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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Multiple Trump officials lying about their meetings with Russians Trump requests Comey to lay off General Flynn (who is later indicted) Trump fires Comey over "that Russian thing" Trump attempts to stop Attorney General Sessions.. from recusing himself from Russian investigation Trump attempts to fire Muller, WH lawyer refuses to co-operate. Trump smears Deputy Director of FBI ( McCabe) Trump smears Special Prosecutor (Muller) Trump smears Deputy Attorney General (Rosenstein) Trump hires Christofer Wray as new FBI Director - to supposedly "clean up" the bureau , and is promised a "free hand". Wray asks Trump not to release the Nunes Meno, citing the release procedure as "reckless and dangerous" The Don ignores him, with a drive-by smear and releases it the next day. At some point.....a pattern will appear.
  2. Read this historic document. Found out that: 1. FISA court re-authorized a warrant (from 2013) on Page - who has been a person of interest to counter-intelligence for years..... as a person that a Russian intelligence agent, Victor Podobnyy tried to recruit as a spy, according to court documents when Dobodnyy and two other Russians were charged with working as agents for Russian intelligence in 2015. 2. Steele, like a lot of Brits... didn't like Trump. That assertion in the memo is that the FISA application depends "largely" on the Steele dossier. It plays too much on the fact that the Steele dossier was paid for, in part, by FBI, Clinton and DNC but makes no mention that it was initiated by a conservative news outlet. Considering that this particular memo WAS actually tweaked and facts cherry picked to place the worst possible light on the FBI..........by simply questioning and making claims about the actionable intel, for reauthorizing this warrant.....then it is pretty thin gruel indeed..... Putin is lying on a bed, somewhere....watching 3 TV's....with Vodka and and the Russian equivalent of Cheetos.......simply laughing his ass off.
  3. Identifying and developing young QB's.....not a Bomber specialty.
  4. No new sanctions Free hand in Ukraine and Crimea and just about anywhere else. USA isolating itself from traditional allies - detaching from NATO, leaving Paris Accord, Mexico and the Wall, etc USA isolating itself from rest of world on trade, and environment issues USA security apparatus and agencies under attack and being discredited. Faith in traditional Democratic processes - voting, justice, etc.....eroded. Benign encouragement for extremists and racists. Strife, confusion and turmoil in US Administration. Currently enjoying high standing, in the opinion of US President. It is good to be alive, but almost tired of winning Sincerely, V Putin
  5. Surprised that Nunes wasn't allowed to take that memo and sprint across the White House lawn, with it.
  6. At least we get a platitude for every pot....
  7. I know it can be boring, but anyone ever watch Justin speaking in the House. What a empty vessel.
  8. ....and we are all happy here at Camp Granada.
  9. Never mind this "going all out" stuff......real fans want to know if Walters is going to go all in.
  10. 1. Goaltending -accept no imitations, ask for it, by name. Finally getting it, this year 2. Talent - steady injection of young talent.....to go with the young talent. 3. Depth - Myers and Kuli adding to D, actual talent and shutdown ability on bottom 6 4. PP - actually now helps us win games.
  11. So this explosive document, that the right wing mouthpieces are trumping about, and is described as "worse than Watergate"......is actually a 4 page memo written by.......... White House carrier pigeon and Trump stooge Devin Nunes! Which would give anyone following events on the Hill, this last year......a real good idea about how much credibility to attach to it. Deflection tactic #2626 And of course any potential interview of Trump by Mueller, regardless of format is now referred to as a "perjury trap" - by all the right wing websites and commentators. As if the former FBI director, would have nothing but blank paper in front of him, preparing for a sit down. "perjury tramp" is code for "Ok, perhaps our guy lied, but he was somehow gulled or tricked into it." Deflection tactic #2627
  12. More than willing to trot Durant out there.....after watching what happened when Nichols went down, last year. Obvious doubts about him as a starter, the last couple of years - but that is not what he is here for.
  13. As far as Glenn, we needed a younger backup, and Kevin hadn't completed his league tour yet. As far as Durant.....be interesting to see him......behind this O-line. If the legs are still there.....he is a huge upgrade on Davis (not ready) or the Fever's noodle arm.
  14. Trump should try blaming the Freedom Caucus......
  15. ...so we can add incest, to the list?
  16. Yup, Trumps behavior is simply him playing 26D chess..........
  17. A genius, the most un-racist guy on the planet, and "incredible genes" as well? I may change my opinion of the guy........ Glug, gulg...
  18. Took Brietbart a number of hours to post a story about Bannon's indictment. But the comments are up to the usual mark. These are not made up - some highlights: Just a taste.....so one could imagine what I was up against there, during my very brief tenure.....
  19. ......sounds like FDR's doctor.
  20. Bannon is in an awkward position ...... testifying before Congress, without knowing what Flynn or anyone else, has already told Mueller about Bannon. He really has to think about protecting his butt, first - whether that implicates some other folks or not.
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