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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. It was basically a pre-season game...looked every part of it. No worries...consistency will come.
  2. There is WAY too much negativity in this thread from not having got the 2pts at the end of the night. I dunno, but from what I watched, considering it was the first time this team (as a whole) has played together, I felt really good about it. They're going to get better as they go, and win more games than they lose. Lotta talent, and I even felt pretty good about Buck. I've never been one of those who beats the drum for Pierce as The Man, but I'm more than comfortable with him going forward. They were shaking off some rust, no question, and if the reffing (which shouldn't ever be an excuse...) is a little more consistent, things look different at the end of the night. I choose to take a lot more positives outta the game last night. I thought all 3 phases took turns looking good and bad, but they'll get that cleaned up. They'll get more consistent as the season goes on and that's going to lead to wins.
  3. re: Jovon's PI -- the call should have been a wash, because AB3 was interfering as much as JJ was. As for the premise of this thread, I actually burst out laughing. All through Joe Mack's tenure, all I've heard from Bomber fans is how we're too young. Not enough vet presence. Now we're too old? Get lost...you need a good combo, and I think we have that this year. The team showed a lot of good things last night that are being overshadowed by the fact that we didn't get 2pts. We're going to surprise a lot of people this year and win a lotta games...
  4. Thanks to everyone who participated in the chat room during the game last night. Lotta laughs...lotta good convo.
  5. I'm curious if anyone in Pool 1 got hooped like I did with Robert McCune being listed as a DL instead of a LB. Really threw off my whole pool...
  6. When Mike laughed at us, I knew we'd get it done, if only because I was so desperate to tell him to go **** himself.
  7. ha ha....the INTERWEB is serious business!!
  8. If you don't separate the words in hashtags by using capital letters, then you're the biggest ******* on the internets, period. You make baby Jesus cry...
  9. I can't believe they actually tracked the guy down. He'd dropped off the face of the earth, and wanted no part of being found. Tait was like a bounty hunter trying to get to him, and no luck. Glad this worked out....
  10. Sigh. You can take the people out of OB.com, but you can't take the OB.com outta some people. I'll wait till next week and see what happens. If all of our starters, playing together, get pumped, then I'll start getting worried.
  11. Honestly, this is a lot better game than last week so far. Making some completions on offense, and the D is decent in coverage and getting push up front....
  12. that's on me and 17to85.....just talking about how good Goltz has looked so far, and how well he's showed throughout camp. We jinxed it.
  13. As of today's FP, its Etienne vs Poblah for the other NI Rec spot opposite Watson.
  14. Re: Hefney not listening to the coaches.......there was a great quote in the FP today from Jovon, talking about how much he's willing to do anything for the coaches. Said that if Dickenson wants him to return kicks, he will, and if he wants a 7-year vet (Jovon) to get downfield on coverage, he's more than happy to do that as well. "Whatever it takes to win..." he said. If Hef had that attitude, he'd still be a Bomber....
  15. Alright, time to calm down a bit. You're starting to sound like some of the whiners around here. You don't need that...
  16. I love this thread. Huge fan of spite and vindictiveness over here...
  17. For the time being, this is a total non-issue for me. Once June 27 rolls around, I'll start paying attention to what's happening in the defensive backfield.
  18. I am absolutely LOVING how terrible this football game is. Hilarious.
  19. This just in: All of Bombers defense demands trade to Edmonton...
  20. Iso, when you're the calm voice of reason anywhere, then I know we've got some real winners around this place!
  21. Who says it's the QB that can't handle the blitz...?
  22. Yeah, I agree with this. I always go back to how the Pittsburgh Penguins mind-f***ed Fleury by riding him too soon, and the kid's never been the same because of it. I'm not a fan of just throwing a newbie to the wolves. You can make the case that Hall has probably got enough experience that he could step right in, but I'd still rather leave PIerce till one of those guys has enough reps to take over completely. For the record, I would have been more than comfortable starting the season with Elliott under centre this year, as I really felt he had accumulated those necessary reps.
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