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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Just that preview got me jacked up!! Can't wait to watch the full thing!!
  2. It would be interesting to see. There must be a way to get a couple teams to agree to an extra(?) Preseason game....
  3. This would be huge if he can pull it off. A lot of people seem to forget that a bunch of the hate spewed on SM are bots/trolls.
  4. I'm not concerned at all. Though i heard he's planning on bringing in some kind of pay wall system. I won't be paying for SM to sell my data. I also reject the free speech issue around this. Musk didn't stop people from bitching about him, he just doesn't want to hear it. On top of that. Musk doesn't owe anyone free speech. He's a private citizen. Free speech(as it is right now) starts and ends with the government. Anyone complaining about SM kicking them out (this includes musk) is just bitching and being annoying. I'll give Musk credit for doing something about it (whether or not you like what he's doing is another issue) and not just bitching about how unfair it is.
  5. I think people are vastly over estimating the amount of unvaxxed people that will be going to games. The vaxxed who went last year and took up the vast majority of seats (I believe there was only 2 sell outs) will still be going to games this year. Sure there will be some unvaxxed, but the majority will be vaxxed.
  6. You're assuming preseason games are....just for fun? How would you evaluate a player based on them playing a different set of rules. And sure adding a down is just one rule change...but it would drastically change how the game is played and the way players would play it.
  7. I'd like to see the Bombers join the ranks of BC and Ott in terms of original content of behind the scenes stuff.
  8. Is the 3rd jersey reveal today? Bombers have been kinda quiet about it
  9. I agree...though I do hope he's working on ball security.
  10. I'm sure he's a perfectly nice person...but like has been said over and over for the past year or so. He absolutely needs to stay off social media. And he always seems to come off as whiney/weak minded.
  11. It's funny when she's shown videos of her saying things she doesn't remember saying lol. What a *****.
  12. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2022/04/19/desantis-textbooks-florida-woke-one-publisher-allowed-k-5-math-classes/7357965001/
  13. I'm not saying it doesn't need to be done. I'm saying doing it now before you get to the root of the problem is a waste. It won't do anything except, take away from the issues causing crime in the 1st place and doing absolutely nothing to stop those who want guns (for criminal activity) from getting them. I'm not sure why people continue to think this matters to those using it for crime....?
  14. Nah **** that. If you're part of the Bombers I have no problem with you shitting on anything and everything crider related! Let the hostilities grow!!!
  15. Yeah banning guns makes sense on the surface. No guns. no gun crimes. Until you realize that most gun crimes are committed with illegally obtained guns. People don't go to Cabela's to get a gun they're gonna use to hold up a store or shoot a rival gang member with. Criminals using guns will find guns. And there just isn't a way to get all the guns out of our country now...which is mostly due to us being neighbors with the...youknowwho...(points down south). So it's a fair conversation to have...but not one I'd ever want to take up considerable time in our politics. We need to go after the root of the problem. When I was a younger man, I knew multiple illegal ways to get a gun if needed. I'm assuming this has only gotten easier.
  16. I'd bet they have a review of it in 5 years or so. Something like this will take time.
  17. This absolutely sucks for Stove. Was hoping he'd have a solid year over there. On the other hand...I'm not upset about BO or JA missing out on playing against him.
  18. I'd agree if I thought banning hand guns was going to do anything at all. Guns are available to anyone who wants them now. Banning isn't going to stop anything especially in provinces located near some of the most dangerous cities in America. It's a pipe dream and bordering on a waste of time. Talk about it...sure why not. But lets focus on something that we can actually do to improve the lives of people in this country.
  19. I agree. Right after everyone has clean water/shelter/food and quality education. Then I'm all for talking about a useless attempt to ban hand guns.
  20. This is an assumption that the Offence wouldn't be as productive. What if it were as or more productive? And Joe playing the slot is kind of the point. Wolly doesn't have the speed to be real productive in the position that he's in. Move him inside where he can use his frame more and he's likely more productive....
  21. This should either be only about the bombers or moved to the general discussion.
  22. My Dad always called CanadInns the House that Jack built.
  23. I came into work today, just to reschedule some appointments etc...I'm leaving shortly. But late last night our retail employees were sent an email from leadership saying, regardless of the weather they expect people to be in and on time. "leave an hour earlier if you have to". The person who sent the email is currently at home...people want to be leaders until it's time to lead. I'm very glad I did not get that email cause I probably would not have a job today lol.
  24. The fact that this list doesn't include Jack Jacobs renders it invalid. Please delete and re-do.
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