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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Which means absolutely Jack squat... What you (or ANY of us) know about playing CFL MLB wouldn't fill a thimble...
  2. Ogopogo might just need a few weeks to shake off NFL rust, as Busterman did in the beginning...
  3. Must be some honeymoon........ #PutDownYourPhone
  4. Tough to win if your subordinates despise you. Don Matthews found a way, but not everyone can.
  5. So here's the thing about Berry... In spite of his record, he was despised in the locker room by all accounts...
  6. Kelly was a train wreck that shoulda never been allowed near the team in 2009....but I voted for Burke. As a HEAD coach, he was beyond atrocious. As a Defensive Coordinator, he was fantastic.
  7. Definitely not a well attended venue... No question about that.
  8. Cgy is just not a CFL town. The whole time I've been in AB it's been like that. Love their UFC, not so much the CFL...
  9. Such a curious near-50/50 split of opinion on Lankford...
  10. And in fairness, that fan volume is mostly because we have louder, more passionate, and overall, more intelligent fans who know when to be loud and when to shut up....
  11. Cool story, bro.... Its nice that you have something that doesn't completely suck in your stink infested garbage hole town.
  12. I tried to make this point last year and everyone thought I was insane. Everyone should have their picks in prior to the first game....
  13. The 3 seconds rule is new this year...
  14. The imagery here is super funny... Well done.
  15. If we play the same way next week, Calgary is going to straight up rape us on O and D. Was super ugly against a BAD Riders depth chart. I'll take the win, but man we made a shitty team look way better than they are.
  16. Excited to be home for the season opener! Here's hoping for a big win to celebrate. Osborne Village for some Canada Day fun this afternoon, bday party at Hotel Ft Garry later, a pregame pint at Barley Bros (won a $100 GC!) and then a house party with Coorsman, Wessmith and some others for the game. I am STOKED for today... Lets get it done, big Blue!! #ForTheW #BlueAndGoldTillWereDeadAndCold
  17. Ogopogo didn't necessarily look like any hot hell in pre season but I'm hoping he's a gamer when the bullets fly for real. Busterman will still see doubles until Ogo proves he still has the game, so he should have the space and opportunity this week...
  18. Thought Jeffcoat might get some time because he looked so good in preseason, but I trust management. Frig am I stoked for tomorrow!
  19. with the D corps that Calgary is amassing, their tenders won't have to do as much...
  20. Smith's been overrated his entire career. Not a fan of that guy. As for Jags, if you think he's coming to the coldest-weather climate in the NHL at this point in his career, you're insane. He'd go to the K before coming to Wpg, I think....
  21. I want to believe Trevor Harris is legit...I like the guy.....but until I see a whole season from him, I'm not ready to proclaim anything.
  22. NOt this year, but that was a tradition for a lotta years when I was with 730 CKDM up there. One year, Coorsman even had one of those old Sega GameGear's with the TV-tuner antenna on it, 'cause the game was on CBC at the time, so we watched it high up in the amphitheatre....so many great memories...
  23. You guys should be BEGGING for a Sam Hurl right about now........BEGGING!
  24. Now, as 17to85 and I were just discussing, I wanna believe this is going to be an awesome beat down by the Bombers, but there's still that little part of me that's a Bombers fan who's seen some **** over the years, and has seen this exact situation bite us in the ass before. Games we should win handily, and still we find a way to lose, because we can't have nice things.....
  25. Looks WAYYYYYYYYYY too Star Trek-y for me. I really like Shield, but this is too far into the nerd world...
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