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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Trouble is, that at this point - Tramp has to make the transition...... from protest candidate to perceived Presidential material. Pretty sure that he lacks the requisite composure, judgment, and general knowledge of policies and issues...to do so. Skin is far too thin, as well. Stay tuned.....
  2. Check out the Washington Post - who were leaked some e-mails from Trump's top advisers. No deep thinkers there.
  3. Due to concerns about negative coverage..... Mike Kelly will be brought in as special media consultant.
  4. As I expected, the media free ride for Trump has ended. Saw this coming last week, where the pundits on most of the major news programs, were self flagellating themselves over that fact. (selling out for the entertainment value) They are now asking the Don .....the hard questions of a Presidential contender now. "making America great" "getting a better deal" and other such platitudes - are not going to cut it. Neither is changing his position 3 times in a single day, claiming he was "misquoted" or had things "taken out of content" Trump's incoherent positions on women's rights and nuclear policy, this week, simply illustrate his total lack of policy, plans and answers for virtually anything from the economy to foreign policy. All he has....is the ability to spew pure bluster, at a very high volume. Easy to predict, that Trump will not handle this increased scrutiny. Everyone will soon get the joke.
  5. Couple of real pros....they will be missed. That said, not real surprised with this.... Simply the other side of the coin.
  6. This thread needs a special guest referee......
  7. Never mind just the TV business.... Anyone who has traveled anywhere and seen how other countries handle the ole cell phone service.......will understand just how badly these corporate Ned Kelly's have ripped us off. CTRC is simply an blatant enabler......protecting the consumer - my arse.
  8. Someday... someone is going to fly a drone over my property. At that point, I should have the right and ability to protect the integrity of my property, and obtain a portable Hellfire missile launcher, to properly deal with the situation........ If that launch somehow goes astray.... we'll simply call it collateral damage.
  9. The ole aboriginal test pattern...... would have been great while doing the chronic
  10. In the end, it is just another cable company shell game: Offer people run of the mill channels in a "skinny package".....withhold the channels that people would really want to watch - call them "premium", and overcharge you for those..... but hey, they did their duty, and have complied with the CTRC "demands" Gah.
  11. What I need to see: A Vulcan character, who begins to manifest some alarming human habits, due to his newfound discovery of gin.......
  12. Sure you do....in case 25 deer invade your home.....
  13. That convention will be like watching a car wreck.....you should look away, but......
  14. One thing some folks overlook, because of her gender....is that when Hillary gets attacked.....she will kick you in the groin...... A Trump/Clinton Presidential race, could get mighty ugly.
  15. Well, if Trump gets passed over, wants ultimate revenge, and pulls a Ross Perot........whoever the Democratic nominee is.....would simply win in a walk.
  16. Well here is an interesting parallel..... One upon a time, there was a Republican convention, where folks like Jerry Fallwell and Pat Buchannan were allowed to run their mouths non-stop , and spew out an unhealthy mix of war-mongering, bigotry, ignorance and intolerance..... From that point on, people of color, gays, Jews, and anyone from the middle 10-15 per-centers (who decide most US elections), with an IQ of say, over 65.....ran in droves to Clinton. Bill Clinton, that is. A knuckle sandwich slug-fest at a open convention between Trump and Cruz, would have the potential to be loud, shrill, classless......and a total and outright disgrace. Hillary's arms await...... As far as center establishment Republicans.....and the anti-Trump barrage......be interesting to see how many walk the talk, and do anything to stop the Donald. Need to keep in mind, that if anything, most Republicans hate Hillary, even more that Bill....
  17. Hard to say.... Last year, we didn't have a coherent game plan, for any QB, regardless of release.......
  18. The chickens have truly come home to roost in the Republican hen house..... The so called Republican "mainstream" who are frantically decrying the current situation, simply need to take a look in the mirror. For years this party has turned a pretty benign eye towards, and tolerated... all manner of religious fundamentalists, racists, gun nuts, war-mongers, corporate chiselers, and crypt o-fascists. And now they are finally down to this - a choice between a circus act billionaire "man of the people" and the latest right-wing religious nut-bar.....to run for control of the only world superpower. You reap what you sow.....
