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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, addressing the media, yesterday: “The president believes in making sure that information is accurate, before pushing it out as fact, when it certainly and clearly is not.”
  2. Trump has made a career out of threatening to sue people, and then not following through...........
  3. According to the NY Times, tonight............Trump ordered White House lawyer Don McGahn .....to stop Sessions from recusing himself from the Russian investigation. McGahn got himself off the hook, by lying to Trump, that Muller could only be fired by the Pres. for shown cause. Smells like a wee bit of obstruction...
  4. The only fraud involved here, was setting up this phony baloney Commission, to assuage Trump's ego, and also attempt to justify his loss in the popular vote. Never mind potential voter suppression.
  5. Papadopolous was "just a coffee boy", Manafort was 'barely known"' to the Trump Campaign General Flynn is a "liar" Bannon is now been exposed as just "a staffer"who has "lost his mind" Donald Jr........was merely an "accident", one supposes.
  6. Check out Breitbart.......them folks who think that Trump is a hero, and Bannon, a god..........are losing their tiny minds.
  7. Didn't take the Don long to respond: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-03/trump-says-bannon-lost-his-mind-after-leaving-white-house The crap...... calling out the crap.
  8. .....and watching Hue Jackson re upped as coach .....after going 0-16, for the sake of "continuity." Romeo Crennel 24-40….. FIRED Eric Mangini 10-22………..FIRED Pat Shurmur 9-23…………..FIRED Rob Chudzinski 4-12……..FIRED Mike Pettine 10-22…………FIRED Hue Jackson 1-31…......THE KEEPER If I was a Browns fan, my liver would of blown out, about 10 years ago.
  9. Off- season is like drinking gin, without a purpose.
  10. Walker is a terrific athlete, with upside. Especially if he ever learns how to tackle anybody.
  11. No, no.....the prestige position..... is lolling in my easy chair, with a book and gin in hand.
  12. According to some Breitbart denizens......it's Fox News's fault for scaring off voters with a "fake poll"!~!~! Where to start?
  13. Need one in each hand.... to enable me to keep my balance. If you also factor in the oxygen bottle.....pretty tough sledding
  14. Over the years, we have played a number of Canuck receivers who weren't much faster than me.
  15. Being better able to spread the field......makes ANY QB better.
  16. Surprised the IOC had the stones to do this......even if it was way overdue.
  17. So, after all this White House blather about how Twitter is Trump's direct line to the people....to circumvent the "fake news" mainstream media.... .....we are supposed to believe..... that without Trump's knowledge - his lawyer uses that account to tweet out a message, that actually puts his client in legal jeopardy. Well, perhaps while the pig was flying past the White House window. What a meal. Scrambled egg of lies, with a side order of falsehoods....
  18. Adams got hurt......and we couldn't stretch the field AT ALL. Never mind the downfield game....it also hurt our underneath game, with DB's able to come down heavy on those short patterns and the screen game to Harris. Washington and Givens have proven zippo, at this exact point. Need plenty of competition at camp, next year. This is the missing link on O.
  19. Getting an import WR who can go deep and get the 50/50 balls.....has to be a top priority.
  20. Got too hung up thinking about the naked bootleg.......
  21. Bah, watched that game....thought it was great.
  22. Given his career record.....no reason to believe that Medlock..... is not going to come back with a monster year
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