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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. To be fair, there isnt a OC in the league this year that has been able to keep their qb healthy.
  2. Today is the only day we will know if Streveler is practicing. Tomorrow is a closed practice and thursday they head to cow town/walk through. I'm hoping for Rios it's not a vet day. I'd like to see Maston in his place.
  3. Who would have thought we would be hoping Collaros would help lead the Blue to the GC at the start of the year... lol.... CFL is weird man.
  4. I'm going to say Nichols injury (which happened around the same time) was a much larger factor. Especially since Harris has basically been himself since coming back, argument could be made that he's been better.
  5. I'm not sure he can. He's essentially been the same almost his entire political career. And even though I'm not entirely sure why, and maybe even a bit of hypocrite about it. I really don't like the fact he holds two citizenship's. At the end of the day, I think it was the lack of discussing his platform and the benefits of voting for the CPC that did him in. Was always why we shouldn't vote for others.
  6. I liked him when he was running for mayor and I thought it was a major mistake on his part to jump to federal politics.
  7. except, we should all know by now that is exactly how Lapo works. Couple decent weeks, followed by a couple crap weeks...with exceptional and down right horrible weeks thrown in just to **** with you! Literally know matter what happens for the rest of the year. I'm hoping Lapo moves on. I'm getting tired of "Ball control" offences.
  8. I believe they can still finish 3rd right? Trying to avoid the cross over?
  9. This! It was a bad decision that was well thrown. Should have never been completed but should have been intercepted. I don't want to blame Rios, cause he has good position and it can be hard to look back at the ball sometimes. But yeah that one hurt. Same with Fenner too. Should have had another int there.
  10. I'd really like it if they'd throw the ******* ball down field. I'm all for smash mouth football. But that becomes too easy to defend if you dont go down field. Same **** as last years WF.
  11. As long as MOS is around, you won't support him.
  12. I dont remember that at all. I do remember people saying that if they could put it together they would make some noise.
  13. Khari vs Mos = who gives a ****? Khari isn't coming here. MTL is going to open the bank for him. You can't compare teams because too much has changed. 2013 vs 2019....the **** is wrong with you people? Literally none of this matters, it's completely irrelevant to what is happening now. Khari is doing well, so is MOS. That's all you can pull from all this BS people are spewing. MTL has turned around...great? Not sure why that matters in terms of comparing them to the Bombers. One has happened quickly one took a bit longer. What's the problem? Does anyone think 2013 Khari could do what he's doing now? Does anyone think MOS with another 6 years of being an assistant coach would have changed him a bit? No? Yes? I don't ******* know. Question is, why does this matter?
  14. Turning down a contract offer doesn't mean much. He likely believes in himself (rightfully so) and was thinking if I sign one now and win the cup next year I could be shorting myself some $$. Why not wait and see how the season unfolds. He took the risk of completely shitting the bed as well. But you either bet on yourself or you don't. He has.
  15. I wasn't commenting on whether or not you like him etc. The red zone has definitely taken a hit since Nichols left. But if you actually watch the plays that were no good. It's hard to put the blame all on Streveler is what I was trying to say.
  16. You might want to re watch the game, or maybe it was a completely different game you were watching. In the First half, Steveler had 1 dropped pass in the red zone, one int. Which was a 50/50 ball the rec basically gave up on and a TD pass. In the 2nd half he had one pass attempt in the red zone and it was a throw away after the pocket collapsed and he had to roll out and no one got open. In the 4th everytime they got close to the redzone all they did was run. I'm not saying he lit it up, but he certainly wasnt horrible.
  17. I personally think the chain is stupid. Looks amateur. You don't see any other professional league with stupid crap like that. But that's just my opinion. If it for some reason makes them play better, have at er.
  18. You're dumb. He has to go through mandatory tests for the rest year. Theres a stupid narrative that AFTER his suspension his play would drop off....because stupid people...think that if he was in fact doping on purpose, he would have stopped just as the news came out. Not realizing that all the testing etc etc took place in July. So had he been doping to get a head, he would have stopped well before his suspension. His play now is exactly the same as it was in july, which isnt at all surprising when you actually look at the facts of his case and not just read mindless thread posts from bitter crider "fans".
  19. 4 years of 10+ wins. Hasnt been done in 30 years.
  20. Well said. There are going to be good times and some bad times while he develops. Anyone expecting nothing but the best is dreaming.
  21. "man short" cause collaros would have done what if he dressed? Stood around and talked to people. Which is likely exactly what he's going to be doing.
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