  19. The chickens have truly come home to roost in the Republican hen house..... For years this party has turned a pretty benign eye towards, and tolerated... all manner of religious fundamentalists, racists, gun nuts, war-mongers, corporate chiselers, and crypt o-fascists. And now they are finally down to this - a choice between a circus act billionaire "man of the people" and the latest right-wing religious nut-bar.....to run for control of the only world superpower. The so called Republican "mainstream" who are frantically decrying the current situation, simply need to take a look in the mirror. You reap what you sow..... The chickens have truly come home to roost in the Republican hen house..... For years this party has turned a pretty benign eye towards, and tolerated... all manner of religious fundamentalists, racists, gun nuts, war-mongers, corporate chiselers, and crypt o-fascists. And now they are finally down to this - a choice between a circus act billionaire "man of the people" and the latest right-wing religious nut-bar.....to run for control of the only world superpower. The so called Republican "mainstream" who are frantically decrying the current situation, simply need to take a look in the mirror. You reap what you sow.....[[[ The chickens have truly come home to roost in the Republican hen house..... For years this party has turned a pretty benign eye towards, and tolerated... all manner of religious fundamentalists, racists, gun nuts, war-mongers, corporate chiselers, and crypt o-fascists. And now they are finally down to this - a choice between a circus act billionaire "man of the people" and the latest right-wing religious nut-bar.....to run for control of the only world superpower. The so called Republican "mainstream" who are frantically decrying the current situation, simply need to take a look in the mirror. You reap what you sow..... The chickens have truly come home to roost in the Republican hen house..... For years this party has turned a pretty benign eye towards, and tolerated... all manner of religious fundamentalists, racists, gun nuts, war-mongers, corporate chiselers, and crypt o-fascists. And now they are finally down to this - a choice between a circus act billionaire "man of the people" and the latest right-wing religious nut-bar.....to run for control of the only world superpower. The so called Republican "mainstream" who are frantically decrying the current situation, simply need to take a look in the mirror. You reap what you sow..... The chickens have truly come home to roost in the Republican hen house..... For years this party has turned a pretty benign eye towards, and tolerated... all manner of religious fundamentalists, racists, gun nuts, war-mongers, corporate chiselers, and crypt o-fascists. And now they are finally down to this - a choice between a circus act billionaire "man of the people" and the latest right-wing religious nut-bar.....to run for control of the only world superpower. The so called Republican "mainstream" who are frantically decrying the current situation, simply need to take a look in the mirror. You reap what you sow..... The chickens have truly come home to roost in the Republican hen house..... For years this party has turned a pretty benign eye towards, and tolerated... all manner of religious fundamentalists, racists, gun nuts, war-mongers, corporate chiselers, and crypt o-fascists. And now they are finally down to this - a choice between a circus act billionaire "man of the people" and the latest right-wing religious nut-bar.....to run for control of the only world superpower. The so called Republican "mainstream" who are frantically decrying the current situation, simply need to take a look in the mirror. You reap what you sow.....f
  20. Crom! We need some more real barbarians....... Teams like Hamilton and Edmonton just slapped us around, last year....
  21. Simply leave the ole boutique novelty signings, for Popp or somebody else.....dumb enough to do it.
  22. Tebow could make it here.....if he could actually throw the football. But, not sure how much more evidence, people really need, here......
  23. Well, I would really like to enjoy my time...........through watching this team play well and win some bloody games. Just see to it.
  24. Oh, they are big boys alright......thought you would take that post, in another, uh, way.....not trying to stir anything up. Don't be so bloody negative....... btw, have always appreciated the warmth, emanating, from the other side of the sun......especially this time of year.....
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