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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. Y Y yo yoo yoo you you di di didn didn't l l li li lik like j j Jim?
  2. That's exactly it... I've never understood why some people were so up in arms over hiring Buck as a RB coach.... "But he never played RB!!!" they said What are you talking about. Buck practically played QB and RB for us as he was always running for his life behind our Oline
  3. I'd also have to say I am concerned with LeFlavs running on us. Hope they can at least tackle him on first contact Also afraid of Bowman making some big hits. The guy seems to be back and in great form. He was laying some big hits on ST and on the D. Kinda glad they actually won last week so just in case we lose we weren't the team to give them their first W We tend to always give teams their first win.
  4. My prediction for Power Rankings this Week. Calgary Edmonton Winnipeg Saskatchewan BC Montreal Toronto Hamilton Ottawa So fairly unchanged from last week. I think the Riders leap over BC with what happened to both teams. Montreal didn't play but still managed to do better then TO while watching the games from home. then. And the bottom two will either remain unchanged or Hamilton might move up based on their past two performances.
  5. It's funny on RF.com. If we beat a team it's because the other team didn't play well. If someone beats us we just suck. Although I suppose we do the same around here at times. But tonight TO really is bad
  6. For the Ford lovers don't worry. We can always pick him back up after he fumbles the ball and is shown the door
  7. Hard to say. Sask oline can open much larger holes. I said it when they picked him up he would do well there. He has no reason not too. And Toronto D line is pretty bad. Have to judge him on a few games not this one.
  8. TSN doing a good job of not panning the crowd and showing how bad it is there. Holds 5000 people and looks to be 3/4 full.
  9. Think Ottawa gets it's second win tonight and would love for the Boatmen to double up on the Riders.
  10. Why would they? How many current players/coaches/management knew or played for the man (Suber, Watson, Pierce)?I sure don't mean to belittle his memory, but I would think we, the fans, remember him more fondly than most current members of the organization...and that's a damn shame. I know. He just had a big impact in BC then for the Bombers. Might be enough guys around to keep his story's going though. Never know. I mean they have the "morning big blue" written on the walls at IGF for players to see. I'm sure everyone asks what that's all about.
  11. Would be curious to know if anyone in the Bomber organization made any mention of him and his passing yesterday to the players and they stepped up for him last night.
  12. Bombers won one for him last night in BC. RIP Mr. Harris
  13. Any other week he would probably win hands down but I have a feeling those in charge of the selections may go for MacDougall of the Stamps who had the punt block for a TD and was credited with the tackle on Grymes on that fake punt attempt. Well then they can share both awards
  14. Lirim will be STPOW or CPOW or possibly both with that performance tonight.
  15. I'm gonna be having drinks with a lady friend at bp, and feel that if I participate in this game she will be carrying me out of the place before 930. Then just get her to participate and you secretly drink water.......you can thank me in the morning
  16. Do we know if Rod Black is doing commentary? Being that it's Geroy Simon night I fear we may see more shots and hear more useless facts about him then we will of the game. Or we make a drinking game off it and drink every time Rod says Geroy, Simon, superman, #81, the greatest receiver of all time, or any combination.
  17. Someone wanna let me know when the game starts? I'll be staring at this for the next 4 hours...
  18. Yes but no team in their right mind would trade a Canadian for an American on the oline. Unless of course its a third stringer or some picks. I see the merit in the trade I just don't see how you could pull it off because as good as January is most teams have better players them him.
  19. Trading an Imp Olinemen for some starting Canadian ones is a great idea!!!! Now to figure out who is dumb enough to make such trade..... Taman used to like over paying for Vets but even he wouldn't touch this trade.
  20. Edm pretty well shutting down the O of Calgary like they shut our O down. I think if EDM wins I almost feel better about the loss. Sure they scored more points against them then we did but they gift wrapped a TD on a failed fake punt and also gave up a blocked punt for 7 more. Calgary has only scored 3 points on O so far.
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