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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Weak goal or not you still have to your self in position to get that goal.
  2. Looks like it might have been Randle's choice to leave.
  3. The Esks have the luxury of two QB masterminds currently looking for work - Mike Kelly and Gary Crowton - capable of designing packages and coming up with plays to make sure Reilly is more protected from now on. Oh the surfeit of riches of available talent! They might of won a couple of games with Mike Kelly and his propensity for having his quarterbacks under centre.
  4. At this point whats the point of risking any long term damage in a year where there is 99% chance they will not make the playoffs.
  5. I've only been to two games but both times were were just across the street from the stadium, perhaps a 3 minute walk. You must have had a different colour pass. Was it a season pass? Curious, where were your seats? I park at the Soccer complex its only few minutes from the gate to the lot.
  6. 1 strike holoman M.O.A.B. 2 Strikes Chaosmonkey Atomic Noeller DR CFL iso_55 SPuDS kelownabomberfan JPan85 17to85 MOBomberFan Blueandgold tacklewasher 3 Strikes cdnfreak Jacquie Mr. Perfect Y2C Mike Fraser robynjt Brain Valderan_CA Please put week 15 entries below
  7. Parking and getting to the game is a non issue in my mind. Have not had a problem during the season.
  8. I feel like we exposed the weakness on there o-line that everyone is taking advantage of now.
  9. I don't think they could sign Collaros for a salary where they could keep both with out seriously damaging other parts of their roster.
  10. Good runningbacks ARE a dime a dozen. Great ones are harder to come by. Regardless, there is no saying that if they had Sheets in there that they would have scored. Horrible play call. Yes no guarantee even with Sheets we were able to stop him on the goal line.
  11. The longer this goes on the more I am inclined to think the Riders will look to move Durant and keep Willy in the offseason.
  12. In my opinion this is the list of most likely QB to be the starter next year. 1 is most likely. 1. Zack Collaros 2. Kevin Glenn 3. Ricky Ray 4. Drew Tate 4. Henry Burris 5. Drew Willy 6. My dream QB Brock Jensen NDSU I have Ray so high because its going to come down to who the Argo's want to keep good chance with his salary that Ray might be the guy on the outside. Thoughts or give your own list
  13. I did not care for the cheering. Buck the person is good but Buck the football player has set this organization back 4 years. He had looked just as awful with the more talent around him in BC as he did here. The mess that took place last night can be traced right back to Buck.
  14. Did Labbe really play that much seemed like Cauchy was out there a fair bit
  15. Which was worse half of football Boltus tonight or Brink in 2010 against the Argos. This is a real tough one.
  16. I want there to be an attitude around the place. We will talk about how good we are then go prove it on game day. Can't wait till we are back at that level. Also still care enough to make the five hour drive.
  17. Henoc to his credit is one of the best special teamers we have also.
  18. Only problem with Hall is he has played over 30 games in the NFL. Can't be on the practice roster and would have to be paid a lot more than a rookie to the league.
  19. I love they are throwing Durant under the bus for the past couple days.
  20. Did he actually say that? He knows we can cut anyone we want in the offseason, right? That statement makes no sense. It makes quite a bit of sense actually, so I'm glad Walters/Mack put the team in this situation. Use the leftover $$$ on guys like Etienne, Alex Hall, etc and give them bonus dollars to count against 2013 cap. Free up as much 2014 cash as possible for a guy like Collaros or some OL Fair point, assuming those guys are willing to sign before the new CBA. All the more reason, then, to play guys like Pencer to develop them now. If we aren't spending for today, let's at least develop for tomorrow. Speaking of the CBA, some modified form of RFA would be welcomed, IMO. Too hard to develop through the draft when a guy can just leave after two years. I would like to see Brody McKinght play the rest of the year. Lets see what the kid can do.
  21. Only two correct picks this week Chaosmockey with Chris Garrett and Atomic with John Chiles 1 Strike Chaosmonkey Atomic holoman Noeller DR CFL iso_55 SPuDS M.O.A.B. 2 Strikes kelownabomberfan cdnfreak JPan85 17to85 Jacquie MOBomberFan Blueandgold Mr. Perfect Y2C Mike tacklewasher Fraser robynjt Brain Valderan_CA Place entries for week 14 below
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