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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. Als up 10 and Messam ejected...... Sweet
  2. I completely missed it due to his extremely large ego being in the way.....
  3. That's the best news all day! I was wondering how I was going to sneak in my WWI Cannon and set it off! Lets hope we hear that baby firing off all night!!
  4. Anyone else notice the cannon not going off after scoring plays? Sure we only had 2 on Friday night but even preseason had just one over the loud speakers once and that was it. Is this going to be all year or temporary? Anyone know? #bringbackthecannon
  5. How does BC #99 not have a name bar? Is that legal? Or is that when they need to sub an offensive player onto D or vice versa?
  6. Can someone please explain to me the love obsession many fans at RF.com have with Dbaguron Carter? They keep calling him this super elite receiver and has all of this talent. He had 1 +1,000yr season and 2 over 900yrds. But he tends to take a lot of really dumb penalties and we all know the attitude issues he has. To me that starts to out weigh the talent. And the real head scratcher is Jones lets go of Dressler who was a class act and had better and proven stats. hummmm
  7. In other Rider news I see dbag Carter was fined for the facemask on Hurl on a play where Hurl wasn't even involved......When you run ur team like you don't give a F*** your players will play the same way and take stupid fines like this. Someone else can post the link lol.
  8. Just caught the last half again. Wow did Jones makes some dumb play calling, dumb substitutions (likely due to injury) and a some dumb challenges. With a few tweaks to our own play calling we should have had 2 more TDs in the last half and not given up one. That score was closer then it had to be.
  9. I like reading RF.com. Some are saying that without Muamba that they will actually be better...... I can't wait to hear the excuses when they lose tomorrow. They will blame the loss on EVERYTHING except that they were beaten by a better team. Things like: "The Stadium is cursed" "The Refs are out to get us" "The new commissioner is from Winnipeg" "They ran out of popcorn" "They don't sell mini doughnuts" "We have too many injuries"
  10. What better way to celebrate Canada Day in Regina with "Canada's Team" ?
  11. At that rate we would have to have Jade Etienne and Tyson spencer up there in a few years ???
  12. Just flipped the game on. Is Torontos D that good or is Hamiltons Oline really bad? I don't think Collaros had 10sec combined that whole drive to throw the ball. So much pressure on him!
  13. Yup......lol I remember my high school football days. And to this day there is one school I still cant stand!!! They were just that one team we could never beat! No matter our record or theirs we just couldn't find away to beat them. Call it bad luck, call it a curse call it whatever you want. But They gave me nightmares lol. I think that's what Schultz feels.
  14. Schultz likely hates the Bombers because of all the seasons against the Bombers. Especially from 90-94 when we would routinely stomp them.....
  15. You forgot hahahahhabhabbahbbahaahhahahahahha riders suck
  16. I think Schultz was clocked in the head one too many times. On TSN this morning he was gushing over the Riders and predicted 10 wins as well. Said the Bombers would struggle to get to 9-9. He's always changing his mind it seems.
  17. Agree with this. Not sure if it is that easy to do but would be the best of both worlds as you typically are watching the game live and not the screen. But during replays full screen makes sense. Bigg Jay can you please bring this up at the next executive meeting with the club?
  18. If anyone needs a good laugh check out the final standings prediction thread at RF.com. The amount of ppl saying the Riders will finish ahead of the Bombers is simply laughable.
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