it for so long."
  22. They also have their share of right wing nuts. In 2019 they put up a monument to WW2 era Ukrainian fascists' on the spot where 1200 Jews were executed in 1943, the head of the Ukrainian Jewish committee called it a monument to killers on top of the graves of their victims. The Canadian ambassador to Ukraine was present for the ceremony as well. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-officials-honor-nazi-collaborators-in-ukraine-angering-jewish-groups
  23. The more time I take to look into this, the more complicated it gets. I would no longer call one side or the other completely innocent....however as with all wars it will all come at the cost of working class peoples lives and homes.
  24. I've heard his actually quite afraid of covid....don't know how accurate that is
  25. Where are you seeing that it's been a complete roll over? As far as I know yhe capital is still under Ukraine control. Russia has taken airports and then lost them again.
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