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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Its about time somebody cared about their health.
  2. To be fair it could be said that the Argo's have one of the better O-lines in the league.
  3. Does that not mean that we have to start him this week then? I think he needs to be on the 46 not necessarily the 42.
  4. That's kind of an ignorant take. Starting a guy who's arguably a top 5 NI LB in the league is a disaster, but starting a guy who was a hardly above average CIS DB at safety is a good idea? I am assuming that you misread and are not referring to Labbe as a top five NI LB... This isn't a witchunt for Labbe... its just that we already went down this road in 2011 and it cost us dearly. He is just too slow, that's the way it goes... Name 5 NI LB's who are better defenders than Labbe. Emry, Muamba, Pottinger and Yurichuk? Maybe. Brouillette? As a DB/SAM, ya. Hurl? Can't play D yet. Plesius? Probably too fat to play LB in the CFL. With Butler playing LB now you can put him in the 5.
  5. For team in this current state a guy like Reinders you have to call and attempt to bring.
  6. Apparently two American tackles are coming in this week
  7. I just got a feeling that if the Riders don't win the cup this year that they will trade Durant and keep Willy to free up some cash.
  8. The things about what you guys are calling fluke passes if anyone other quarterback Ray Burris or Durant throw that same pass, its putting it up and allowing your receiver to make a play. Since he does not have experience its fluke passes. At least Hall is getting the ball out to the receivers and so they can make plays.
  9. Its alright we don't have to worry about Gary anymore hockey season is here. He can go back to believing he is a very important person.
  10. No Strikes M.O.A.B. holoman Noeller DR CFL iso_55 SPuDS 1 Strike Valderan_CA JPan85 17to85 Jacquie MOBomberFan Blueandgold Mr. Perfect kelownabomberfan Y2C Mike tacklewasher cdnfreak Chaosmonkey Fraser robynjt Brain Atomic Please put you entries in for next week here.
  11. Riders are just as disciplined on the field as they are off te field. Karma is coming back to bite them.
  12. Unless we are getting Ricky Ray, Travis Lulay or Darian Durant it's pointless to trade your best non import.
  13. Put a great team on the field and you will get the great gate revenue no matter what division you are in.
  14. Bushwakker statement on the video It looks like they are trying not to be blamed for the arrests.
  15. It seems Markett has really blossomed in the Dime back roll.
  16. I have sat through the last 10 Labour Days I am sure it is not as bad as that is.
  17. Going to the game have not bought tickets yet so where is a good spot to sit. Is there a place where there are a few Bombers sitting together.
  18. They really must of wanted to fight because Pure is a block down the street from Bushwakkers.
  19. just remove the hyperlink and it should pop up as an embedded video
  20. Why would you even put yourself in a position like that where it could escalate out of control like that. Have to that thought in the back of your head of your position in the community and how it would reflect on your work place.
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