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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Only you could take a well known saying and twist it into an argument like this. It's just a saying. I mean really generally the best coaches weren't terribly great players (there are always exceptions but a lot of coaches were pedestrian at best players)
  2. Terry Jones is unhappy when the buffet closes down. His time as a quality reporter is long past and he's just a guy who goes through the motions and tries to disturb ****.
  3. Yeah that guy got railroaded by a bad situation.
  4. Eisenberg is OK in the right role, in this role though.... yikes. Just don't buy it.
  5. So just chalk it up as karma and the universe balancing itself out after Edmonton managed only 1 goal on Varlamov the game before despite throwing 40+ shots on net. Score changes a game too, it was pretty even until the Oilers went up by a couple goals and then it was full on "don't blow this" from them as you might expect considering how banged up they are as a team and how useless 2 of their lines are.
  6. I guess what I just don't like is that it seemed that he became less competent as the movie went on eventually losing to a noob. I think there was probably a way to accomplish the same story telling without making him come across as a total *****. The fight with Finn was fine no problems there, Finn got beaten pretty cleanly as you'd expect. It's nit picking anyway, I did enjoy the movie and can see a lot of potential for the next instalment.
  7. That's cause the German Gretzky is a ******* amazing passer on both his forehand and backhand.
  8. plus one of the storm troopers in the beginning clearly had Spaceballs, the flame thrower!
  9. Yeah I certainly agree that there's lots of growth for the character. Just seems kind of lame that he got pwned by a total noob.
  10. I think the shot totals are misleading. Talbot made a lot of saves, but he saw every one of them. If you let a goalie see the shot in todays NHL unless he's having a terrible game he's going to make the saves. Yeah some of them were good coming across the ice saves, but there was nothing coming through a screen, there were no scrambles in front of the net.
  11. Saw the movie last night, I enjoyed it. The only gripe I have is that Kylo Ren didn't come across as an intimidating bad guy to me, just as a pouty boy. Maybe that's intentional the way they set up the finish his training line but compared to Vader in the original movies just no real sense that this was someone you didn't want to **** with. I did appreciate the touch with him dealing with Han though. That's a good way to make people dislike him. Still not sold on the actor though. The actors for Rey and Finn though did a great job. It's nice to have fun at the movies.
  12. Klefbom out is a big loss, Davidson out isn't horrible except Fayne has been much much worse than he should be. It'll come down to whether Edmonton has their finish or not. Hall and Draisaitl will get their chances just whether or not they go in.
  13. Both gore and suzuki are not worth listening to and scientists always said that Gore's documentary was full of BS.
  14. No, this is why you are being taken to task. You're taking lay people using data incorrectly and fear mongering to attack the scientific consensus. That's not what the consensus is, the consensus is that something greater than 90% of climate change articles in peer reviewed journals all agree on warming and less than 10% are against it. That's actual scientists who actually studied it in peer reviewed papers. It's 90% to 10% or maybe even more I don't know the exact numbers. That is the consensus people talk about, not celebrities like Al Gore and Leo DeCaprio talking out their asses.
  15. Oh please, the fans aren't shut out because the media doesn't actually give the fans the info they want. The media in Winnipeg likes to create a story then go looking for quotes to support it.
  16. The media in Winnipeg hasn't earned the right to talk to the coordinators. They all try and lead people down a path of answering questions in a specific way to fit their pre-determined story. If they would ask decent questions and not leading questions I bet the media would have access, but this way O'Shea can keep the media pricks in line. They want access they can start to be professionals and do their jobs well. They are the most entitled self important assholes going through and they simply hate when someone tells them no.
  17. Bowman still puts a pile of balls on the ground, he just gets thrown to a million times a game so he pads his stats.
  18. But your point makes no sense. If you're trying to argue that the science is contradictory then you can't pull up bullshit stuff like Al Gores documentary as evidence of that. That's not bad science, that's a celebrity pushing a cause using bad science and alarmist bullshit to do it which is totally different from the consensus that is out there. This is why people are calling out your arguments, but you're taking it as personal insults instead.
  19. Seriously using Al Gore? The guy isn't a scientist and his documentary was filled with poor science and everyone knew it. It was alarmist bullshit.
  20. There are quite a lot of people who believe Kopitar is actually better than Toews... is your assessment based on unbiased thoughts or are you just a big Toews fan dismissing another good player because he's not Toews? If Kopitar was from Canada (or played in a non west coast market) people would look at differently.
  21. Look, you can be a giant jerk here, that's fine. You are just like every single other warm-monger I know, who just twists words and then calls you names if you dare disagree with the bogus "consensus". What I said was that there have been zero predictions about man-made climate change that have come true. Zero. So why is that if the "science" is so solid? That's all I said. I didn't mention evolution or gravity, so why even bring them up? The reason evolution comes up is because you are using a similar style of arguing that creationists use to argue evolution. It's dressed up as being rational and logical and yes even scientific, but it's really not. The bogus consensus is not wrong, the thing about science is that it's constantly evolving as new information comes along. A lot of the predictions you like to claim as bogus were always intended to be worst case scenarios so that alone gives flexibility as to what did or didn't actually happen.
  22. Except that Miami was supposed to be under water several years ago, and it still hasn't happened. If the science is "solid", why has every single prediction made by said "science" been dead wrong? There is sooo much wrong in these two post- all you get is a snide remark, sorry. I am starting to expect a few gems from you two: -the earth is only 6000 yrs old- dinosaur bones? those were put here as God's test or the devil to trick us -Gravity has not been proven, it's only a theory. -Evolution? Just a theory, unless you include mud or clay as a point of origin. -Earth is round? Come on! -Earth goes around the sun? MADNESS! Just saying, "every single prediction made by said "science" been dead wrong?" gives us a clear indication where you two are coming from- there really is no room at the grown up table for you two, you guys get relegated to the kiddie table. But gravity is just a theory... It's actually not one of the things anti-science people say, it's used to try and explain to the ignorant types how a scientific theory is different from the traditional use of the word theory.
  23. The simple answer to that is, the Twilight movies made a crap load of money and they're steaming piles of ****. People will pay lots of money to see shitty movies for some reason. Good for him that he's cashed in on people's stupidity, but he's still a hack of a writer.
  24. Pretty much how I feel about all things. I don't buy into this "Anything that's good for the league..." stuff. I've suffered enough without a championship in 25 years.....**** EVERYONE that's not us.... Going on the tombstone
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