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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. Damn I missed last week. I will go with Allen just to get my feet wet
  2. Wahoo wahoo wahoo wahoo............you really think the Bomber will only score 300? I think you're a little low.
  3. The last time the Bomber started 2-0 was in 2011. They also went 0-2 in the pre season that year and made the Grey Cup....... #justsayin
  4. Are these CFL rankings or TSN? I believe the CFL ones use last years and calculate that into the equation. TSN I believe starts new every year which Is the way it should be done due to the turnover of teams. Should be: Riders Bombers Stamps Eskimoes Lions Argos Montreal Hamilton Ottawa Or West East
  5. Looks like Willy will have the best or second best QB rating after one week. BML I think had a few more yards on a few less attempts. But willy had 4 tds. I like it.
  6. If Ottawa plays like Toronto, Montreal and Hamilton we should have at least 8 wins this season
  7. This game looking a lot like Thursday night at IGF. One team dominating early and often. One taking really bad penalties and turn overs. I get it the weather is a huge factor but they are both playing in it.
  8. As I said before. It was one of Walters first big moves. How was he supposed to know if he was about to get better players? If we didn't get better players then Banks would be playing more. Then your argument would be Banks sucks and our scouts can't find better players.
  9. Kito was fine when he played for us. I remember him making a few nice catches against Montreal. The issue was him staying healthy just like Watson. If Kito stays healthy he should have a great year. If he gets injured again then it's a moot point.
  10. Montreal the Bombers of 2013? Calgary also not looking very good.
  11. Heard anywhere from just shy of 25,000 to 26,000 were sold for the game. Not sure the exact count but let's say it was 25,500. Canad Inns only held 29,533. If we were still playing there 25,500 doesn't seem so bad. I know they now have a bigger debt to pay but being able to draw above 24,000 under all the circumstances I feel is decent. With all the extra fan things Wade is doing its all generating more and more money. I think if they can keep the numbers above 24k for the season they should be fine.
  12. I also like that even after a convincing win they still go out and sign a new DB and look to improve no matter the outcome of the previous game.
  13. If true and it likely is I don't find this a bad thing. KW signed the first big vet he could and why wouldn't he? He had no idea what players would be brought in or how good they might be. If they trade or release him it just means the guys they brought in were better which means the scouts did their job. I have nothing against banks and if they keep him that's fine. I doubt this was a long term signing from the start.
  14. I have a friend who got to go out for Dinner with Korey Banks and Nick Moore along with some other players and team personnel when they signed Banks and Moore. Banks kept saying how bad the training staff and medical staff was in BC. He said you didn't want to get injured because they always under evaluated it. He said you would go in with a sprain and come out with a blood clot lol. Also said some other bad things about the BC org but I won't go into detail. Take it for what it's worth.
  15. Wow, just had a few minutes to read this. Great publicity for the league!
  16. Have to admit it looked like TO started to figure out the D in the 3rd/4th. Maybe we were going vanilla then, maybe we were trying new things, maybe TO just figured it out. Hopefully it's not the latter
  17. I just thought the players were playing Four Pics One Word.....
  18. Bryant Turner Jr. - 8 Sacks (with his pinky toe....on the same play)
  19. Final score....40-41 for the winning team
  20. As I said in the chat.....when I saw everyone in there I thought I was missing the game!
  21. To Recap: Ray, Cornish and Durant....................Moore (33)..............................Turner(38) Rest of the list here! http://cfl.ca/article/best-of-the-best-tsn-unveils-cfl-top-50-list
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