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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. Cooch used to run concessions at the old arena and stadium way back in the day. Used to work for him in my teens and got to watch a lot of partial games and concerts.
  2. Cannot wait to get there and take some of this stuff in! 4th Grey Cup for me but 1st outside of Winnipeg.
  3. Would love for Harris to get MOC but I will settle for Woli too.
  4. Not to mention any new coaches would be coming to a grey cup caliber team and an organization that isn't a complete tire fire.
  5. Someone (can't remember who at the moment) did report on it but for whatever reason it didn't get mentioned for very long.
  6. We are undefeated this season when I watch in person. I gave my dad our tickets for the Hamilton game and we lost... that gets rectified on Sunday.
  7. There is no easy answer when it comes to next seasons starting QB. They all have issues or questions that need to be answered. Arbuckle, is he the real deal? Masoli, coming off a big injury, is he a product of the system? Nichols, can he stay healthy? Streveler, can he develop a passing game? McGuire, we don't know what we have yet so barring injury, he's not in the discussion for QB1 yet. Collaros, also injury prone, would cost a high draft pick and does he want to be here next year?
  8. We got ours through FB market place. The guy was willing to get us the hard copy or transfer them through his stamps account. We took the electronic copy so we were sure it was coming from Ticketmaster. We paid through PayPal so in case he didn't transfer the tickets, we would have a way to dispute it and get our money back.
  9. Yep but there are ways around it. People list grey cup lanyards for sale... just so happens they are attached to tickets.
  10. 😂😂😂 The trap part was her saying we didn't have to get each other Christmas presents! Not falling for that one!
  11. Oddly, my wife was the one pushing for us to go! Always knew she was a keeper! 😂 We got our tickets last night so the countdown is on!
  12. Same. Can't speak to this season but needed to stream a game last season and had no problems finding a HD feed on reddit.
  13. I saw high corners for as low as $115 on FB marketplace last night. Deals are already out there but there will be more as the game gets closer.
  14. Try Facebook marketplace. I've seen some decent discounts on there already.
  15. Thanks! Unless a charter happens or more flights are added, the plan right now is to drive out Friday night so we can get there early enough on Saturday to enjoy one of the events that night. If not Saturday, a game day beer or two would work for me!
  16. This will be my 1st game there so I've only heard the stories about mcmahon... how does it compare to the old bomber stadium?
  17. Haven't seen anyone dumping the cheapest tickets yet, just the higher end ones. As the game gets closer, prices will come down.
  18. Marshall was wearing it after the trick punt return.
  19. Does kijiji know that? Because I can find a bunch on there right now...
  20. Trying to work out the logistics but looks like I'll be going. Cannot wait! Hopefully the bombers will announce info on a charter asap so people can get organized.
  21. I believe the stadium has been renamed IG Field West.
  22. Yep. Still doesn't hurt to start looking now though. I expect that there will be plenty of tickets from rider fans going on sale right away!
  23. Not really... career average is 86.5% and he was at 86%. Only Whyte (87%), Bede (88.6%) and Castillo (91.1%) were better. The only thing that was down for him was field goal attempts (career low of 43... huge difference from a couple seasons ago where he had 70 attempts).
  24. Time will tell I guess. The backlash against her seems to be growing so maybe there's a chance CTV does the right thing.
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