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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. They said on 1290 it's over the 29k mark with a little over a day left!
  2. I also liked how calm Drew Willy stayed throughout the whole drive. He didn't over react and yell at his recievers when they dropped a ball (Like Durant likes to do), he didn't pout when he missed his recievers (Like Glenn Does), and when he made the TD throw he didn't throw his fist in the air and celebrate like he had just won the Grey Cup (like Burris likes to do). He acted like Ray does, cool calm and collected from the start to the finish and he had no expression on his face even after the TD was made.
  3. But as Jpan85 pointed out we wouldn't have been in that situation if Tisdale hadn't held Moore earlier. Tisdale single handedly lost that game for Montreal. Glad he is in Montreal
  4. There was only two penalties. Here is a break down: 1st - Drop Pass 2nd - Run by Drew Willy for 1st Down 1st - Catch by Feoli-Gudino 2nd - Over thrown (Montreal 10 yard penalty) 1st - Catch by Grigsby 2nd - Catch by Kohlert for first down 1st - Over thrown (Procedure on wpg 5 yards) 1st - Catch by Grigsby 2nd - over thrown 3rd - catch and first down by Moore 1st - Almost picked off by Tisdale 2nd - Over thrown 3rd - TD catch by Feoli-Gudino You're right. Not the prettiest drive but Burke probably would have told the team to take a knee and save our energy for the next game...
  5. Also re-watched the game. Many of us were complaining about too many flags thrown but I'd say 85-90% of the calls were spot on and had to be called. We also got away with a PI call I feel in the fourth. The one Montreal challenged. Could have been a game ender. Washingtons first fumble he just didn't read the kick right and was trying to back up. The second was a really good strip by the defender. Even though Marve hasn't been spectacular on the one yard push he made everyone except one and one was for a TD. He seems to be getting a much bigger push from the oline. All in all I feel if they play the same type of game against EDM and can gain an early lead they can make it 4-0. Just watch their penalties and ball protection.
  6. The more I think about this game the more I feel a Western team that is publicly owned, was in the basement of their division last year, Is currently 3-0 and has a rookie head coach from TO will win this game. Just a hunch.
  7. Thats just it. I don't feel they could have come to a decision that quickly. They should have taken a few minutes to review. They just lined up and kicked the convert. He had it in his hands but it was out when he hit the ground.
  8. Bombers should put you on their staff! Nice job. Ha ha thanks. I gave him tix to a game last year and even though we lost he had a good time. So after we beat TO I told him to get tix to the Ottawa game. Now he's hooked lol. I just need to convince more to go. A lot are still not convinced that this team is any good and it's hard to argue with them until they are consistently winning
  9. I just got a guy at work to get 6 tix. He's also getting tix to the first sask game and trying to find tix for the banjo bowl. I'll have him to seasons by next year I'm sure lol.
  10. People have birthdays every year.....you can always go next year lol
  11. Just rewatching the game on TSN2. Why was Johnson's TD not reviewed by the league? Aren't all scoring plays immediately reviewed? Black and forded both say that it will be reviewed but then they don't. After watching it again he doesn't maintain possession. Guess in the end it didn't matter but they need to review that.
  12. Could it be part of a trade? Does Hamilton need a backup QB or BC?
  13. I'd like to see it. At 220 he's a decent sized back and if he can be effective blocker that offers more protection for Willy. He is more of a power back than a scat back and I think that would compliment Grigsby or Cotton better and offer up a change of pace. He would give the Bombers a better option for sticking with the run in a tight game like the last one with Mtl. I like Allen too and would like to see him with the Bombers but being another International who do we get rid of to fit him in? I know Ford is gone but he was on the IR. so we need to take another starter off to get him in somewhere. Idk. I'm happy with what we have at the moment. I hate to say it but not Mack Herron. How many Intl. backs do the RR have on their roster right now 4? Yes but they also have what 6 or 7 Canadians in their o line? They are more flexible with their ratio.
  14. I'd like to see it. At 220 he's a decent sized back and if he can be effective blocker that offers more protection for Willy. He is more of a power back than a scat back and I think that would compliment Grigsby or Cotton better and offer up a change of pace. He would give the Bombers a better option for sticking with the run in a tight game like the last one with Mtl. I like Allen too and would like to see him with the Bombers but being another International who do we get rid of to fit him in? I know Ford is gone but he was on the IR. so we need to take another starter off to get him in somewhere. Idk. I'm happy with what we have at the moment.
  15. Are you asking if we could have traded for Etienne? Cause the Riders released him before the season started.
  16. You forgot to carry the division, subtract the multiplication and divide the arithmetic into the lowest common denominator...
  17. If we go 4-0 we then have BC, Hamilton and Sask..... just magin! However this is the CFL and we could easily be 3-4 by then....
  18. Is it still only Monday? I can't wait for this game. It has a great story line leading up to it. 2 worst teams in 2013 facing off at 3-0 with 2 former TO coaches both surprising the league. I think both Defenses are going to be really strong. I do feel Edmonton has a slight advantage on the D side of the ball. Both offences have been putting points on the board although the Bombers have put up more total points. I give a very slight advantage to the Bombers if they can get their run game going like they did against TO. ST I'd say have been good for the Bombers and haven't really paid much attention to the ESKs ST so I'll say they are even. I think this game comes down to FG kicking and field advantage. Both of which I give the advantage to the Bombers. That and being at home with what should be close to a sell out I'll say Bombers 24 Esks 20 Note: May biggest fear is O'dell playing to take Willy out. The guy is reckless and doesn't seem to care if he injures anyone. He did it to Calvillo and most recently to Collaros. I don't want to see this guy make it to the backfield all night!
  19. Not a Bomber injury but Collaros is out this week vs the Stamps. Should be a walk in the park for Calgary this week.
  20. Over on the RIDER site they thinking dating your cousin/sister is acceptable...
  21. True but they would need to score 52 points to catch up to the Bombers. It's rare we see over 50 points scored in a game. So unless they play Hamilton....
  22. Unless one of the guys on defence gets hurt. Then what?
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