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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Lol ed gainey is the worst hb in the league by far. Totally trash. I love that hes still talking ****. Looks like Carter and his career is going to go in the same direction.
  2. I think Augustine likes it when Ed "I suck at football" gainey tries to play football
  3. My heart was hoping for CBC but my head knows that wasn't happening...
  4. I just want to see Augustine make Ed "i suck at football" gainey look like a pylon again.
  5. As much as I like this, was hoping there'd be room for another network to make a run at it. TSN has been....decent...but things could be a lot better too.
  6. It was also during the LDC, where the league allows the Riders to cheat so they can appease their "fans".
  7. Well here's to Fartjoe seeing more of a right hook from Jefferson. If I could see 2 crider QB's start crying in the WPG stadium that'd be fantastic.
  8. Worst secondary in the league and fartjoe could only muster 3 points in the 2nd half? What a piece of **** qb. MBT scored more! lol Not to mention fartjoe only threw for 1 td but 2 ints. and the longest throw he had was 23 yrds lololol. Even Streveler who is a back up qb, with missing starters on O had a longest pass of 37, against such a stunningly good secondary in sackandballschewan. Maybe the Bombers could make a rider start crying again, remember when bagg started crying lol. Duraint even got a boo boo and cried about it. What's with riders and crying about ****?
  9. Yeah he should have got a KO. Why couldnt Bridge take that hit?
  10. Uh...Jefferson was fined for a hit to the head on ssk qb. Which it very clearly was.
  11. Not quite. Hes been dealing with a tricep injury for a few weeks. Just letting him heal up. Not a performance issue.
  12. Considering that tweet is from Sunday night, it's safe to assume it's about the loss.
  13. I blame everyone. Including you! And the CBC! Cause I want a game where Walby does the pbp. If he was calling it Sunday. They would have won!
  14. He's also Hamiltons starting QB. He's not going anywhere.
  15. I suppose. I always tend to play my cards close and MOS is the same. Why give out info if you don't have to. Look at what has happened with CGY. There were a few weeks where you didn't know who would start. Was Mitchell ready? Was he coming back? IF Streveler starts lighting it up, and Nichols is done for the year, but you don't announce it, it could lead to a similar situation. Making teams at the very least think about it. And maybe spend some time reviewing film on Nichols/preparing for him in practice. After the 6 games, you announce it's week to week. Just gives the other team something to think about.....but If you announce that he's done. That's never going to happen. Does it make a difference? Likely nothing substantial, but there's always that chance that they spend time on Nichols, and miss something on Streveler. Football is a game of inches in almost every way. Little advantages that don't look significant at all, can play a big part in having success. Sure it's far fetched. But not completely out of the realm of possible. And MOS never seems to right off things that are far fetched.
  16. Exactly. I don't take what MOS says about Nichols as a denial about him being done for the year. Remember how Neuf was going to be ready for week 1? I wouldn't be surprised at all to hear Nichols is done for the year. It would also be stupid for MOS to reveal that information at this time.
  17. All Streveler has to do to win Saturday is not turn the ball over. He plays just as well as he did last week, minus those INT and its a Bomber W.
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