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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Funny with Jones being a free agent. There have been rumours that he wants to go to the Riders I wonder if they would go with him a head of Heenan,
  2. Penton said Riders a potentially 26 free agents. So few more names will come out.
  3. Last draft was pretty good. Got three guys out of 5 that made the roster. Derek Jones could push for a starters spot next year. Briggs should be a decent SP teamer. With Everett coming into to camp after a great season at Mount Allison. Along with LH as a rookie free agent was a good year.
  4. Groulx is a guy I would like to see over Demski big strong and the most important thing mean. Can play tackle. NFL threat may be too high though.
  5. Physical domination happening right now at Commonwealth
  6. What an embarrassing effort by BC 50 points to the Als results like this get people fired.
  7. Hopefully they can sit down with Willy and work a extension out with him. Sometimes getting these extensions done just as important as getting guys resign. Allows for more cost certainty going into the future.
  8. Has to one one of the worst playoff QB match ups in a while.
  9. Felt like we need to show him a little respect for what he has done this year
  10. Could not go wrong with either Bowman or Eliminian
  11. Would be never since a defensive player has never won MOP
  12. #RandleIsland got screwed by teams not throwing at him
  13. BC going to Montreal playing a 1:00 eastern time game. Going to play a big part. Look how bad eastern teams struggle playing night games in BC.
  14. Paid the price for a quarterback who could not hit the broad side of a barn and a receiver core that could not catch all year.
  15. White has a concussion might not play
  16. Can do exactly what Pat White has done all year.
  17. No doubt Jones is going to use this to his advantage. I bet Esks will be on lock down this week.
  18. Being told by a league source that it would "take a miracle" for Mike Reilly to play this week due to broken bone in his foot. #esks #TSN — Farhan Lalji (@FarhanLaljiTSN) November 11, 2014
  19. I was saying Trestman would never come to a team under those circumstances. Not that teams would not try.
  20. I don't know Trestmen would go to MTL if it meant Higgins would be fired.
  21. Panthers were in the NFC championship game second year first year finished 7-9. Jaguars made it to AFC championship game the same year beat the 13-3 Broncos. Minnesota Wild made it to conference final in 3rd year. San Jose won a series in third year. In five years Marlins were world champs. Colorado Rockies made playoffs in 3rd year.
  22. I am from the old Progressive Conservatives. Have voted conservative in every elections. Saying that I think its time for a change although the alternatives are not the greatest. Any time you start have a party that has been in power for over 10 years seem to get stagnant. Can see that in Manitoba right now.
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