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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. They have NOTHING for receivers overrated there... Shy would you not bring a guy like Denny immediately?? He'll do nothing but help them over there..
  2. If Richards is fully recovered from that injury, he could be a dark horse to win the NI Rec spot, but it's questionable just how healthy he is...
  3. I come from a very anti nerd world, so I know nothing of comic books. I was talked into watching the first Iron Man and got sucked into this crazy vortex called MCU. Coming from that perspective, purely as a movie goer that enjoys action and comedy movies... I'm a big big fan of this earth-based stuff. Thor and Guardians? Not for me....
  4. Walby was saying on twitter how much he loves the new roads, with the shoulders... I'm gonna take his opinion as a guy that wore the "original version" of these jerseys. If he digs the new shoulders, that's good enough for me...
  5. Love love loved it. I think sometimes you guys think too much about it. In terms of pure comic book movie, this somehow exceeded my insanely high expectations. Liked it easily as much as Avengers 1, tho maybe not quote as much as Winter Soldier. Missed Sam Jackson in this... He woulda been a nice touch. Spidey was great and I'm a huge Rudd fan, so the Ant stuff was fantastic. Surprised how much I dug the Black Panther character. Excited for his movie!
  6. Mindless, idiotic sheep over there....honestly.....
  7. Promoting the fact that you only have 4 GCs....I juts can't comprehend that. F*** I hate that "fan" base...
  8. 17to85 and I were just having the discussion this morning about how safe Bucknor is. He's a noted Bucknor detractor, and I feel he's **** on too often by fans. I wouldn't call myself a fan of his or anything that severe, but he's not as bad as people say. Now, having said that, at what point do they go younger and cheaper in a spot that everyone agrees is the easiest one in the defensive backfield......?
  9. Hard to tell in pics but it seems like they ditched the recent material, too in favour of the lighter, meshy material from a few years ago. I'm a huge fan of that...
  10. I watched on Periscope... Basically someone's phone rolling video, so it wasn't the best lighting or anything, but it didn't make me of ZOMG!!11!.... I think they'll grow on me tho. I need to see em in person.
  11. What if.... After all the hype about "giving us what we want... Back to royal blue..." they are still just awful? I have this "worst case scenario" feeling in the pit of my stomach. Please, CFL/Adidas... Please don't screw this up...
  12. Darrin Bauming‏@DarrinBauming Trent Corney says his last cheat meal to celebrate was five double cheesburgers from 5 Guys — in 5,000-6,000 calorie range. Damn. #Bombers
  13. Insanity....really is a physical freak. That guy's gonna hurt people...
  14. that's a great line....and holy Christ that video of him jumping outta the pool. Is it too early to say he's Canadian Tom Canada?
  15. That Cameron blog piece has so much "OMG WE'RE AMAZING!!11!" to it, it coulda been written by Spuds....love it.
  16. Gotta see em completely before I'm dropping that kinda coin....
  17. Ya sorry meant Loffler is poised to start at Safety before too long! Don't know a damn thing about Gauthier...
  18. Apparently Butcher's stock fell a bit because he can't play ST. Gauthier, Twitter says he could potentially start at S before long...
  19. Walters having himself a day...
  20. Hmmm Lofler at 19..... Good or bad?
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