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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Given that he is only in game 7 or eight of a real CFL offence you need to keep him around next year. Seems to be slowly getting it.
  2. Hall will make an excellent back up quarterback.
  3. If someone jumped offside there do they lose a down?
  4. Amazingly enough Denmark could go over 1000 yards this year with 80-90 yard games down the stretch.
  5. Does Ottawa get contract info on players left unprotected before they draft or are they going in blind?
  6. Sorry for the delay 2 Strikes M.O.A.B. Noeller 17to85 tacklewasher 3 Strikes holoman Atomic iso_55 kelownabomberfan MOBomberFan Blueandgold cdnfreak Jacquie 4 Strikes Chaosmonkey DR CFL SPuDS JPan85 Y2C Brain Mr. Perfect Mike Valderan_CA 5 Strikes Fraser robynjt Please put entries below
  7. Collaros does not sign with us if he knows Burris will be here. He might as well stay in Toronto if that's the case.
  8. The expansion draft is really not going to affect us that much when you look at. There is a lack of talent here so you are going to lose 1 import and 2 non imports big deal.
  9. Its more that the players were told by the league that their studies said that concussions had no impact on the brain. Plus the fact that the league would not take of the medical bills of former players who had could not take care of them selves based on injuries incurred playing in the NFL.
  10. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/league-of-denial/ Did anyone else watch? The NFL did not come across very well in this documentary. Decades of the denial of concussion based head disorders and the attack on scientist that are better trying to understand what years of head blows are doing to these guys made them look really bad. See what the game did to the bodies of guys like Mike Webster and Junior Seau really makes you questions yourself. Questions like does knowing about the extent, and seriousness of football injuries change how you feel about watching the game? Does it make you less interested? Come into your head.
  11. 2 Strikes holoman M.O.A.B. Atomic Noeller iso_55 kelownabomberfan 17to85 MOBomberFan tacklewasher 3 Strikes Chaosmonkey DR CFL SPuDS JPan85 cdnfreak Y2C Brain Blueandgold 4 Strikes Jacquie Mr. Perfect Mike Fraser robynjt Valderan_CA Please put entries below
  12. I think the Walters and Ken Moll combo will work out quite fine. With his willingness to go out and make deals I think it looks good that he will be able to pry out one of the qualities QBs from around the league.
  13. It's one of those trade for us that you can only judge 3 or 4 years from now.
  14. Kyle Walters pitch should be take Henoc and we will throw in Cauchy for free.
  15. Hopefully we don't kill the horse. But it's pretty windy here.
  16. I think Durant will be available this off season but no way are will they trade him in season.
  17. I got excited that the Riders might be in interested in Max Hall for a moment
  18. Reading up on Boyd remember him from Hardknocks with the Bengals. Got into camp late showed really good in practice but they had other guys that they wanted to keep around. Did not get much of look but had really good speed and pretty good hands.
  19. Would be funny if he does not get a NFL tryout and has to crawl back to the Ti-Cats.
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