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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. I have thinking about this for a about a week. Would BC have been better severed having Burris rather than Glenn and would Ottawa been better with Glenn rather than Burris.
  2. Hamilton has become a tough team to beat at home the second half of the year. It will take a big effort for either Montreal or BC to knock them off.
  3. Guess I should be pulling for the Alma Mater to beat the Dino's today so the Bison's get home field advantage.
  4. It's probably be more like CFL jersey ads than European hockey ones.
  5. Capers lasted 4 years. Campbell gets one more year at least if they don't pick up 4-5 wins next year then I think he get fired.
  6. If Scott Milanovich is indeed on the outs with the #Argos, as some suggest, would he consider an OC gig under former staff mate Mike O'Shea? — Darrin Bauming (@DarrinBauming) November 7, 2014
  7. Picard was ripped here when he was Toronto he could never block Doug Brown.
  8. Explains why he was on suspended list
  9. Was a free agent not on PR since all players on PR become free agents after season. It's a little weird this year with Bombers having a bye.
  10. Answered draft pick question. Brohm was for a fourth round pick and Portis was a 7th round pick. Has a pick in rounds 1-6.
  11. Don't think it's a scam since you know everything up front.
  12. 340-399 have been the price for season ticket holders so it's right where season ticket holders are going to pay next year. Might as well charge more for the few tickets that will be available there.
  13. Have been to the last two grey cups plus going this year the pricing is pretty much spot on. Not more expensive than 2015 prices.
  14. Anything to get more than 100 people in those sections is good in my opinion
  15. Being in sec 202 I will a birds eye view of it all. I like it.
  16. and he did that with most of guys that were on the 2005 team especially in the secondary was not that much turn over.
  17. Personally would like to see Hamilton and Edmonton. The Ti-Cat fans that came out last year to Regina were great.
  18. I don't see Bucknor going any where. He knows he has a starting gig here.
  19. The only thing that gets in a good mood similar to a Bomber victory is a Stamps win over the Riders. Especially when guys like Lewis and Cornish are the ones responsible for the win.
  20. Looked at the punt yards given up from the net and gross figures and the Bombers where in the top half of the league. Can't find the stats for kickoff returns though.
  21. 3-15 to 7-11 is progress Miller O'Shea and Walters over Garth Mack and Burke is progress' Drew Willy Brian Brohm Robert Marve over Max Hall Justin Goltz Jason Boltus is progress LH over Palardy/Sandro is progress 2014 secondary over 2013 secondary is progress 2014 draft over 2013 draft is progress There is still progress left to do o-line front seven and coordinators. The key is there is less work to do this offseason than there was last year.
  22. The gum swat should of ended this thread.
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