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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. I would be in on grabbing Muamba, without delay. To say nothing of the entertainment value on RF
  2. Are the Riders bumping the ceiling on their cap?
  3. Muamba would fix the Westerman ratio problem, give us a legit MLB.....and Rider fans heartburn, when they insert Hurl instead.
  4. She better not talk about his small hands or whatever...........
  5. Well, pretty sure they didn't burn in on this Baines fella.....
  6. They let Hope Hicks help draft Kelly's original statement on Porter. No conflict of interest there. The more one looks at this whole situation, the more bizarre it gets.....
  7. Sanders can lie, nonstop....even with a crooked face. But yup, when she actually has to start to bail out.....you know it is super bad. Yesterday....Wray, under oath, simply blew away their latest pseudo narrative. The irony is that the WH and Trump, themselves.....are keep this thing going....with all this preposterous, crazy spinning. Triple down.
  8. Official Trump White House Communication Strategy 1. Just tell lies...no limit on size or scale 2. If this does not have desired effect - simple tell some more. 3. If caught lying - just double down, deflect, and just keep presenting "alternative facts" 4. Repeat #3 incessantly, at top volume 5. Call the entire story "fake news" 6. Blame the messenger externally - or some flunky internally 7. Blame FBI 8. Blame Hillary or Obama 9. Blame media 10. Blame immigrants
  9. Almost knew that would happen. Next will be some bragging about "winning" FA
  10. Seems the Blue did gave it the ole college try with Westerman.......time to let it go.
  11. There was a time it was real difficult to attract FA's here.......that was then.
  12. Well, the Mooch would certainly know lying, spinning, and dissembling........when he sees it.
  13. Not sure if I am more obsessed with gin or the MLB position, at this point...........
  14. Bad coaching can be corrected, as well.....
  15. Where the grass is greener......and the snow is cleaner...
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