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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Both teams will be bringing it on D. The deal will be which team enables their pocket passer to get something done.
  2. Man, I cannot believe it is really that ole time, again....but here goes: WW2 leather pilot helmet Vintage Jets T-shirt Sound hydration plan Jaundiced eye Container of salt Chicken counter (pre-hatch) Butterflies Bemused partner at home Expectations Boos for Bettman A even keel
  3. So, we have given up 150 sacks the last couple of years, because Willy is slow getting the ball out, sometimes. Simplistic solutions for simplistic people.
  4. We are better on paper......the deal is to finally just do it.
  5. We paid good cash money, to bring in some help for J.W. on that D line. Als have their own issues on the OL. Absolutely no excuses for not crunching the pocket tonight....against a pocket passer....
  6. Clarence would be a helluva #3....depending on money, and what the coaches think about the new import blood.....
  7. He is experienced and has a great attitude......
  8. As I alluded to earlier....,. Daniels was mediocre import OL-man #574
  9. Talking to some folks, got a somewhat different impression.... Laine Day! (also!) Bombers Opener June 24
  10. Not surprised based on Bucknor's play, the last couple of years. Surprised that this club finally had the stones to do it.
  11. Macho is a veteran presence, , versatile, vocal, with a gung ho attitude, and is a good guy in the room....who provides stability and experience. We are lucky to have him, as he is a guy we really wanted to have, all along, How am I'm doing so far?
  12. OL still a work in progress.....far, far from a finished (as in real competent) product.
  13. Wylie is 100% correct, about the myriad of factors that go into good pass pro. A more pertinent question would be.....why are we so poor at virtually every one of them....
  14. Mike hasn't finished with the film yet....
  15. Walters is trying......but it takes a while to build Canuck OL content......when was starting from, literally ground zero. (previous managements) One way to help matters is to bring some top-end import talent, there.....instead of a endless string of journeymen...
  16. Partial mulligan on it being an X game, alright. Certainly did not expect the full O package, though execution was lacking..... But with 10 day prep for the opener.......any excuses about not holding blocks, slow start, not getting the ball out on time, not being able to get 6 inches on 3rd down..et al. ......will not be accepted
  17. Yup, need a back that can run through 3-4 tacklers, on a consistent basis....
  18. Only an X game, but.....overall, some of the optics on O were pretty disturbing.......slow start, dink and dunk passing attack, terrible short yardage conversions, OL looking shaky, etc, etc, etc.... Sort of like playing tapes.....of the last few years. We should see the "full" package on O, in the opener.....then we will see......something or other
  19. If Lapo is "playing possum" (and I think so up to a point) with the new look O.....fine. As long as with 10 days prep time, the opener does not look like "road kill" Or we have yet another uber slow start on O, which puts us behind the 8-ball.
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